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IHEP. LHC. 2010. INSTITUTE FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (IHEP) Protvino, Moscow Region, 142281, Russia. Russian Counterpart of LHC — Accelerator Complex U 70 of IHEP. S ergey I vanov. International WS FIRST RESULTS FROM THE LHC AND THEIR PHYSICAL INTERPRETATION October 19–21, 2010
IHEP LHC 2010 INSTITUTE FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (IHEP)Protvino, Moscow Region, 142281, Russia Russian Counterpart of LHC — Accelerator Complex U70 of IHEP Sergey Ivanov International WS FIRST RESULTS FROM THE LHC ANDTHEIR PHYSICAL INTERPRETATION October 19–21, 2010 Protvino, Russia
Outlook • Generalities • Routine operation • Proton beam • Light-ion program • Further diversification options Project AC-IHB • Conclusion Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
Layout of accelerator complex U70 • 4 machines (since 10.2007): • 2 p-linacs • 2 p-synchrotrons main gate synchrotrons place of meeting linacs URAL30: 0.1-30 MeV, RFQ (2 MeV) + RFQ DTL I100: Alvarez DTL, 0.7—100 (72.7) MeV p; 16.7 MeV/u d, C (@ 4) Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
Photo album of machines Alvarez DTL I100 RFQ DTL URAL30 RC PS U1.5 Main PS U70 Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
Fixed-target physics and BTL network • Beams of • p, , K, e, • Field of research: • h spectroscopy • spin physics • rare K-decays • h-A interactions • [ physics] • [light-ion physics] • … 90 m Collaborators: IHEP, ITEP, JINR, INR, St.-PNPI, MSU, MEPhI, CERN, FNAL, … Up to 9 HEP experiments per a run, up to 7 beam users per a cycle Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
Goals of activity • 4 goals: • Regular runs: stable operation and high p-beam availability • Improve p-beam quality (lower ε, higher N, up to 31013 ppp) • Implement a complementary light-ion program, q/A = 0.4–0.5 • Assess medium- and long-term diversification & development options to maintain and develop accelerator and experimental facilities on the IHEP grounds for applied and basic fixed-target research with hadron beams Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
Routine operation • Statistics: • twice a year • around a 1000 hr long run • 1 week long MD pre-session, 2-3 day mid-run MD, and EoR MD • 50 GeV (–20% in overall power consumption w.r. t. 70 GeV) • Beam availability 83–84% for experimental physics Run 2009/2, 3 hr or 1000 cycles SEB (in-out 90-95%) Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
Longitudinal feedbacks Accelerating system GRAPHITE, 40 ferrite-loaded 1-gap cavities, RF 5.52–6.06 MHz, 10 kV/gap 6 FB loops: Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
Beam quality, longitudinally DC CT PU Bunch length 12.2 ns Peak power 0.4–1 TW VRF peak D without 200 MHz spill cavity below tr @ 50 GeV Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
RF gymnastics 15.8 ns 5.0 ns Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
35 kHz f0 Transverse (NB, local) feedback H: 14.7–72.3 kHz, 45 V: 29.4–43.2 kHz Damping factor = 100 w. r. t. natural Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
Transverse (WB) feedback natural, FB off sweep 100 ms linear FB Damping factor = 20 w. r. t. natural 100 ms Digital “bang-bang” FB Damping factor = 50 w. r. t. natural 8 ms Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
p-beam intensity Run 2009/1 U70 max-N mode 29 bunches, 11013 ppp Back to 200 MHz spill cavity U70: max 0.7–1.11013ppp, beam loss over acceleration 2–3% bunch 96 – 17 – 20 nsthrough cycle , Н size 9–11 mm (50 GeV, (flying-wire, SS103)) SSEtoBTL 21 (ОКА) 6–9.51012pper spill spill length 1.4–1.85 s U1.5 max 5.31011ppb Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
Extraction systems • Fast single-turn, 1–29 p-bunches, up to 1.1–1.21013p p p, about 90% efficiency • Slow resonant, up to 51011–11013p p p, spill to 2–3.5 s @ 50 GeV • Conventional, actuation via magnetic optics, lens Q38 • Stochastic, actuation via RF noise @ 200 MHz, since 2006 • Secondary particles from internal targets • Bent crystal (Si) deflectors, 1106–11012p p p,about 85% efficiency Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
5 mm 5mm Bent-crystal deflectors Run2007: 3 CD(19, 24, 30) 6 experiments CD19 IT24 IT27 Beam to IHEP-CERN experiment on radiation sustainability of liquid Ar Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
Slow stochastic extraction CERN Courier vol 47 no 2 March 2007: 63% in 2.9 s. = 0.40, duty factor Ф2/Ф2 = 0.87. No lines of mains harmonics 3rd integer horizontal resonance 3Qx = 29 200 MHz RF system Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
Slow extraction & OKA experiment Run 2009/1 Technological data from U70 Data from OKA facility counters Spill 1.85 s long 0.951013p per a spill 50 GeV Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
Light-ion program (1) Non-destructive w. r. t. p-mode Fully stripped (bare) ions, q = Z Charge-to-mass ratio q/A = 1/2 • Reference ions: • 1H1+ protons, p • 2H1+ deuterons, d • 12C6+ carbon Prospects of going to heavier ions will be assessed later with more experimental data at hands 50 000 23 600 Milestones are accomplished 9-12 mA 12C5+ Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
Light-ion program (2) I100-U1.5-U70: Huge scope of preliminary work -- DDS MO, technological feedbacks (gain 20 &SNR), beam diagnostics (DCCT), transfer synch, pilot low-intensity p-bunchwith N = 1010, RF system in U1.5 and U70, BTL I100/U1.5? SS#9 of U1.5, injection insert, etc April 27, 2010Deuteronswere accelerated 23.6 GeV/u in the U70 U70: from 41010to 2.51010dpb in-out transition crossing I100: 21 mA d pulsed 40 s91% in-out in BTL U1.5: from 1.41011to 8.61010dpb in-out Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
Project AC-IHB Accelerator Complex of Intense Hadron Beams • Maintain the entire U70 complex running • Local expertise- and site-specific • Multi-purpose and multi-user • Open to a long-term development • Advanced but proven technologies • Staging (#0, 1, 2, 3, and beyond) • Open to collaborative efforts to many national institutions Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
Layout of AC-IHB Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
Linac LU400 Conventional (non-SC) H minus Conventional macro-sectioning Funneling is an upgrade option Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
RC PS U1.5 (1) Super periodicity 6 No of FODO periods 36 Dipoles 24 Quads 72 (3 families) RF cavities ferrite loaded 36 20 kV @ 2.5 m Fast extraction 2 directions, identical Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
RC PS U1.5 (2) 1 envelope 4 margin FODO (90 deg) Missing dipoles QBA half-orbit dispersion-free WP (9.15, 7.20) Coulomb Q (-0.08,-0.15) Dipole 4 m, 0.95 T, gap 150 mm. Quad 0.6 m, < 5.6 T/m, radius 102.8 mm Chamber 126 mm 60 mm inner half-axes Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010
Conclusion • Accelerator complex U70 of IHEP-Protvino: • comprises 4 machines (URAL30, I100, U1.5, and U70 proper), • readily ensures running the fixed-target physics program, • is subject to ongoing upgrade program, • has noticeably improved quality of proton beam, • is on a way towards routine acceleration of light-ions to 34 GeV per nucleon (now, U1.5 and U70 PS and LIS machine types) • a new project AC-IHB is developed, and other diversification options are being assessed Welcome to IHEP-Protvino, on behalf of our accelerator community Int. WS IHEP LHC 2010