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This project aims to prevent data leakage and address the issue of sending emails to the wrong recipients by developing a system that detects and warns users of potential addressing mistakes. The proposed solution includes a plug-in for email clients, a middleware, and a server, all working together to ensure secure and accurate email communication.
Academic Advisor: Dr. Yuval Elovici Technical Advisor: PolinaZilberman Team Members: Dmitry Kaganov RostislavPinski Eli Shtein Alexander Gorohovski Web site: http://www.cs.bgu.ac.il/~grorhovs/project/Main
Problem Domain • Most people who use e-mail communication can confirm that at least once they have sent an e-mail to the wrong recipient. • Modern business activities rely on extensive e-mail exchange. Email “wrong recipients” mistakes have become widespread. • The damage caused by such mistakes constitutes a disturbing problem for individuals but for organizations such mistakes may also cost a lot of money.
Current Situation • Various solutions to this problem are continuously emerging. • Commercial products, such as Symantec, Websense, and McAfee aim to prevent data leakage via electronic communication channels. • Google provides to its users an application named "Got The Wrong Bob“
Current Situation (cond.) • However, there is still no “silver-bullet” solution. • Many e-mail addressing mistakes are not detected. • In many cases correct recipients are wrongly marked as potential addressing mistake. ?
Proposed Solution – Problem domain Host System core Plug-in Outlook Server Exchange server User Middle-ware Figure 1.1 – System architecture
Proposed Solution – Software context System Core Log files Administrator's GUI Same computer Middle-ware Plug-in Server Data base Figure 1.2 – System Core architecture
Non-Functional requirements • The delay in sending the e-mails should be linear to the size of the e-mail and not longer than half a minute. • The system should be able to detect no less than 94% of the illegal recipients. • The upper bound on false alerts (wrong alerts on legitimate recipients) is 30%. • The data between server and client must be encrypted with SHA1 encryption. • The system must be available and functional at any time.
Non-Functional requirements (cond.) • The communication channel between server and client must be secured with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). • The system disk space requirement must be linear to the number of e-mails sent\received. • The system should be able to sustain 2,000 client connections concurrently. • The system should be easily adaptable to other e-mail clients.
User Profiles – The actors • The E-mail client – the e-mail client which the user uses to work with his e-mail account. It passes e-mails data to the plug-in, which is a part of our system. • The Exchange server – e-mail server of the organization. It gets all the e-mails sent by people from the organization, all the e-mails sent to people from the organization and delivers them to their target.
User Profiles – The actors (cond.) • The Simple User – a person who uses the system. He can send e-mails, ignore the system’s recommendations, use the system’s recommendations to attach other users to the list of recipients of the e-mail, and mark e-mails as sent / received by mistake. • The Administrator – a person who configures the system. In addition to being a simple user, he is capable of configuring the system according to his desires, deal with groups of classifications, and dealing with sent e-mails that were considered by the system as leaks.
Use Case Diagram Mark e-mail as got / sent by mistake Simple User Simple User Check e-mail validity <<Extends>> Send e-mail Add new user <<Extends>> Set systems’ configurations Administrator Administrator <<Extends>> Deal with mails marked by a question mark <<Extends>> <<Extends>> Log in to the system as a system administrator <<Extends>> Update users’ subject groups <<Extends>> <<Extends>> <<Extends>> E-mail client Remove existing user <<Extends>> <<Extends>> Add new subject group Exchange server Remove existing subject group Log out from the administrator mode
Use Case 1 – Check e-mail validity • Primary actors: E-mail client, Simple user, Exchange server. • Description: The simple user checks the validity of an e-mail. • Trigger: The user clicks the "send" button (at the first time). • Pre-conditions: • 1. The plug-in is installed on the user’s e-mail account. • 2. The "middle-man" is installed on the user's computer. • 3. The server of the system is installed and runs on a server computer • 4. The network is working correctly. • 5. The e-mail is not empty. • 6. The list of the recipients is not empty.
Use Case 1 – Check e-mail validity (cond.) • Post-conditions: • In case all the recipients are valid: • 1. The e-mail was sent to all of them. • 2. The system's database was updated. • 3. All the relevant information was written to the appropriate log files. • In case at least one of the recipients is invalid: • 1. The user gets on his monitor a list of users which the system advices to add to the recipients list (optionally). • 2. The user gets on his monitor a list of users which the system advices not to send them the e-mail.
Purposed Solution – The Theoretical Model Link communication analysis • Every two users that exchanged emails in the past define a link, and all emails exchanged between these two users are associated with the link. • The classification of an e-mail with content c sent from s to r is performed as follows: the e-mail is compared with the link defined by the users s and r. If the received similarity score is lower than the link's threshold similarity score, then sending the e-mail is considered a potential leak. E-mail toclassify, e.g.query <s,r,c> Link's threshold Similarity score
Group communication analysis • Assume Alice and Bob belong to agroup that communicates topic T, and Bob sends an email with content T to Alice. Alice won't be considered a wrong recipient, even if Alice and Bob have never exchanged communication with content T before. Orange circles represent the emails taken into account when classifying an email sent from Bob to Alice.
Cascading the models Yes No No No Yes Yes • Apparently, cascading the group-based and link-based classifiers will take advantage of the “strong” points of both classifiers, and eliminate their “weak” points.
And so the data continued to be safe and lived happily ever after…