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‘Ma’ for Harmony A Wonder Panacea for Communal Conflicts www.ma4harmony.org.
‘Ma’for HarmonyA Wonder Panacea for Communal Conflictswww.ma4harmony.org
“We the Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains & Muslims release these pigeons symbolizing peace and harmony. We request you to stand up for total freedom from the deadly evil of Communalism.Humanity faces several problems global and local, from the drastic consequences of climate change, natural calamities and environmental pollution to poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, water and food scarcity, price rise, dreaded diseases and many other deadly threats. Adding to this woe are the unnecessary fights that we carry on between ourselves in the name of caste, colour, religion, region, language and race. We cannot remain divided anymore!Let us not fight amongst ourselves, lest we lose our focus, our peace and our lives. Let us together create a caring and sharing community. We have joined hands and vow to work for our collective mission and common cause and fight against the COMMON ENEMIES of the human kind”.What about you? We the Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain & Muslim appeal to you to join hands and work together to fight against the common enemies of the humankind, which otherwise will destroy our only HOME , the PLANET "MA for Communal Harmony"
Yes ! We should stop fighting between ourselves and fight against the common enemies of the Planet & the People . If we don’t do that ,we will not be there even to fight between ourselves. Let us work for the common causes Threats to Human Survival(Natural, Man-assisted & Man-made)COURTESY “Ma” for Harmony”www.ma4harmony.org”
A message that will touch you & totally change your mindset “IN this presentation you will see the pictures showing the COMMON ENEMIES of HUMANKIND As you scroll down; You will witness the frightening challenges that we face everyday and will face manifold in the near future. This prepares you to collectively take a stand and fight them. Let all of humanity pay attention. Please take a couple of seconds to see each picture as it unfolds a true story of the threats to our survival and that of our dear ones. These startling pictures will shed new light and meaning to your LIFE”
Natural DisastersSome dangers are inevitable… But human activities are also responsible
DRASTIC INCREASE IN THE ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE SPEEDING UP THE MELTING OF ICE CAPS, GLACIERS & ICE MOUNTAINS due to Climate Change The CATASTROPHE waiting at our door steps , Global Warming which will make the PLANET UNLIVEABLE within TEN years 70 % ARTIC has already gone. In 2013, ARTIC will become ICE-FREE The Danger No. 1
The entire world population should come together and jointly & collectively Global Warming Global Warning Global Warring fight against which is a there should be now a against which Unchecked 'Global Warming' will result 100% 'Global Winding'
This is a wake up call for waging the 3rd World war of a different kind , where the Nations & people should jointly fight against their common enemy GLOBAL WARMING Yes , We can UNITE people through Ma . Come, Join & ACT before it is too late
Danger No. 2 Ozone Holes & Ozone Depletion Ozone , the Nature’s protective umbrella has now several huge holes essentially due to excessive use of CFCs. As a consequence, more Sun’s most harmful U V Rays now reach the planet and cause havoc. See OZONE CANCER on the left margin for the causes and consequences of the depletion and the holes in the OZONE. The Ozone Layer deterioration Over Time. Image Credit: Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security.
The Earth is becoming more earthquake prone every day. A 10 second earthquake can kill thousands of people. Common threats Common causes
A major earthquake can cause a Tsunami. Such a natural phenomenon has no discrimination – It kills people of all religions, races, castes, colours or languages destroying millions in a few minutes. Common threat Mind you ,more Tsunamis are predicted
The Common THREATS The number of hurricanes that reach categories 4 & 5 which are the most powerful and deadly has doubled over the past 35 years due to SEA WARMING. Due to SEA WARMING , the Cyclones
Due to Climate Change, the Artic will become ICE-FREE by 2012 AD & the Antarctic will collapse by 2018 and the sea level will by 35 feet and many coastal towns and villages will disappear and go beneath the seas The most dangerous common enemy, Global Warming Common threat
These COMMON ENEMIES do not discriminate nor bother what is your colour, race , the language you speak , faith you practise , the caste that you belong to and your ideologies. Don’t you feel that we should now evolve minimum common causes and collectively work for realising the same in the interests of yours , mine and our descents. PONDER OVER before it is TOO LATE
Volcanoes release green house gases,a heavy ash fall,destroy buildings, cover fields and sometimes take lives. Winds carrying it can reach up to 22,000 square miles.
Natural and Man-Made Dangers Some dangers were accelerated by our actions…
Mosquitoes kill humans 25 times more than humans killing humans. Malaria causes more deaths than all the wars & civil wars Brain fever The Common Enemy
Diseases are working overtime and new types of diseases are born .
