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BUDGETING – STAKE YOUR CLAIM. By Karen Leahy 2011. GROUNDWORK Building your case – the Annual Report * Preface report with library or school vision statement.
GROUNDWORK • Building your case – the Annual Report * • Preface report with library or school vision statement. • If you haven’t previously presented such material, have an appendix of brief supporting material – abstracts or extracts of research articles and books – on the value of libraries and reading. (See “The School Library and Learning in the Information Landscape.” - pp. 51-3; “Learning for the Future: Developing Information Services in Schools.” and National Library material on advocacy.) • Mention/make a case for important items that you will be requesting in your budget. • Discuss the report with your Principal and/or B.O.T. if possible.
HOW MUCH WOULD YOU LIKE?? The bottom line for most of us is “How much money will I have for books/resources?” An amount of $20 per head is easily justified. Buy a copy of “Learning for the Future: Developing Information Services in Schools.” (see refs slide) or borrow from National Library - for quantitative standards which cover collection size and ongoing development. Put a photocopy of the appropriate pages at the start of the section of your budget document that deals with collection resources. 15 years ago, National Library staff were willing to say that $20 was a reasonable figure. The increased access to e-resources can only be seen to perhaps compensate for the effect of inflation on book prices, not to excuse lack of funding. Check what other schools of similar decile rating are receiving to see if that will provide additional support for your case. Have more than one section to your budget to capture money from school allocations for Capital, Consumables (Operating costs) and from Resourcing. Total the cost of items in each section (see later slide) but don’t add all the sections (it might frighten people). Network with library staff from other schools for tips and hints. Get support from other staff members, BOT members, PTA, library committee and anyone who thinks a well-resourced library sits alongside student achievement.
PREPARATION • Gather information from your own library – • purchases last year - keep records * • total number / total per subject area • average price • ratio of books purchased to students • (1 book per …) • significant weeding • stocktake of consumables • photographs – the good and/or the bad
Gather information from clientele …. and from library staff. • effect/demands of new curriculum • library resource usage by subject areas (depts) • requests from staff/departments – and use their names in your document (see slide of sample writing). * • suggestions from students • gaps in the collection
Further ground work required . . . . . . • check your accounts records and list the costs of * subscriptions and fees, adding 10% to cover possible rises • check expenditure on consumable items used to repair or process books • get quotes/prices for items of capital expenditure or general expenditure. N.B. items worth less than $500 will come out of a Consumables account, not Capital • DON’T ASK FOR A LUMP SUM – • ITEMISE, GET QUOTES, JUSTIFY YOUR REQUESTS.
Know your Facilities Manager & IT Person • The Facilities Manager may know the best place to buy some items or give you a list of places. • Don’t assume you will have to pay for everything e.g. the Facilities Manager will have a furniture budget. • Likewise with the person in charge of IT – or you may be able to combine orders to get a better price.
List all specific subjects /areas for resourcing – • THIS IS AN IMPORTANT EXERCISE – YOU SHOULD ASK FOR MONEY FOR EACH SUBJECT/AREA SEPARATELY IN YOUR BUDGET DOCUMENT TO EMPHASISE YOUR SERVICES. • Allot points for each on a 1-to-4 basis : 1 = Maintenance, 2= Moderate use, 3= strong demand, 4= high demand, new topics, maybe rebuild • RESOURCES FOR SPECIFIC SUBJECTS/AREAS (TOTAL = 65) *POINTS • ART DEPT • Junior Art incl Drawing & Art Technique 3 • Painting/Artist Catalogues 2 • Photography 2 • Art History 2 • Design 2 • ENGLISH DEPT 4 • English • Communication English • Media Studies (new) • NZ Literature (AS12905) 1 • DRAMA 1 • SCIENCE DEPT • Science Yrs 9-11 3 • Senior Sciences 3 • (Biology, Physics, Chemistry)
Separate resources for reading and reference from curriculum area requests. • Allow for a total number of points here equivalent to about a third of the curriculum resourcing points. • Monetarily, this means approximately 25% of your funds will go to this area and 75% to curriculum resourcing. • GENERAL RESOURCES & READING (23) • Reference 2 • Fiction 7 • Graphic format material 6 • Recreational reading 8
Front page … XYZ LIBRARY BUDGET APPLICATION FOR XXXX Pt 1: ICT equipment (ref. IT Manager) Pt 2: Capital Expenditure 430.00 Pt 3: Consumables 10130.00 Pt 4: General Resources 5340.00 Pt 5: Curriculum Resources 14535.00 (prices above are GST excl.)
