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Looking Back and Around (Jude 5-13).
Looking Back and Around (Jude 5-13) Introduction. We need from time to time to look back at history lessons. One has said to the effect, he/she who is ignorant of history is destine to repeat it. That is true relative to mistakes made by others. Let us learn NOT to repeat the mistakes others have made. Some one says, we need to learn from other’s mistakes, we don’t have time to make them all ourselves. We need to remember as God has left us history of His dealing with mankind, so that we SHOULD see the basic flaws of others in the past who have failed, and about repeating them and be successful
Examples of failures 1. Look at Israel, being delivered and then destroyed. Why be reminded??? Lesson, right! Who believed not. However, did they get to denying the existence of God? No, just demonstrated that they didn’t by their behavior, not following His directions (Cf. num. 20:12)! 2. The angles who kept not their first state –got out of place lack of submission, reserved in everlasting chains… What’s the lesson? 3. Two cities Sodom and Gomorrah See: These people among the people Jude were writing to, had to be active toward right!
Case of Humility –Needed! • Case of humility needed, as seen in Michael contending with the devil (Jude 9) • As Joseph ask: Am I in the place of God? (Gen. 50:19) • Speaking of great swelling words, are in fact natural, as brute beast, in reality are corrupting themselves. What is the implication and needed action for self preservation and helping others??? • Woe!!!! Look at the two examples –Cain and Balaam –look at their actions! –Angry because gift not accepted; Wanted reward of unrighteousness
Let us LOOK BACK as to what was to and did happen in the church • Falling away sure to come as is the coming of Christ 2 Thess. 2:1ff • Departure from within Acts 20:28ff • Departure was to come 1 Tim. 4:1-6), expressly stated by the Spirit • Constant need (2 Tim. 4:1ff) Why? Because some will NOT ENDURE SOUND DOCTRINE (v. 3)!
What has happened in the last century and a half in the church! • Problems in 1849—missionary society, Instrumental music, and various other things followed – division! • Problems of 1950’s: Institutionalism, Sponsoring Church (Centralized Control), Etc • Today: Social gospel, Etc. MDR. • Shall we stand by and let things go down without a fight?
Our Choices: Preach, Practice or give in or up? • Shall we stand by and let things go down without a fight? • Or shall we determine to preach the pure gospel, contend for the faith, once delivered, and stand our ground, understanding from God’s record of His dealing with men that the results are SURE! • Are there other choices???????
Conclusion: • Look at what is said: Beloved, Jude, guided by the Holy Spirit, revealed to this people they need to look back and remember and understand the history and then not repeat the path of the failures. • Rather, we need to accept the fact that there is a way that cannot be wrong, and that we are capable of understanding and following.(Jas.1:25 • Then we need to examine the scriptures and ourselves often to see if we are in the faith (2 Cor. 13:5). • Where are you, Friend? Neighbor? Brother?