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Oregon Prevention Coordinator Prevention Staff Supervisor training

Oregon Prevention Coordinator Prevention Staff Supervisor training. July 2014 If you supervise Addictions Prevention Staff Related to OAR 415-056-0030 through 415-056-0050. Objectives.

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Oregon Prevention Coordinator Prevention Staff Supervisor training

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  1. Oregon Prevention Coordinator Prevention Staff Supervisor training July 2014 If you supervise Addictions Prevention Staff Related to OAR 415-056-0030 through 415-056-0050

  2. Objectives • Provide guidance for Prevention Supervisors that will increase understanding of AMH State Prevention responsibilities and requirements. • Increase basic knowledge about the SAPT block grant. • Assure common knowledge of the basic statewide system and expectations. ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTHPrevention Unit

  3. Context Background In 1981, President Reagan sought and received from Congress a new way of providing assistance to States for an assortment of services including substance abuse and mental health. • Federal LegislationThe Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C.§§300x-21-66] authorizes the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant and specifies requirements attached to the use of these funds. The SAPT Block Grant funds are annually authorized under separate appropriation by Congress. • FederalDepartment Health Human Services(DHHS) • Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) • Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP)

  4. Context (continued) • State of Oregon - Governor/Legislature • Department of Administrative Services(DAS)-Department of Justice (DOJ) • Oregon Health Authority-Addictions & Mental Health Division (AMH) • Policy and Program Development Unit--Prevention Unit • Provides contract and technical assistance to • Counties and Tribes Prevention Funding $ ____________ • Federal Substance Abuse Prevention & Treatment Block Grant (SAPT) 20% set aside for prevention • Tiny amount of beer and wine tax or State general fund • Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) State Incentive Grant • Other episodic Federal funds [perhaps PFAS]

  5. Community Prevention Services • Preventing substance abuse, addictions and problem gambling is fundamental to Oregon’s vision for better health, better care and lower costs. • Population-based prevention include any kind of planned strategy or group of strategies (including programs, policies, and laws) designed to prevent disease or injury or promote health in a group of people.

  6. Fund distribution In Oregon, All Counties and Federally recognized tribes in Oregon receive SAPT Block Grant funds

  7. When Coordinator is Hired • Please inform Addictions & Mental Health • Name and Contact info of new hire added to prevention listserv • Set a date for MDS training • Enroll those new to the field in CPS Cohort • Review the Prevention Coordinator Manual • Set a future date for a site visit

  8. New Prevention Coordinator • Huh? *Read the Manual *Call AMH Prevention staff with questions *Connect with other Preventionists What am I supposed to be doing? Is anybody out there????

  9. Prevention Coordinator Manual http://www.oregon.gov/oha/amh/prevention/prev-coordinators-manual.pdf

  10. AMH Standards OAR 415-056-0030 through 415-056-0050 • ACCBO Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS) certification within two years from date of hire. • A designated Prevention Coordinator shall be employed greater than .50 FTE who: • Develops, monitors, and has oversight of Prevention Implementation Plan. • Implements defined strategies • Manages program staff & compliance with policies • Administers funds • Is accountable for oversight and quality of prevention services

  11. What is Addictions Prevention? • Interventions that occur prior to the onset of a disorder to prevent or reduce Risk for the disorder

  12. Across the Continuum of Care Promotion: These strategies are designed to create environments and conditions that support behavioral health and the ability of individuals to withstand challenges. Promotion strategies also reinforce the entire continuum of behavioral health services. Prevention: Delivered prior to the onset of a disorder, these interventions are intended to prevent or reduce the risk of developing a behavioral health problem, such as underage alcohol use, prescription drug misuse and abuse, illicit drug use or gambling. Treatment: These services are for people diagnosed with a substance use or other behavioral health disorder. Recovery: These services support individuals’ compliance with long-term treatment and aftercare.

  13. NOTtreatment

  14. § 96.133 Submission to SAPT Block Grant • Primary prevention strategies should be appropriate for each target group and include, but not be limited to, approaches such as: • Information dissemination • Education • Alternatives • Problem identification and referral • Community-based processes • Environmental strategies

  15. Additional Agreements • The systems that States and programs use to protect clients records must: • Comply with all applicable State and Federal laws and regulations, including 42 CFR part 2 • Include provisions for employee education on the confidentiality requirements and the fact that disciplinary action may occur upon inappropriate disclosures

  16. Agreements • Annual Prevention Report due August 15 • MDS Reporting (is changing soon) • Other reports for special projects or funds • Required Training: • Prevention Summit or Business Meeting - Spring/Fall • Tribal quarterly meetings • Ethics training - 6 hours per year • Other training to maintain CPS certification • Problem Gambling conferences

  17. Reporting & Site Reviews • 2013/2014 reporting year will remain the same. Programs receiving PG Prevention funds and A&D Prevention funds will complete Attachment D and submit with Prevention report due August 15. • Those programs not receiving A&D Prevention funds, but receiving PG Prevention funds will be sent Attachment D separately, due August 15. • New reporting requirements and processes are under review and will be communicated in a timely manner to programs for the 2014/2015 reporting period. • Site visit schedule under review, and whenever possible will be conducted simultaneousl.y with the A&D Prevention site reviews

  18. Planning Model

  19. Why plan? For whom? • To serve the right program, practice or policy at the right time to the right people • Who lives in your community? • Age, Race/Ethnicity, Abilities, Economic status etc. • In the county or tribe, what policies, programs and practices shelter youth and community from problem substance use or gambling? • What supports positive mental health? • What are the real risk trends? Is that what the data is saying?

  20. What Norms are we trying to grow? Comprehensive plans are worthless if they measure program effectiveness but not meaning. Great leaders facilitate change AND transformation. ~Jeffrey W. Linkenbach

  21. Suggestions from the field: *Regularly debrief with your staff new/updated concepts, procedures, best practices , anything that was taught/ presented at summits, statewide meetings and learning opportunities. *How might new theories be applied/integrated  in the local prevention work/planning?

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