GST notes • Put the total amount requested for each budget area on coversheet only as GST exclusive amounts. Specify that the amount is GST excl. • If the sum granted is given as GST excl, convert it to GST incl before working out new value for a point. To increase a GST exclusive amount back up to a GST inclusive one: • multiply by 1.15 • Within the document, I find it easier to use GST inclusive pricing as the invoices I receive often include GST in the item price. To reduce a GST inclusive amount down to a GST exclusive one : divide by 1.15
The mathematics of the situation: (assuming we have justified a request for $20 per capita for books/dvds) Request (No. of pupils x $20) = 1150 x 20 = $23,000 Divide by no. of points allocated = 88 Value of 1 point = $260 A subject with 2 points would get $520, 3 points $780 etc If budget grantis a reduction on amount requested, divide allocated amount by number of points and adjust accordingly e.g. Grant = $15,000 divide by no. of points allocated = 88 Value of 1 point now = $170
List of supplementary documents – text copied in following slides. • List of potential subject / areas for book purchasing • (remember areas that may not be ‘taught’ such as Careers or a Revision Book Collection etc) • List of possible Consumable items • Sample of writing in Annual Report to support budget • Sample within budget document to support book purchases • Request form for teacher input • Useful references • Documents not included – but hopefully accompanying PPT • PDF - Page from Accounts Book – Collins journal A4 261f • PDF - Page from Budget Book showing spending for subject/area - also using Collins A4 journal • PDF - Invoice showing analysis as well as number in top corner which refers to Accounts Book entry number.
Supplementary document 1 EXAMPLES OF ITEMS WITHIN THE CONSUMABLES BUDGET Minor items such as bookends or racks or fans etc (cost per item under $500) Stationery – book covering, labels, tapes etc Subscriptions (newspapers, magazines) Librarian Costs (badges, morn teas, staff Xmas lunch) Travel costs (for going out to purchase bks, attend meetings etc) Reprographics and lamination Fees (Software support, professional organizations etc) Promotional events/items (posters, bookmarks, speakers, prizes) Professional development
Supplementary document 2 (page 1 of 3) • RESOURCES FOR SPECIFIC SUBJECTS/AREAS (as I see it in my school) • (65 pt total) • POINTS • ART DEPT • Junior Art 2 • Art Technique 1 • Painting/Artist Catalogues 2 • Photography 2 • Art History 2 • Design 2 • ENGLISH DEPT 4 • (English, Communication English, Media Studies) • NZ Literature (US12905) 1 • DRAMA 1 • SCIENCE DEPT • Science Yrs 9-11 3 • Senior Sciences 3 • (Biology, Physics, Chemistry)
Supplementary document 2 (Page 2 of 3) • MATHEMATICS 1 • CAREERS 2 • CLASSICAL STUDIES/LATIN 1 • COMMERCE 3 • (Accounting, Economics, Business Studies) • COMPUTER STUDIES/IT SUPPORT 2 • GEOGRAPHY 4 • (Geography, Tourism, Pacific Studies) • HEALTH/LIFE SKILLS 2 • HISTORY (incl. NZ Studies) 3 • LANGUAGE STUDIES 1 • (Japanese, Samoan) • ENGLISH LANGUAGE SUPPORT 3 • (Language support programme (LSP), • Special Learning Needs Dept (SLD), ESOL, Deaf Unit)
Supplementary document 2 (page 3 of 3) • MAORI STUDIES 2 • MUSIC 1 • PHYSICAL EDUCATION 2 • REVISION TEXTS (focus area) 4 • SOCIAL STUDIES 2 • SPORTS/SPORTS INSTITUTE 4 • STAFF Professional Development books 2 • TECHNOLOGY 3 • (Automotive, Food, Wood, Metal) • GENERAL RESOURCES & READING (23 pt total) • Reference 2 • Fiction 7 • Graphic format material 6 • Recreational reading 8
Supplementary document 3 SAMPLE WRITING – ANNUAL REPORT EXTRACT I have requested funds for new shelving next year, as existing shelving is under pressure. Few books can be displayed face out and the sight of rows of books crammed spine out can be intimidating to young borrowers. Since part of the library’s mission is to promote reading, items need to be displayed in a way that will encourage students to pick them up. The weight of books has also frequently caused the shelf brackets to pull away from the wall, especially since most of them are only screwed to the plywood which lines the interior walls. The shelving I would like to purchase is on castors and is intended for placement down the centre of the library. It would replace the standing shelves already placed there and allow for a greater number of books than this current fixture. Seating for events such as seminars could be better set up if the shelving was able to be moved when required. (Good place for a photo of existing shelving.)
