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South Africa Case Study Update Matile Malimabe (matilem@statssa.za)

South Africa Case Study Update Matile Malimabe (matilem@statssa.gov.za) Executive Manager: Standards Acting Executive Manager: Data Management & Technology. Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Work Session on Statistical Metadata (METIS) Lisbon, Portugal 11 – 13 March 2009. Background

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South Africa Case Study Update Matile Malimabe (matilem@statssa.za)

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  1. South Africa Case Study Update Matile Malimabe (matilem@statssa.gov.za) Executive Manager: Standards Acting Executive Manager: Data Management & Technology Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Work Session on Statistical Metadata (METIS) Lisbon, Portugal 11 – 13 March 2009

  2. Background The DMID Project Current Status Metadata Management Tools Conclusions Contents

  3. Statistics South Africa is a national government department accountable to the Minister of Finance, regulated by the Statistics Act (No. 6 of 1999) Legislative mandate provides for: Promotion of coordination among statistical producers in SA Provision of statistical advice to government departments Liaison with the statistical agencies of other countries, and other international agencies Vision The preferred supplier of quality statistics Mission To provide a relevant and accurate body of statistics to inform users on the dynamics in the economy and society through the application of internationally acclaimed practices For more information: www.statssa.gov.za Background to Statistics South Africa

  4. TBD Stats SA Organizational Structure

  5. DMID stands for Data Management and Information Delivery A business improvement initiative with the following goals: Improve the way originating units develop, structure, capture and store data and metadata according to common standards and procedures Facilitate better data sharing between the various originating units Extend the analysis and comparability of data Improve access and use of data, and version control Central storage of data and metadata is key in improving the quality of, and access to, authoritative and reliable statistical information Adoption of corporate standards for capturing, storage of, access to and management of data and metadata throughout the statistical value chain, from needs analysis to dissemination The DMID Project

  6. Metadata Management Metadata categories (5) Definitional, Operational, System, Dataset, Procedural/Methodological Standardisation Enhance and provide consistent access to authoritative and reliable statistical data, building block for integration, Necessary precondition for analysis, data conflation, quality assessment, and methodological evaluation Centralisation Led to the development of the End to end Statistical Data Management Facility (ESDMF) The DMID Project (cont.)

  7. TBD The DMID Project (cont.)

  8. TBD The DMID Project (cont.)

  9. In the third year of originally planned 3 year schedule Development was contracted to a local software development company Received 17 out of 53 planned tools Some tools support tools that the user would use (internal) Other tools are visible to the users (external) Currently reviewing strategies to proceed towards the ESDMF Current Status

  10. Access Control Tool provides a central point for creating and managing access to all ESDMF tools Metadata Registration Tool provides a central registry for the registration, revision and relating of administered items: Data Element Concepts, Data Elements, Classifications Metadata Browser enables users to browse and search for administered items in the central registry Quality Tool enables users to setup the quality framework that is based on the South Africa Quality Assurance Framework (SASQAF) document, and forms the foundation for The assignment of Quality Indicators to Surveys, the capturing of Quality Metadata for a Survey and conduct QualityAssessment of a Survey ESDMF Reporting Tool allows users to generate static and ad hoc reports based on the data and metadata generated by the various ESDMF tools Survey Metadata Capture Tool manages the metadata for a survey on series and instance level Metadata Management Tools

  11. High Level Overview Metadata Management Tools

  12. Overview Access Control Tool

  13. Login to the Access Control Tool Access Control Tool

  14. Overview Metadata Registration Tool

  15. Metadata Registration Process Based on ISO 11179 Information Technology Metadata Registries (MDR) Metadata Registration Tool

  16. Overview Metadata Registration Tool

  17. View a Steward’s Work List Metadata Registration Tool

  18. Overview Metadata Browser Tool

  19. Screen Capture Metadata Browser Tool

  20. Overview Quality Tool

  21. Overview Quality Tool

  22. Overview Surveys with assigned quality indicators Quality Tool

  23. Overview Reporting Tool

  24. Overview Reporting Tool

  25. Overview Survey Metadata Capture Tool

  26. Overview Survey Metadata Capture Tool

  27. Overview Survey Metadata Capture Tool

  28. Metadata Systems We all wrestle with similar problems Solutions Collaboration Source code Knowledge on What to do Knowledge on How to do Conclusions

  29. Thank You!

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