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Activity 1: Terminology. Activity 2: Mobility. Activity 3: HWF Data. Joint Action on Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting Work Package on Data WP4 Kick-off Meeting. Zoltan Aszalos - Réka Kovács – Edit Eke – Eszter Kovács – Edmond Girasek Brussels – 12 th April 2013.
Activity 1: Terminology Activity 2: Mobility Activity 3: HWF Data Joint Action on Health Workforce Planning and ForecastingWork Package on Data WP4 Kick-off Meeting ZoltanAszalos - Réka Kovács– Edit Eke – Eszter Kovács – Edmond Girasek Brussels – 12th April 2013
The 3 categories in overlap • Professionally active • Licensed to practise
Terminology mapping working method • Activity based on available literature, projects (Matrix study, ISCO codes, ECHI indicators) • Questionnairewill be prepared for mapping the terminology gaps on national level at MSs, + UEMS and EFN contribution • Workshop discussions on • MSs practice on reporting to JQ, preparation of a questionnaire • Gaps, difficulties of international data collection concerning used definitions – analysis of the results of the questionnaire to identify gaps • Formulating policy recommendations to MSs on how to overcome gaps in terminology and improve the comparability of internationally available data NB: Cooperation with WP5 in order to use the same vocabulary whenidentifying minimum data set is needed
Participation in terminology mapping • No of days planned for this activity: circa 380 • Filling out the questionnaire: all countries and organizations participating in WP4 = circa 42 days • Smaller group of participants closer cooperation • (Working on the literature, questionnaire, workshop preparation, exploring MS practices and reporting on them at workshops) = circa 258 days • Writing report including policy recommendations = circa 80 days