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The Silent Way. Adviser: 陳怡真 教授 Reporter : N97C0009 黃尹人. What is the Silent Way ?. It is the name of a language teaching method devised by Dr. Caleb Gattegno.
The Silent Way Adviser: 陳怡真 教授Reporter:N97C0009 黃尹人
What is the Silent Way ? • It is the name of a language teaching method devised by Dr. Caleb Gattegno.
Dr. Gattegno (1911~1988) 是一位精通多國語言的數學、心理雙博士,生於埃及。他創新的教學法─默示法,是利用積木與色彩而發展出來;現今有十九種語言都可以使用默示法中的積木與色彩來配合教學。特色:─色彩幫助兒童發音,藉由色彩輔助, 使兒童能找出母音, 並正確地發音。─彩色積木幫助學習者分析、 熟悉語言結構,奠定語言結構 的基礎。資料引用自: 1. 默示法教學簡介2. http://www.silentway.com.tw/
During the process of teaching, the teacher has to be silent as much as they could, but the learner has to be encouraged to produce as much language as possible.
The teacher uses charts, gestures, and manipulatives to elicit and shape student responses and so must be both facile and creative as a pantomimist and puppeteer.
Within the atmosphere of silence, learners would concentrate on the task to be accomplished and the potential means to its accomplishment.
Basic to the method are simple linguistic tasks in which the teacher models a word, a phrase, or sentences and then elicits learner responses.
Learners go on to create their own utterances by putting together all the information they have.Rods, charts, and other aids could be applied to elicit learner responses.
Learners only have themselves and the group to rely on, and they need to work cooperatively rather than competitively.
Though teachers modeling is minimal, learners are expected to develop independence, autonomy, and responsibility.
The absence of correction and repeated modeling from teachers require students to develop “ inner criteria” and to correct themselves and their peers.
The learners adopting Silent Way obtain “ inner criteria,” which is very important“in one’s education throughout all of one’s life” (Gattegno 1976; 29)
Awareness is educable. As one learns “ in awareness,” one’s powers of awareness and one’s capacity to learn become greater.
The materials of Silent Way method mainly include a set of colored rods , one pointer , color-coded pronunciation and vocabulary wall charts, and writing or reading exercises, and so on.
The pronunciation chart, called “ Fidel,” has been devised for a number of languages and contain symbols in the target language for all of the vowel and consonant sounds of the language.
Ex. vowel cap bat nut cup lid sit net web pot top
The colored Cuisenaire rods are used to link words structures with their meanings in the target language. The rods vary in length from 1-10 cm, and each length has a specific color.
The rods could be used to represent what the teacher intends to model.
Ex. 1. I walk my dogin the parkevery afternoon.2.Momboughta dressat a shoplast week. 3. I likereading. 4. Eight people arein this classroom.. 5. Itrainedthis morning. 6. Ritatook a showerafter work.
Comparison with the traditional teaching methods Traditional teaching methods strongly focus on repetition of sentences modeled by the teacher, and a process through guided elicitation exercises to freer communication.
In the Silent Way, the indirect role the teacher is required to assume in directing and monitoring learner performance, the responsibility placed on learners to figure out and test their hypotheses about how the languages work.
臺灣也有默示法的教學補習班,北中南都有。 默示法美語 天母分校 此張圖片轉載自網路:網址 http://www.silentway.com.tw/school01.html
Thank you. 感謝默示法美語 忠孝分校協助Lydia 老師指導楊明倫教授 指導陳怡真教授 指導 本文資料參考引用自:1. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (2nd edition)2. 默示法教學簡介(賽能股份有限公司)3. 英語教學法大全(師德文教股份有限公司)