Supplementary document 4 SAMPLE WRITING – BUDGET REQUEST DOCUMENT GEOGRAPHY (Incorporating Tourism and Pacific Studies) $1000 There is a high attrition rate in the PI books to match the high demand generated by Pacific Studies and Social Studies studying the same topics. Student numbers in the former also appear to be increasing, as do the numbers taking tourism. SPORTS / SPORTS INSTITUTE $800 Sport is a central part of the school's identity and a high-interest area for many of our students. The collection particularly supports those sports that fall within the Sports Institute but also builds knowledge in other sporting codes. GRAPHIC NOVELS $1600 This section is being enlarged and developed as a way to target the reluctant reader. It has proved to be popular genre here so I wish to capitalize on this interest by continuing to expand the collection. The item cost is generally quite high in comparison to paperback fiction but our graphic novels have four times the readers. RECREATIONAL READING $2000 This area focuses on topics which interest the boys and more eclectic choices that can be used for speeches or research. These are the books that most often go off the shelf and therefore form one of the most important collections within the library. PHOTOGRAPHY (Levels: Years 12 & 13) $810 Mrs M____ would like some new books on NZ photographers. She has also requested technical books on montage, special effects and different toners for the senior classes and some books on pinhole cameras. The amount requested should cover 4 books on NZ photographers ($350), 6 technical books ($360) and 3 camera books ($100).
Supplementary Document 5 (page 1 of 2) LIBRARY RESOURCES for RESEARCH & SUPPORT NAME (fill in teacher name) …………......…………….. SUBJECT …………………………….. FROM (LIBRARY MANAGER’S NAME) RE Your requirements Would you please fill out this form and return it to me by ………………………... TOPICS to be taught next year which may require research by students or supporting material for teachers/students. PLEASE HIGHLIGHT ANY NEW TOPICS. Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 (PLEASE CHECK OTHER SIDE OF PAGE) (Spread lower part - from Year 9 - out over rest of page)
Supplementary document 5 (page 2 of 2) YOUR TEACHING AND YOUR LIBRARY Please feel welcome to visit the library and check the collection for your subject area/ class levels if you would like to assist with development of the library resources. (I can show you where to find the material.) Resources are adequate to meet my needs for next year. YES / NO (Please note new topics on reverse side – especially new units for NCEA ) MORE RESOURCES ARE NEEDED IN THESE AREAS (FOR EXISTING TOPICS). RESOURCES NEED UPDATING IN THESE AREAS LIST ANY PARTICULAR TITLES / AUTHORS / SERIES YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE PURCHASED (PLEASE CHECK OTHER SIDE OF PAGE) (spread this out over a whole page and double-side with page 1)
Supplementary document 6 REFERENCES FOR PRESENTATION Learning for the future: developing information services in schools. 2nd ed. (2001). Carlton, Vic.: Curriculum Corporation. (now called ESA – Education Services Australia) P. 31 Collection size for school of 1000 (or role of 750 where 250 are senior students) = 17,250 p.32 Funding formula to maintain a collection = No. of items recommended at collection size x 10% x average price of resources The school library and learning in the information landscape: guidelines for New Zealand schools.(2002). Wellington: Learning Media. Note: There are 3 pdf files to accompany this presentation – samples pages from my Accounts Book and Budget Book and an invoice showing analysis. While my preference is for this manual method, your software package may enable you to do this electronically.