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Enhancing Awareness and Reacting to Deteriorating Patient Conditions

This program focuses on improving recognition and management of deteriorating patients, providing early treatment and developing essential knowledge and skills.

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Enhancing Awareness and Reacting to Deteriorating Patient Conditions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Awareness Why Anticipation and Reacting is Essential and Susan Garland PGdip, BA (Hons), RNT,RN, RM, FHEA

  2. Introduction Both programmes are aimed at: improving recognition and management of the deteriorating patient and developing underpinning knowledge and skills.

  3. BEACHTM • is suitable for more experienced HCA’s and for unregistered health care staff.

  4. AIM: To identify and provide early treatment to any patients whose condition is deteriorating . OBJECTIVES: How to work out whether a patient is sick How to deal with a sick patient When to call for help BeachTM Aims and Objectives

  5. Uses the following assessment models: • ABCD framework • Look , Listen, Feel • These are linked to patient scenarios specific to ABC and Handover

  6. Your feedback was generally positive but………! Include competencies "Lost learning opportunities " "Add N.E.W.S." "Beef it up" "Change some language" "Change the Name" Add visual slides - eg ALERT Cartoons not popular! Broaden target audience "Improve scenarios" "Add SBAR" "Use Youtube clips - respiratory" Communication barriers Neurological scenario? "Add Diabetes - hypoglycaemia" Improve flow and structure (typos / split scenario slides)

  7. Version 2 – Launch 2014 New content: Track and Trigger System National Early Warning Score (NEWS) Disability - AVPU Glucose Pain RSVP & SBAR tools Other changes: Title /audience Case study and names Cartoons/ Images? Evaluation? Updated references

  8. ? Any Questions

  9. How is AWARETM different to BEACHTM ? This programme focuses on integrating basic skills with the overall role of the HCA and is linked to specific practice based competencies and scenarios.

  10. AWARETM Programme Aims • To provide a clinically specific development programme to improve recognition and management of the deteriorating patient through exploring roles and responsibilities, and developing underpinning knowledge and skills.

  11. Learning Objectives • Demonstrate understanding of principles and correct technique when monitoring physical observations • Recognise and respond to physiological signs of deterioration in patients condition • Discuss use of ‘track & trigger’ systems, and the importance of accurate record keeping • Explore strategies for effective communication • Recognise key emergency equipment

  12. Programme Content • Accountability of the HCA • Monitoring physiological observations • Use of assessment frameworks • Understanding Blood Glucose monitoring • Fluid and hydration • Recordkeeping and Handover • Importance of ‘Track and Trigger’ & N.E.W.S. • Effective use of communication tools • Responding effectively in emergency situations

  13. AWARETM Sample Programme

  14. Class discussion Group work Question and answers Quiz Teaching & Learning Strategies Competency assessment in practice Patient scenarios Decision making and role play Class workbook

  15. Supporting Learning AWARE is supported by • Workbook • Supports participation in class activities • Supports learning activities in practice • Able to link to local competency frameworks • Action plan for learning • Practice based supervisor • Blood pressure workshops available for additional coaching and opportunity for practicing skill

  16. Programme Evaluation

  17. Any Questions ?

  18. Outcomes in Practice? • Greater recognition of “at risk” patients • Improved recognition of critical illness • Improved communication • Earlier recognition of need for assistance • Appropriate use of assessment frameworks • Greater confidence underpinned by • understanding • Improved record keeping and handover

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