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Přenosy jader

Přenosy jader. J. Fulka, Jr. CBTTN a VÚŽV Praha. Fertilization – transformation of meiotic cells into mitotic cells. G amet es – terminally differentiated and highly specialized G enom es - (oocyt e , sperm) trans c rip tionally ina ctive after fertilization

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Přenosy jader J. Fulka, Jr. CBTTN a VÚŽV Praha

  2. Fertilization – transformation of meiotic cells into mitotic cells • Gametes – terminally differentiated and highly specialized • Genomes - (oocyte, sperm) transcriptionally inactiveafter fertilization • One cell stage embryo is totipotent • Fertilization represents RADICAL REPROGRAMMING OF BOTH GENOMES

  3. Sheep • Mouse • Human • Rabbit • Bovine F) Pig G) Monkey

  4. 5-MeC MPN FPN Human embryo PB Mouse embryo FPN MPN

  5. Human embryo

  6. PB FPN PN MPN PN 49% of human 1-cell stage embryos showed abnormal demethylation pattern

  7. MP MP FP 2PB

  8. Wilmut, I et al. (1997) Viable offspring derived from fetal and adult mammalian cells. Nature 385, 810-813

  9. B AB A AB AB AB

  10. Enukleace

  11. Přenos jádra

  12. What do we need??

  13. DAPI merge Oct4 Cdx2

  14. Nanog

  15. Oct4 DAPI

  16. Differentiation βIII tubulin DAPI TROMA 1 MF20 + EB formation

  17. Problém: 300 oocytů na jednu linii/ 20 – 30 dárkyň

  18. ESc linie Pacient

  19. Producing primate embryonic stem cells bysomatic cell nuclear transfer Nature - doi:10.1038/nature06357 …. potřebujeme vůbec přenosy jader?

  20. Děkuji za pozornost

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