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Behaviour and Attendance Improvement

Behaviour and Attendance Improvement. Pauline Edwards My Background My Role: Remodelling and transformational change .

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Behaviour and Attendance Improvement

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  1. Behaviour and Attendance Improvement Pauline Edwards My Background My Role: Remodelling and transformational change

  2. VisionA commitment “in practice” to the belief that:Every Person MattersRelationships and Communication MattersWorking together makes a real difference Reflective practice impacts on outcomesWhat is good practice for vulnerable learners is good practice for all‘KEY: MOTIVATION AND ENGAGEMENT IN THE LEARNING JOURNEY’

  3. “One model fits all”NO!! Locality Based Quadrant ‘Provision Management’: We all have different needs requiring different solutions- a responsive service!

  4. The need for change-The Bigger Picture….. • Back on Track • Taking Back on Track Forward • CYPP • Ofsted • Every Child Matters-Children’s Act • White Paper • The Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 “WE MUST WORK MORE EFFECTIVELY AS AN EARLYINTERVENTION AND PREVENTATIVE MEASURE” “NO SCHOOL CAN DO IT ALONE” “WE ARE ALL ACCOUNTABLE AND ALL CONTRIBUTE TOWARDS THE BIGGER PICTURE” We must find ways of promoting models of management which promote the SEAL and Anti-Bullying agenda ‘STEP BY STEP CHANGE’

  5. What has led to the need for change? Behaviour and Attendance-“If we carry on with what we are doing, we will get the same results” What have the young people, parents and schools told us? What has the data told us-schools in categories, vulnerable groups, vulnerable families, progress and standards of attainment and ultimately NEET? What is the local, national agenda?

  6. What did the young people tell us….has it changed over the years? • Why does the member of staff not notice me when I am doing good work. They only notice the bad things I do • I change they do not change • They do not listen to the problems we are having outside of school, or how hard it is for us to do our work • They do not listen to me when I am finding it hard to work, they just think I am being bad • They give us work we can not do • They make us fit into their school • When I do not go to school its really hard to come back • They say I need to sort myself out, but they don’t sort themselves out • They say they will change things for me, but they don’t really change anything. WHY DO THEY MAKE ME FEEL SO BAD!

  7. Building sustainable models of development at the secondary level….

  8. Building Capacity “Thinking outside the box”Pilot Studies in the Children’s Support Services (2009-2010: ROLL OUT: 2010-2011) Colchester and Clacton: CSS and pilot mainstream schools • Curriculum Content, Delivery and Design-relationship and communication model-skilled helper/reflective practitioner/increased family engagement • Student Induction, Screening and assessment Systems-responding to local needs and trends • Teaching and Learning Frameworks and Tool kits (staff, students and parents/guardians)-Skilled Helper Model/Reflective practice • Staffing structures to reflect the needs of individuals and localities • Mental Health Projects • LABS • Expanding curriculum provision • Exit, and Outreach models • Small school models • Styles of leadership KEY: Sustainable and systemic change in order to better the needs of our most vulnerable learners, their families and ultimately increase standards of progress and attainment for all and decrease NEET. Models that are transferable to mainstream settings.

  9. Appendix 1: Secondary CSS OUTREACH MODEL-Proactive and Preventative Approaches CSS “VEHICLE FOR CHANGE” SYSTEMIC APPROACHES TOWARDS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT CSS Team Improving outcomes for Vulnerable Learners Working in partnership with schools Flexible Working Bespoke Packages IMPACT OF OUTREACH Individual school level Vulnerable Learners Improvements: RAISE-online (achievement of vulnerable Groups) Ofsted: Behaviour grading Attendance Attitudinal analysis IMPACT OF OUTREACH BAP/Quadrant level Vulnerable Learners Identification-cohort need CSS Quadrant support Ofsted Report for Partnership working good or better BAP Targets met (behaviour/Attendance) Referral Panels eg: Positive Referral Protocols Clear accountability lines to show preventative and proactive work has been completed by school Challenge-Robustness-Rigour BAPS Development of cohort provision Commissioning of CSS resources • Developing Capacity: In-school Alternative Provision • Flexible Workforces • Meeting cohort needs • Diversity Took kits YOUNG PERSON REFERRED TO CSS BASELINE: Identify Need/Set Targets Analysis of individual student need Family Engagement Whole school needs analysis-RAISE-online: vulnerable groups In-school Alternative Provision Quality of Teaching and Learning Skilled Helper Training Mediated Teaching and Learning Reflection Groups Coaching models: supporting and developing staff skills • Provision Audit: In school provision • Behaviour Management • LSU’s • Internal provision-Nurture groups etc • External provision • Screening and Assessment of • student needs-existing tools • Family Engagement • In-School Alternative Provision • Curriculum Packages-needs led • Design, Content and Delivery In-School Support Systems: Vulnerable learners (LABS) Systems which link Attendance, behaviour and safeguarding to Whole school outcomes Family Engagement

  10. Primary Approaches…step by step change…. Clear vision and strategic direction- “systemic” change and ‘thinking outside of the box’ • Consultation and Re-organisation-Listening and acting on what we hear from parents, students and schools • Partnership developments/cross phase working • Models of outstanding practice, support and strategies to schools which impact on ‘systemic’ change • Working ‘smarter’ and generating flexible workforces • Building on our successes and strengths ‘CHALLENGE TO DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY-THINKING OUTSIDE OF THE BOX’

  11. SECONDARY BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT LA STRATEGIC LEADS Anti-bullying/ IDP SOUTH CSS WEST CSS MID CSS NORTH EAST CSS SEAL/ IDP Heads of schools/centres Heads of schools/centres Heads of schools/centres Heads of schools/centres Behaviour Teams In-centre/outreach Behaviour Team In-centre/outreach Inclusion Manager JH/JK Behaviour Team In-centre/outreach Behaviour Team In-centre/outreach

  12. LA STRATEGIC LEADS Anti-bullying/ IDP SOUTH WEST MID NORTH EAST SEAL/ IDP Inclusion Manager KH Inclusion Manager DP Inclusion Manager JH/JK Inclusion Manager CC Behaviour Teams Behaviour Teams Inclusion Manager JH/JK Behaviour Teams Behaviour Teams

  13. Building Capacity: Working Together for Success CONTACT DETAILS Pauline.edwards3@essex.gov.uk Tel: 07805-897107

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