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Computer Science CPSC 502 Lecture 12 Decisions Under Uncertainty (Ch. 9, up to 9.3). Representational Dimensions. Representation. Environment. Reasoning Technique. Stochastic. Deterministic. Problem Type. Arc Consistency.
Computer Science CPSC 502 Lecture 12 Decisions Under Uncertainty (Ch. 9, up to 9.3)
Representational Dimensions Representation • Environment Reasoning Technique Stochastic Deterministic Problem Type Arc Consistency This concludes the module on answering queries in stochastic environments Constraint Satisfaction Vars + Constraints Search Static Belief Nets Logics Variable Elimination Query Search Approximate Temporal Inference Sequential Decision Nets STRIPS Variable Elimination Search Planning Markov Processes Value Iteration
Representational Dimensions Representation • Environment Reasoning Technique Stochastic Deterministic Problem Type Arc Consistency Constraint Satisfaction Now we will look at acting in stochastic environments Vars + Constraints Search Static Belief Nets Logics Variable Elimination Query Search Approximate Temporal Inference Sequential Decision Nets STRIPS Variable Elimination Search Planning Markov Processes Value Iteration
Lecture Overview • Single-Stage Decision Problems • Utilities and optimal secisions • Single-Stage decision networks • Variable elimination (VE) for computing the optimal decision • Sequential Decision Problems • General decision networks • Policies • Finding optimal policies with VE
Decisions Under Uncertainty: Intro • Earlier in the course, we focused on decision making in deterministic domains • Search/CSPs: single-stage decisions • Planning: sequential decisions • Now we face stochastic domains • so far we've considered how to represent and update beliefs • what if an agent has to make decisions (act) under uncertainty? • Making decisions under uncertainty is important • We represent the world probabilistically so we can use our beliefs as the basis for making decisions
Decisions Under Uncertainty: Intro • An agent's decision will depend on • What actions are available • What beliefs the agent has • Which goals the agent has • Differences between deterministic and stochastic setting • Obvious difference in representation: need to represent our uncertain beliefs • Actions will be pretty straightforward: represented as decision variables • Goals will be interesting: we'll move from all-or-nothing goals to a richer notion: • rating how happy the agent is in different situations. • Putting these together, we'll extend Bayesian Networks to make a new representation called Decision Networks
Delivery Robot Example • Robot needs to reach a certain room • Robot can go • the short way - faster but with more obstacles, thus more prone to accidents that can damage the robot • the long way - slower but less prone to accident • Which way to go? Is it more important for the robot to arrive fast, or to minimize the risk of damage? • The Robot can choose to wear pads to protect itself in case of accident, or not to wear them. Pads slow it down • Again, there is a tradeoff between reducing risk of damage and arriving fast • Possible outcomes • No pad, no accident • Pad, no accident • Pad, Accident • No pad, accident
Next • We’ll see how to represent and reason about situations of this nature using Decision Trees, as well as • Probability to measure the uncertainty in action outcome • Utility to measure agent’s preferences over the various outcomes • Combined in a measure of expected utility that can be used to identify the action with the best expected outcome • Best that an intelligent agent can do when it needs to act in a stochastic environment
Decision Tree for the Delivery Robot Example • Decision variable 1: the robot can choose to wear pads • Yes: protection against accidents, but extra weight • No: fast, but no protection • Decision variable 2: the robot can choose the way • Short way: quick, but higher chance of accident • Long way: safe, but slow • Random variable: is there an accident? Agent decides Chance decides
Delivery Robot Example • Decision variable 1: the robot can choose to wear pads • Yes: protection against accidents, but extra weight • No: fast, but no protection • Decision variable 2: the robot can choose the way • Short way: quick, but higher chance of accident • Long way: safe, but slow • Random variable: is there an accident? Agent decides Chance decides
Possible worlds and decision variables • A possible world specifies a value for each random variable and each decision variable • For each assignment of values to all decision variables • the probabilities of the worlds satisfying that assignment sum to 1. 0.2 0.8
Possible worlds and decision variables • A possible world specifies a value for each random variable and each decision variable • For each assignment of values to all decision variables • the probabilities of the worlds satisfying that assignment sum to 1. 0.2 0.8 0.01 0.99
