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Mature Games and Mature Gamers. James Cain. What affects a game’s rating?. Why do they do it?. To shock or frighten gamers (ex. Horror games) To add a touch of reality to a game’s look and feel To appeal to the gamers that can handle (and may even enjoy) adult content
Mature Games and Mature Gamers James Cain
Why do they do it? • To shock or frighten gamers (ex. Horror games) • To add a touch of reality to a game’s look and feel • To appeal to the gamers that can handle (and may even enjoy) adult content • The development of new technology has created new possibilities that game makers want to exploit
How did it all begin? • The first major campaign came in 1976, over the game Death Race • In 1993, the games Mortal Kombat and Night Trap caused a Senate hearing to propose federal video-game regulations • Toy stores pulled Night Trap from their shelves, and the ESRB was founded You Pedestrian Dead Pedestrian
How did it all begin? • On April 26, 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court announced that it would rule on the constitutionality of a California law passed in 2005 (but struck down in lower courts) • This is the first instance of the Supreme Court getting involved in the video game industry • Legislators have waged a failed war against virtual violence for nearly 20 years • An estimated 80% of retailers voluntarily refuse to sell mature games to minors
What’s the difference? • Games are interactive • Some games include parts that must be repeated (unlike movies) • Certain parts of games are “mandatory” – they can’t be fast-forwarded through
Violence Profanity Addiction
What harm does it do? • Violent video games cause players to become more aggressive • A University of Missouri study suggests that their brains become less responsive to violence
What harm does it do? • Profanity—profane actions, lyrics, etc.— can be found in a large number of popular games • The appeal and overall value of these games is lost to many gamers as a result • The profane parts are hard to overlook in some games due to repetition
What harm does it do? • Gambling can either be simulated or real • Slotland.com provides a number of online games in which actual money is wagered and (maybe) received • Addiction to games in general can be made worse this way
Is it worth it? • Playing M-rated games is comparable to drinking (addiction, mood changes, etc.) • Making M-rated games is inconsiderate of your potential audience • This audience will become smaller
References • www.esrb.org • www.gamefaqs.org • http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1985999,00.html • http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/05/110525151059.htm • wwnivny.wordpress.com • www.armchairempire.com • www.flickr.com • brucemhood.wordpress.com • www.dailytech.com • www.retrogamer.net • gamerillaz.com