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第五章 机械的效率和自锁

第五章 机械的效率和自锁. Chapter 5 Efficiency and Self-lock in Mechanism. §5-1 The efficiency of mechanism 机械的效率. Main concept :. Input work ( 输入功 ) : The work that is produced by the drive force. ( W d ) Output work ( 输出功 ) :

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第五章 机械的效率和自锁

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  1. 第五章 机械的效率和自锁 Chapter 5 Efficiency and Self-lock in Mechanism

  2. §5-1The efficiency of mechanism 机械的效率 • Main concept: Input work(输入功): The work that is produced by the drive force.(Wd) Output work(输出功): The work that is produced by conquering the effective resistance force.(Wr) Lost work(损耗功): The work that is produced by the conqueringnoneffectiveresistance force.(Wf)

  3. 机械稳定运转时: • Main concept: The efficiency of the mechanism(机械效率): The degree of utilization of the input work.(η) The ideal mechanism(理想机械): The mechanism without friction. The ideal drive force(理想驱动力): The magnitudes of the drive force, not taking friction into account. A group of mechanisms(机组): It consists of many mechanisms which assemble in certain ways.

  4. The method of denoting the efficiency of mechanism:(表示方法) 1. Using the form of work(功) h = Wr / Wd = 1- Wf / Wd (Wf↗→ h↘) (h = 1——理想机器——永动机) 2.Using the form of power(功率) h = (Wr /t) /(Wd /t) = Nr / Nd = 1- Nf / Nd t ——一个运动循环时间 h = Wr / Wd

  5. vQ F Q vF 3. Using the form of ideal drive force力(矩)表示 设:F——实际驱动力;Q——实际生产阻力;VF、VQ作用点沿力方向线速度。 h = Nr / Nd = QVQ /FVF 设想机器中无有害阻力——理想机器。设F0为对应(克服)同一生产阻力Q时的理想阻力。对于理想机器,有 h0= QVQ /F0VF = 1 即:QVQ = F0VF ∴ h = F0 / F 同理有:h0= Q0VQ /FVF = 1 Q0VQ = FVF ∴ h = Q / Q 0 驱动力的效率表示 生产阻力的效率表示 F0-------ideal drive force F------real drive force Q0-------ideal drive force Q------real drive force

  6. h 实际生产阻力矩 理想驱动力 实际生产阻力 理想驱动力矩 = = h = = 理想生产阻力矩 实际驱动力矩 理想生产阻力 实际驱动力 Similarly, h can also be represented by torque(力矩): h = MF0/ MF = MQ/ MQ0 生产阻力矩的效率表示 驱动力矩的效率表示 Conclusion:

  7. Working machine Gear bearing Belt transmission motor Application: example:cylinder gear 圆柱齿轮 6~7级 0.98~0.99 8级 0.97 Belt transmission(V-belt) 带传动(v带) 0.96 Rolling-contact bearing 滑动轴承: 0.94(润滑不良) ;0.97(润滑正常) ;0.99(滚体润滑)

  8. The way of the structure in mechanism group(机组) … Nr1 Nr2 Nr3 NrK-1 NrK h1 h2 h3 hK Nd Nd2 Nd3NdK …… Nr2 Nr3 NrK-1 NrK Nr1 = …… Nd1 Nd2 Nd3 NdK-1 NdK NrK h = Nd 1. serial structure串联 h1=Nr1/Nd1、h2=Nr2/Nd2、hK=NrK/NdK =h1h2……hK Conclusion: The efficiency of one mechanism will greatly affect the whole efficiency of the mechanism group.

  9. Nr1 Nr2 Nr3 NrK-1 NrK h1 h2 h3 hK Nd Nd2 Nd3NdK 1. serial structure串联 h =h1h2……hK 结论:(1) 串联机器(组)的总效率等于组成该机器(组)各机械部分效率的连乘积; (2) h <himin≤hi——总效率小于组成该机器任一机械部分的效率,当某一部分效率太低时,将直接影响到机器总效率; (3) K↗→h↙——用尽可能短的传递路线。

  10. (Nd1h1 + Nd2h2 + …+ NdKhK) Nd ∴h = = (Nd1 + Nd2 + …+ NdK) Nd1 Nd2 Nd3 NdK h1 h2 h3 hK Nr Nr1 Nr2 Nr3 NrK Nd Nr 2. parallel structure并联 Input power: Nd = Nd1 + Nd2 + …+ NdK Output power: Nr = Nr1 + Nr2 + …+ NrK ∵hi= Nri/Ndi and Nr = Nd1h1 + Nd2h2 + …+ NdKhK Conclusion: We should enhance the efficiency of the mechanism which has greater power to improve the efficiency of the whole mechanism group. 在并联机组中,要提高并联机组的效率,应着重提高传递功率大的传动路线的效率。

  11. §5-2 The phenomenon of the self-lock机械的自锁现象 1. The definition of self-lock :(定义) According to the structure of some mechanisms, a movement will arise along the direction of the drive force when a enough big force applies to the mechanism. But because of the existence of the friction, the mechanism will keep resting whatever the force’s increasing. This phenomenon is called as self-lock. 有些机械,由于其结构的形式以及摩擦影响,导致当沿某一方向施加无论多大的驱动力(矩)时,都无法使它运动的现象,这种现象就叫作机械的自锁。

  12. 2. The meaning of researching the self-lock(意义): On one hand we should avoid the self-lock to make the expected movement appear. On the other hand some mechanism can not work without self-lock.

