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ESSAY 3 DEADLINE 4TH DECEMBER PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS (personales.upv.es/ ajaime ). UNIT 7. Vocabulary Conventional Power Plants: Thermal power plant Nuclear power plant Hydroelectric power plant Grammar and functions Active vs . Passive
UNIT 7 Vocabulary • Conventional Power Plants: • Thermal power plant • Nuclear power plant • Hydroelectric power plant Grammar and functions • Active vs. Passive • Revision of vb tenses (regular & irregular vbs) • Revision of grammar structures
TRANSLATION • GREAT/LARGE AMOUNTS OF ELECTRICITY CANNOT BE GENERATED UNLESS ) a coilrotates in a magneticfield • thatIS DONE BY MEANS OF/WITH A TURBINE connected to a generator • The turbine converts the kinetic or thermal energy of a flowing fluid INTO useful rotational energy • A generatorcontainsthestator, WHICH IS THE MAGNET and a rotor, WHICH IS THE COIL • WHEN/AS THE ROTOR TURNS the wires cut the lines of force in the magnetic field of the stator • PRODUCING AN ALTERNATING CURRENT • The enormous size of modern generators and the speed AT WHICH the rotor can turn mean that electric power of very high voltage can be produced • AS MUCH AS HALF A MILLION VOLTS can be transmitted over high voltage lines to substations • IN WHICH THE VOLTAGE IS REDUCED WITH / BY (MEANS OF THE USE OF) USING TRANSFORMERS
TRANSLATION • The rotor is turned BY/ BY MEANS OF / WITH a turbine, • a huge machine moved by water or STEAM IN POWER PLANTS • ACCORDING TO/DEPENDING ON THE SOURCE OF ENERGY USEDtomovethe turbine • By far, the most important sources of power are those producedbyTHE CHEMICAL ENERGY OF/FROM FOSSIL FUELS, LIKE/SUCH AS OIL OR COAL , nuclear energy and thepotentialenergy of waterfalls. • Fossil-fueled power plants contain a boiler WHICH WORKS LIKE a big kettle. • AFTER BEING HEATED (UP) TO A CERTAIN TEMPERATURE ), the steam is passed through small holes, increasing the speed of the water molecules • The fast moving molecules hit the blades of the turbine and MAKE IT (THEM) TURN .
VIDEO: Coal PP (Utube 0-1:50) • Where is half of world’s electricity generated? In coal power plants • How many are there in the world? Close to 3,000 large coal PP • How this controversial yet indispensable PP works, i.e. how to convert the energy storedinthe COAL to ELECTRICITY • To increase burning efficiency a POWDERED COAL and air MIXTURE enters the furnace • During the burning process the chemical energy storedin the coal is releasedas heat to create high temperatures insidethe furnace. • This heat passes to the water inside the coils locatedin the furnace. • The hot water isthenforced to move to the boiler where it evaporates and generates high-pressure steam. • The high-pressure steam is taken tothe steam turbine • The energy inside the steam is converted into mechanical energy. • This mechanical energy isthentransferredto the generator where it will be convertedinto electricity • The generated electricity isfinallytransferredto the grid through a transformer and is ready to be consumed by the public
ACTIVE vs PASSIVE Passive voice: • The agent (doer) of the action is NOT IMPORTANT or UNKNOWN • To EMPHASIZE the first part of the sentence • Typical VOICE in TECNICAL ENGLISH, particularly when describingprocesses. The pyramids were built thousands of years ago. The samples were analysed in the laboratory The mixture is fed into the pulveriser. NOTE: • Some verbs have NO PASSIVE (intransitive, impersonal) = e.g. RAIN, OCCUR, BECOME, RISE • Be careful with Spanish expression “se + vb”: e.g. se lava las manos = he washes his hands; los polos se atraen = the poles attract each other • Placement of SUBJECT: (with vbs like THINK, BELIEVE, CONSIDER, ESTIMATE, REQUEST …) • The atom was thought to be the smallest particle; • Students are requested to register in the university website; • Renewable energy is believedto be the answer to climate change
PASSIVE VOICE TO BE (changing verb) + Past Part of MAIN VERB. + DEVELOPED The system ….. • PRESENT = IS • PRESENT CONT= IS BEING • PAST = WAS (WERE) • PRESENT PERFECT = HAS (HAVE) BEEN • PAST PERFECT = HAD BEEN • WITH MODAL VB = CAN/MUSTBE • WILL / SHOULD = BE • GERUND = BEING • PAST PARTICIPLE = BEEN • AGENT = BY (por) = The system was developed BY the engineers of the plant • if an object = BY / BY MEANS OF / USING = The system was developed BY MEANS OF / USING a new technique
VERB TENSES Nuclear energy is the energy RELEASED through the fission or fusion of atomic nuclei. In the process KNOWNAS nuclear fusion two light atoms join together UNDER conditions of extreme HEAT and PRESSURE (at LEAST 50,000,000 degrees Celsius) until they merge, forming a new nucleus WHOSE mass is only slightly smaller THAN the total masses of the nuclei that FUSE/ARE FUSED. The opposite process is nuclear FISSION which MEANS “splitting apart” or “dividing”. If either nuclear fusion or fission TAKES place quickly, the result is a sudden release of ENERGY but so far the only one THAT can BESLOWEDdown and CONTROLLED is fission.
