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The impact of the gospel after obedience. Part 2. Acts 2:39-42. Acts of Worship.
The impact of the gospel after obedience. Part 2 Acts 2:39-42
Acts of Worship Hearing God’s word, meeting together and having fellowship, breaking the bread together, and as we shall see in the next paragraph, sharing our resources with those in need, are all acts of worship that we must continue in order to please God and maintain our steadfastness.
Acts 2:42 Relational
CONTINUED STEADFASTLY IN THE FELLOWSHIP(Acts 2:42). in[the]fellowship [Gk. term koinonia—thecontribution]. THE CONTRIBUTION FirstCorinthians16:1-2a:Concerningthecollection forthe saints…: on the first dayof [every] week, let each of youlay something aside, storingup as he may prosper.
THE CONTRIBUTION The Fellowship of Acts 2:42 refers to the contribution because any time the Greek term koinonia is found in the NT with the definite article (“the”) before it or when it stands alone without any qualifying phrase, it refers to its root meaning—contribution. (For examples of this see Romans 15:26, Second Corinthians 8:4, 9:13, & Hebrews 13:16.)
CONTINUED STEADFASTLY IN THE FELLOWSHIP (Acts 2:42). The word KOINONIA is a word which has to do with giving and receiving; with communication in giving; with sharing. literally having a share with someone in something, a joint participation in privileges and responsibilities.
Acts 2:42 “And they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”
Acts 2:42 Relational Koinonia = “to have in common” “to share”
Relational Cf. v46 “Every day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart.”
Acts 2:42 Relational Is this weird? What IS weird: - The way we are alienated - Spending days and nights often without MEANINGFULL human relating
Relational Is this weird? What IS weird: - Living in a sea of people who have no idea what’s really happening in our lives
Relational Is this weird? What IS weird: - Never having experienced actual intimacy with a community of people
Relational Is this weird? What IS weird: - Feeling like superficial banter means “being friends” with others
Relational Is this weird? What IS weird: - Thinking television or football or video-based entertainment can substitute for deep human relationships
Relational Our union with God OUGHT to provide the basis for closer relating… But it doesn’t happen automatically
Reflective Because of our selfish preoccupation we begin to take what God has done for granted
CONTINUED STEADFASTLY IN THE BREAKING OF THE BREAD.Acts 2:42 Reflective We need focused reflection on God’s nature and works
They were CONSISTENT in their ATTENDANCE TO THE LORD'S SUPPER Here called 'The Breaking of Bread'. v42 clearly refers to worship, so this is The Lord's Supper. Don't confuse - 'the breaking of the bread', with v. 46. 'breaking bread from house to house' which refers to a common meal, NOT to the Lord's Supper
CONTINUED STEADFASTLY IN THE BREAKING OF THE BREAD (Acts 2:42). THE LORD’S SUPPER ► WHEN? Acts 20:7a: On the first day of the week when the disciples came together to break bread [observe the Lord’s supper]. 1 Corinthians 11:20: When you come together ... it’s … to eat the Lord’s supper. (Paul’s point in verses 20-21 was obviously to show that though they thought they were observing the Lord’s supper, they actually weren’t doing that at all!) 1 Corinthians 16:2a: On the first day of [every] week, let each one of you lay some-thing aside.
THE LORD’S SUPPER ► HOW? 1. By having communion with the Lord and each other via a common loaf. 1 Corinthians 10:17: Because there is one loaf, we who are many are one body, because we all partake of one loaf (NIV); The New Century Version reads, We all [the assembled, cf. Alford]share that one loaf. (Cf. other versions.)
THE LORD’S SUPPER ► HOW? 2. By having communion with the Lord and each other viaacommoncup. Matthew 26:27: When Christ had taken a cup and given thanks, He gave it to His disciples, saying, Drink from it, all of you (NASB). Mark 14:23: When Christ had taken a cup and given thanks, He gave it to His disciples, and they all drank from it (NASB).
1 Corinthians 11:26-28 says, For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink the cup, ye proclaim the Lord's death till he come. Later in some of the writings of the church the Lord’s day, the Sunday became known as the DIE PANIS the day of the BREAD the day the Lords people came together to break bread
ACTS 20:7. Tells us that ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK WHEN THE DISCIPLES CAME TOGETHER TO BREAK THE BREAD That was a special meeting of the Church on a special day, for a special purpose. And it shows that the Christians at TROAS followed the example of the JERUSALEM Church, in consistently observing the Lord's Supper.
THE LORD’S SUPPER ► WHEN? When compared, these passages show that NT churches observed the Lord’s supper on a specific day every week (and history very well attests to this). So in other words… First century Christians participated in the Lord’s supper as often as they contributed into the Lord’s treasury.
CONTINUED STEADFASTLY IN THE PRAYERS (Acts 2:42). God-centered Corporate prayer: - a sharing together in common concerns and needs, a bonding together of minds
PRAYER & TEACHING These are the two things that were consistently observed in assemblies. Acts 2:42: They continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine … and in prayers. Acts 5:42: Daily in the temple and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus Christ. (Cf. Acts 20:7.) Acts 4:23-31 record a prayer of an assembled group of Christians.
PRAYER & TEACHING The public teachers & prayer leaders were to speak one at a time in the assemblies. 1 Corinthians 14:27: When men want to speak, let them do so …each in turn. Why? 1 Corinthians 14:33: Because God is not the author of confusion. Besides that… 1 Corinthians 14:13-19 & 29-31 refer to how that the teaching and prayer leading was to be intelligible.
Notice that expression. THE PRAYERS. Not 'in PRAYER'; Not that they kept on PRAYING - and we know that they did that. But THE PRAYERS. Brethren have been know to PRAY AT each other - not FOR each other, or WITH each other. Prayer has become a WEAPON used against each other, instead of a weapon with which to fight the Devil.
CONTINUED STEADFASTLY (Acts 2:42). • A fruitful Church that is pleasing to God • Witnesses of Jesus in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth
Many of these things that are spoken of here are under attack today -- Sunday meeting together Giving as part of our worship on the first day of the week etc we need to remember the work of the early church
May we continue steadfastly in these in its footsteps May every congregation today be characterized by these four features at least.