Every year, one river dies. The Common Cause
Deserts grow by 100 square kilo meters every year. The Common Cause
Our planet is losing 3 species per day due to humans moving to their space. The Common Cause
Each year, man made and nature made fires burn millions of hectares of forests worldwide.
Acid Rains destroy plant & animals in streams , damages forests & erodes buildings. The Common Problem
Farm lands are shrinking & population is bulging. Sea warming reduces fish population & soil warming reduces agricultural productivity. The Result - price rise. Common Issue
Man-Made Tragedies Some dangers could have been prevented… & should be prevented
Every 5 second a child dies, not by consuming poison but water. Polluted water is more dangerous than any human being of a different race , religion , language or caste.
Water bodies Dying bodies
It was Stone Age & Metal Age & now it is GarbAge now
Liquor kills the consumer , ruins his family and wrecks the economy.
Lung damage from air pollution is a risk faced by 1 out of 5 humans.
As these images depict, clearly we have so many dangers that we need to fight… There are so many causes that need us to stand as one… Then why do these self made perils of war & religious extremism exist??
We have head reeling & mind boggling problems as shown above , most of which we have no control. Can we at least STOP the following ?.
Through Ma , stop wars and extremism We have so many dangers mentioned above that we need to fight… There are so many causes that need us to stand as one… Then why are we doing the following, war & religious extremism?? Can’t we stop them which is within our discretion?...
We should at once STOP practicing Communalism & fighting Wars
WAR causes deaths , destruction of property , loss of natural resources and air/ water/ soil pollutions. One year's Industrial pollution is caused by a one day WAR.
Should we WAR between ourselves or WAR against our common enemies ? Are we making the right choice ? …Please ponder over…
Ma - A Background • As the number of religions increased, there arose a competition which gradually took on the ugly forms of communal riots, which lies dormant but ever ready to burst out at the slightest provocation. • Everyday we see around us Clashes and violence of intolerable kinds. • These sometimes, don’t last even a day but the impact and suffering of the victims remain as painful reminders. • We see the need to infuse the message among the masses that the Spirit of Humanity Strengthens Religion. • We have several far more lethal natural and man-made dangers to fight. There is no room for human animosity, rather there is a burning need for collective action. • Motherliness is meant to nurture goodwill and compassion and protect, not destroy and harm, which seems like an apt solutions to many of the ills of our society.
Ma – The Ideology • The ideology of motherliness underlying Ma is a universal ideology to all religion, caste or sects. • It believes that if a community could cultivate and nurture a balanced mind, free of like or dislike, never heeding to rumors and considers the fellow sect people with motherliness then, that would help transform the world. • Ma encompasses the simple humane laws of compassion, goodwill and protection as opposed to hatred and harm. Ma follows this belief in thought and action. • Ma would be the tool to destroy the enemies of society through the expression of motherliness. It would direct all of humanity to collectively fight common natural and global enemies than each other.
Ma- The Organization Members: Those who receive the Ma ideology, its mission and the organization are Ma members. They could start Ma in their street, residential area or at their organization. Any one can join. The young, old, children, men, women, youth, any community or language or caste can join the Ma Organization. Membership Fee: In a Ma organization of a street or an area, no fees is required to enroll as a member. If any funds are needed for administration, the governing members can collect a minimal amount as registration fee. The members of that particular branch of Ma Organization should manage the funds. Member Guidelines: Members would choose a cause, an area of service or activity that would unite the community members together. Four factors are needed in fulfillment of a task. • Authority • Delegation of job • Guidance • Motivation. • Any task with these factors will be accomplished successfully with no doubt.
Ma- Activities Good deeds need advertisement • It is commonly known of religion clashes even a meager one finds its enormous form through the passage of word of mouth and makes a vast damage of all kinds to the society. At the same time there are lot many people who work silently for the welfare of other religion. Their actions were not advertised. Instances, which depict humanity, should be thrown to the awareness of common public though media to create a conflict free society. • Members of Ma will create awareness and teach people to examine the facts before getting into action. Simple rumors through word of mouth could create great harm. They will also propagate the virtues of tolerance, patience with perseverance. • The members of Ma will take this ideology to school and college students. For the mind of the young are like wet cement on which lasting impressions can be made. Members will seek to leave the impressions of love, compassion and peace in the young minds.
Ma- Pledge “ I the member of Ma will adhere to motherliness through out my lifetime whole-heartedly. I hereby vow to toil towards the attainment of unity among various caste, creed, community and language. I will work my best to implement the action plans one by one. I will integrate all people to create a peaceful and sociable new world ” All the members of Ma should take this Pledge.