VERB TENSES • only a few elements are suitable FOR use IN this way, the most important ones BEING U-235, U-233 and Pu-239. • When one of THESE elements is STRUCK by a free neutron, ITBREAKS/ IS BROKENdown INTO two lighter nuclei, WHICH fly apart AT high speeds, colliding WITH surrounding atoms. • This kinetic energy ISCONVERTEDINTOheat. • AT the same time, two or three more neutrons ARERELEASED and one of THEM enters the nucleus of a neighbouring atom, causing fission TOOCCURagain,…. • The reaction SPREADS very quickly with more and more energy RELEASED. • This IS REFERREDto as A “chain” reaction because the splitting of each nucleus ISLINKEDto another.
VERB TENSES • If this reaction ISUNCONTROLLED, the result is an atomic explosion like THAT/THEONECAUSEDby the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. • However, the reaction can BESLOWEDdown and that is WHAT happens in a nuclear reactor or pile. • Here the highly fissile material ISSURROUNDEDBYa substance that is non-fissile, FOR instance, graphite. • This material IS CALLEDA moderator. • The neutrons LOSE some of THEIR energy through COLLIDING with the atoms of the moderator and no expansion ISPRODUCED. • by SLOWING down the speed of the free neutrons, IT makes it …. collide WITH the nucleus of a neighbouring atom to continue the chain REACTION
VERB TENSES • The major advantage of nuclear energy is that it DOES NOTDEPENDON any local factors. • A nuclear reactor, UNLIKE conventional power plants, DOES not have TOBEBUILTnear a fossil-fuel source, nor does it depend ON a large flow of water WHICH may BEREDUCEDduring some seasons of the year.
VIDEO: Nuclear reactor • URANIUM • the exact SIZE that is USED in the fuel rods. • This TINY pellet CONTAINS more ENERGY than 6 car loads of coal. • We have 20 MILLION of these pellets INSIDE the reactor vessel. • We call it the CORE. • Around the core, of course, there is WATER. • WATER is used as a COOLANT. • Now, … another set of rods called the CONTROL RODS. • These rods actually control the NUCLEAR REACTION. • What happens is this: …. that is when it is ACTIVATED, • with them gone, the NUCLEAR FUEL sets up a CHAIN REACTION • that PRODUCES a tremendous AMOUNT of HEAT, • that BOILS the WATER, • that turns to STEAM, • that TURNS the TURBINE, • that turns the GENERATOR, that PRODUCES ELECTRICITY.
GRAMMAR REVISION: THE NUCLEAR REACTOR • … place IN which a fission NUCLEAR reaction TAKES place. • It contains …in THE form of rods to produce the appropriate result. • The reactor consists OF a fuel, a moderator and A cooling system. • An instrument …neutron WHICH strikes the nucleus of an atom of U-235. • The nucleus … which collide WITH other nuclei and split, and so on. • However, if no explosion occurs IT is because …is moderated BY a non-fissionable material such AS graphite or heavy water. • This absorbs most OF the free neutrons and prevents them FROM splitting too MANY nuclei too quickly. • The process releases great AMOUNTS of energy in the form of heat. • This heat ….produced can be USED to generate electric power. • As the fuel … during ITS use inside the reactor, when IT is taken …, IT is stored in the fuel pools, …, in general more THAN a year, before sending IT to the processing plant.
LISTENING: comparison of fuels • about different fuels and processes. We’ve been told that nuclear power is more efficient than conventional fossil fuels and we know that fossil fuels are limited. • -Conventional fossil fuels, i.e., oil, coal and gas, and nuclear fuels, i.e., uranium and plutonium. • -different nuclear reactors and different conventional processes. • -Say a bucket holds 10 kg • Let’s look at the 2 million Kw power station. • 2 million kw make 2,000 megawatts • That’s nuclear fuel • which converts all the matter in this fuel into energy. • it may last 8 ½ years. In fact, ….. with the hydrogen fusion reactor. • Only two weeks • - The next process is a fast reactor. …. natural uranium. • After three days. Now let’s look at conventional fossil fuels, shall we? …. One hour? • -it will last 1/18th of a second. And the same goes with coal. • -In Europe, France, and then West Germany.