  13. P P′ P″ N R R21 j N j P 1 Px F 2 a P Py R21 N P j a Py 1 F Px 2 F 3.The discriminant of the self-lock(自锁条件): tga = Px / Py,tgj = F / N= f ∵ Py = N ∴ Px = (tga/tgj)* F Discussion: (1) a > j 摩擦圆锥 主动力P的作用线在摩擦角j 之外。Px > F,即滑块加速。 (2) a = j P与R共线。Px = F a.原本运动——滑块等速运动; b. 原不动——静止不动;具有运动趋势。

  14. P P a R21 N P a j a Py 1 F Px 2 (3) a < j P作用线在j之内,Px <F。 a.原本运动——减速至静止; b. 原不动——滑块保持静止——不论P力有多大。 • 归纳:由此可见,在a≤j时,tga/tgj≤1。这说明: • 随着P↗→Px↗、Py↗→F↗,而(F-Px)↗,故原静止不动的滑块不会发生运动。 • 无法使受力对象产生运动的现象称为机械的自锁。 • Conclusion: The discriminant of the self-lock is a≤j. • a---transmission angle(传动角); • j---friction angle(摩擦角) • 平面自锁条件——a≤j;

  15. 4.The discriminant of the self-lock in form of power 机械自锁的效率表示 The reason of self-lock is that the input work done by drive force will never be greater than friction work caused by drive force: Wd ≤ Wf. h = Wr / Wd = 1- Wf / Wd = Nr / Nd = 1- Nf / Nd Conclusion: self-lock: h≤ 0 (机械自锁的效率表示条件) 设计机械时,可以利用上式来判断其是否自锁及出现自锁的条件。当然,因机械自锁时已根本不能作功,故此时,h已没有一般效率的意义,它只表明机械自锁的程度。当h=0时,机械处于临界自锁状态;若h<0,则其绝对值越大,表明自锁越可靠。

  16. n θ θ N R21 a v j 1 1 P 2 F 2 a N′ N′ Q n Q 5.self-lock of vee-slot 楔形面自锁条件 与平面摩擦相对应,对于楔形面摩擦可以直接用fv代替f,相应地可以用jv代替j。 结论:自锁条件——a≤jv 6. self-lock of slot斜面自锁条件 1) Sliding up along the slope in constant velocity (等速上升): Balance: P = Q tg (a + j) and:P0 = Q tg a (ideal drive force) efficiency: h= P0 /P = Q tg a / Q tg (a +j) Let, h ≤ 0,so: (a + j) ≥ 90° Self-lock discrimination : a≥ 90°- j

  17. n R21 α N j F v P 1 n 2 α Q 2) Sliding down along the slope in constant velocity(等速下降): P = Q tg (a-j) (resistance force) and P0 = Q tg a(ideal resistance force) Efficiency: h = P / P0 = Q tg (a-j)/ Q tg a Let,h ≤ 0,so:(a-j) ≤ 0 Self-lock discrimination:a ≤j

  18. Q′ ″ h Q′ Q″ Md Q r ω12 0 r R21 1 2 7. self-lock in shaft neck(轴颈自锁条件) ∵Md=Qh, Mf= R21r =Qr, h = Md / Q ∴ 1. 当h > r 时,构件加速回转。 2. 当h = r时, a.构件原运动,仍等速运动; b.构件原静止,仍保持静止。 3. 当h < r时, a.构件原运动,将减速至静止; b.构件原静止,仍保持静止。 结论:自锁条件为: h ≤ r,即表现为驱动合力与摩擦圆相割或相切。

  19. Q 1 2 m a n j j R23 R42 3 P n a R32 m v 4 R43 j Example: a slot-presser is shown in Fig. Calculate the self-lock discriminant when horizontal force P is released. Solution: The balance equation of link 2 and link 3: Q + R42 +R32 = 0 P + R43 + R23 = 0

  20. Q 1 P 2 (a– j) m (90°+ j) a n j R43 j R23 R23 R42 3 P j n a Q R32 R32 m (α– 2j) v 4 R43 R42 j (90°- j) ∴Q = R32 *sin(a-2j) /cosj P = R23 *cos(a-2j) /cosj That is Q = P *ctg(a-2j) And Q0 = P *ctga (ideal drive force) ∴h=Q0 / Q =tg(a-2j)/tga Result: a≤2j Q + R42 +R32 = 0 P + R43 + R23 = 0 自锁条件

  21. 本章结束

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