Possible worlds and decision variables • A possible world specifies a value for each random variable and each decision variable • For each assignment of values to all decision variables • the probabilities of the worlds satisfying that assignment sum to 1. 0.2 0.8 0.01 0.99 0.2 0.8
Possible worlds and decision variables • A possible world specifies a value for each random variable and each decision variable • For each assignment of values to all decision variables • the probabilities of the worlds satisfying that assignment sum to 1. 0.2 0.8 0.01 0.99 0.2 0.8 0.01 0.99
Utility • Utility: a measure of desirability of possible worlds to an agent • Let U be a real-valued function such that U(w) represents an agent's degree of preference for world w • Expressed by a number in [0,100] • Simple goals can still be specified • Worlds that satisfy the goal have utility 100 • Other worlds have utility 0 • Utilities can be more complicated • For example, in the robot delivery domains, they could involve • Reached the target room? • Time taken • Amount of damage • Energy left
Utility for the Robot Example • Which would be a reasonable utility function for our robot? • Which are the best and worst scenarios? probability Utility 0.2 0.8 0.01 0.99 0.2 0.8 0.01 0.99
Utility / Preferences • Utility: a measure of desirability of possible worlds to an agent • Let U be a real-valued function such that U (w) represents an agent's degree of preference for world w. Would this be a reasonable utility function for our Robot?
Utility: Simple Goals • Can simple (boolean) goals still be specified?
Utility for the Robot Example • Now, how do we combine utility and probability to decide what to do? probability Utility 0.2 35 35 95 0.8 35 30 0.01 75 0.99 0.2 35 3 100 0.8 35 0 0.01 80 0.99
Optimal decisions: combining Utility and Probability • Each set of decisions defines a probability distribution over possible outcomes • Each outcome has a utility • For each set of decisions, we need to know their expected utility • the value for the agent of achieving a certain probability distribution over outcomes (possible worlds) 0.2 35 95 0.8 value of this scenario? • The expected utility of a set of decisions is obtained by • weighting the utility of the relevant possible worlds by their probability. • We want to find the decision with maximum expected utility
Expected utility of a decision • The expected utility of decision D = di is • What is the expected utility of Wearpads=yes, Way=short ? E(U | D = di) =w╞ (D = di)P(w) U(w) probability Utility E[U|D] 0.2 35 35 95 0.8 30 35 0.01 75 0.99 0.2 35 3 100 0.8 35 0 0.01 80 0.99
Expected utility of a decision • The expected utility of decision D = di is • What is the expected utility of Wearpads=yes, Way=short ? • 0.2 * 35 + 0.8 * 95 = 83 E(U | D = di) =w╞ (D = di)P(w) U(w) probability Utility E[U|D] 0.2 35 35 83 95 0.8 35 30 0.01 74.55 75 0.99 0.2 35 3 80.6 100 0.8 35 0 0.01 79.2 80 0.99
Lecture Overview • Single-Stage Decision Problems • Utilities and optimal secisions • Single-Stage decision networks • Variable elimination (VE) for computing the optimal decision • Sequential Decision Problems • General decision networks • Policies • Finding optimal policies with VE
Single Action vs. Sequence of Actions • Single Action (aka One-Off Decisions) • One or more primitive decisions that can be treated as a single macro decision to be made before acting • E.g., “WearPads” and “WhichWay” can be combined into macro decision (WearPads, WhichWay) with domain {yes,no} × {long, short} • Sequence of Actions (Sequential Decisions) • Repeat: • make observations • decide on an action • carry out the action • Agent has to take actions not knowing what the future brings • This is fundamentally different from everything we’ve seen so far • Planning was sequential, but we still could still think first and then act
Optimal single-stage decision • Given a single (macro) decision variable D • the agent can choose D=difor any value di dom(D)
What is the optimal decision in the example? Conditional probability Which is the optimal decision here? Utility E[U|D] 0.2 35 35 83 95 0.8 35 30 0.01 74.55 75 0.99 0.2 35 3 80.6 100 0.8 35 0 0.01 79.2 80 0.99
Optimal decision in robot delivery example Best decision: (wear pads, short way) Conditional probability Utility E[U|D] 0.2 35 35 83 95 0.8 30 35 0.01 74.55 75 0.99 0.2 35 3 80.6 100 0.8 35 0 0.01 79.2 80 0.99
Single-Stage decision networks • Extend belief networks with: • Decision nodes, that the agent chooses the value for • Parents: only other decision nodes allowed • Domain is the set of possible actions • Drawn as a rectangle • Exactly one utility node • Parents: all random & decision variables on which the utility depends • Does not have a domain • Drawn as a diamond • Explicitly shows dependencies • E.g., which variables affect the probability of an accident?
