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CEO Forum Ⅷ December 5, 2011. UNEP FI’s Environmental Finance Programs. Special Advisor to UNEP FI Takejiro Sueyoshi. What is UNEP Finance Initiative?. <UNEP F inance I nitiative> -is the oldest partnership between the UN and the financial sector.
CEOForum Ⅷ December5,2011 UNEPFI’s EnvironmentalFinance Programs Special Advisor to UNEP FI Takejiro Sueyoshi
What is UNEP Finance Initiative? <UNEP Finance Initiative> -is the oldest partnership between the UN and the financial sector. -was born out of the 1992 Earth summit. -started as a simple project with the banking industry. -is the only finance and sustainability network embedded in the UN system. -has 205 signatories spanning banking, insurance and investment and all geographic regions. UNEP FI’s Environmental Finance Programs
FI‘s mission -to embed environmental, social and governance (ESG issues) thinking and action within financial institutions and across capital markets. -to identify and promote best environmental and sustainability practice at all levels of financial institution operations. UNEP FI’s Environmental Finance Programs
FI`s Organization 1. Global Steering Committee 2.Industry Commissions Banking/Investment/Insurance 3.Thematic Advisory Groups Climate Change/Resource Efficiency/ Biodiversity/Emerging issues 4. Regional Task Forces Africa/Asia Pacific/Europe North America/Latin America UNEP FI’s Environmental Finance Programs
Our Mission: To identify and promote best environmental and sustainability practice at all levels of financial institution operations. UNEP FI’s Environmental Finance Programs
Global Roundtable 2009 Changing finance: -due diligence & risk management -creating value for clients via sustainability management -internal environmental management Financing Change: -green financing -developing green products and services UNEP FI’s Environmental Finance Programs
Global Roundtable 2011-① ・financial sector can generate job creation in sectors ranging from green technology to ecosystem management. ・financial sector must do its part in creating mechanisms that lead to a more equitable andgreen economy.-Mary Robinson ・a stronger economy is a greener economy. -Lisa Jackson UNEP FI’s Environmental Finance Programs
Global Roundtable 2011-② ーthe Corporate Sustainability Reporting Coalition ~calling on all UN member states to commit to develop a Convention that mandates company boards to consider sustainability issues, and to integrate sustainability issues material to their business into their annual Report and Accounts. UNEP FI’s Environmental Finance Programs
Activities by Asia PacificActivities by Asia Pacific the Australasia Group: ・developed an environmental and sustainability code of conduct for the suppliers of financial institutions. the Japan Group the Korea Group ・hold the “Financing Low-carbon growth in Asia” summit in Seoul. UNEP FI’s Environmental Finance Programs
Principles for Responsible Investment - April 2006 : launched with 40+signatories - October 2011: over 940 with US$30 trillion 1.We will incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making process. 2.We will be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices. UNEP FI’s Environmental Finance Programs
FiduciaryResponsibility October 2005, “Fiduciary Responsibility Ⅰ” -it may be a breach of fiduciary duties to fail to take account of ESG consideration. July 2009, “Fiduciary Responsibility Ⅱ” -integration of ESG issues should be a legal responsibility. ~PRI is now the global framework for responsible investment~ UNEP FI’s Environmental Finance Programs
Principles for Financial Action forthe 21st Century - Principles for Financial Action towards a Sustainable Society, Japan The Principles 1~7: 1. We will recognize our roles and responsibility, taking into account the precautionary approach, and promote those actions that contribute towards shaping a sustainable society. 2. We will contribute to the formation of a sustainable global society through the development and provision of financial products and services leading to the development and increased competitiveness of “industries contributing to a sustainable society” as represented by the environmental technologies and services sector. UNEP FI’s Environmental Finance Programs
A green economy <our society is no longer sustainable> • We are using up the Earth`s “Capital”. • The 20th`s economy has grown at any cost and has hit the limits. • We should live on the “Interest”. • We need a global economy that invests I real and inclusive long-term growth. UNEP FI’s Environmental Finance Programs
Green economy & GNH the brown economy: economic growth at any cost has hit its limits already the green economy: long-termism/inclusiveness environmental protection Green financing can boost flows of finance to support the transition of a brown economy into a green economy. UNEP FI’s Environmental Finance Programs
Beyond GDP The King and Queen of Bhutan deeply moved Japanese people. The King`s words touched their hearts. Japanese people go forth in seeking for a new value standardafter the “March 11th” incident. UNEP FI’s Environmental Finance Programs
Thank you very much UNEP FI’s Environmental Finance Programs