Types of nodes in decision networks • A random variable is drawn as an ellipse. • Arcs into the node represent probabilistic dependence • As in Bayesian networks: a random variable is conditionally independent of its non-descendants given its parents • A decision variable is drawn as an rectangle. • Arcs into the node represent information available when the decision is made • A utility node is drawn as a diamond. • Arcs into the node represent variables that the utility depends on. • Specifies a utility for each instantiation of its parents
Example Decision Network Decision nodes do not have an associated table. The utility node does not have a domain.
Computing the optimal decision: we can use VE • Denote • the random variables as X1, …, Xn • the decision variables as D • the parents of node N as pa(N) • To find the optimal decision we can use VE: • Create a factor for each conditional probability and for the utility • Sum out all random variables, one at a time • This creates a factor on D that gives the expected utility for each di • Choose the di with the maximum value in the factor
Computing the optimal decision: we can use VE • Denote • the random variables as X1, …, Xn • the decision variables as D • the parents of node N as pa(N) • To find the optimal decision we can use VE: • Create a factor for each conditional probability and for the utility • Sum out all random variables, one at a time • This creates a factor on D that gives the expected utility for each di • Choose the di with the maximum value in the factor Includes decision vars
VE Example: Step 1, create initial factors f1(A,W) Abbreviations: W = Which WayP = Wear PadsA = Accident f2(A,W,P)
VE example: step 2, sum out A Step 2a: compute product f(A,W,P) = f1(A,W) × f2(A,W,P) f(A=a,P=p,W=w) = f1(A=a,W=w) × f2(A=a,W=w,P=p)
VE example: step 2, sum out A Step 2a: compute product f(A,W,P) = f1(A,W) × f2(A,W,P) f(A=a,P=p,W=w) = f1(A=a,W=w) × f2(A=a,W=w,P=p)
VE example: step 2, sum out A The final factor encodes the expected utility of each decision Step 2b: sum A out of the product f(A,W,P):
VE example: step 2, sum out A The final factor encodes the expected utility of each decision Step 2b: sum A out of the product f(A,W,P):
Expected utility of a decision • The expected utility of decision D = di is • What is the expected utility of Wearpads=yes, Way=short ? • 0.2 * 35 + 0.8 * 95 = 83 E(U | D = di) =w╞ (D = di)P(w) U(w) probability Utility E[U|D] 0.2 35 35 83 95 0.8 35 30 0.01 74.55 75 0.99 0.2 35 3 80.6 100 0.8 35 0 0.01 79.2 80 0.99
VE example: step 2, sum out A Step 2b: sum A out of the product f(A,W,P): The final factor encodes the expected utility of each decision
VE example: step 3, choose decision with max E(U) The final factor encodes the expected utility of each decision • Thus, taking the short way but wearing pads is the best choice, with an expected utility of 83 Step 2b: sum A out of the product f(A,W,P):
Variable Elimination for Single-Stage Decision Networks: Summary • Create a factor for each conditional probability and for the utility • Sum out all random variables, one at a time • This creates a factor on D that gives the expected utility for each di • Choose the di with the maximum value in the factor
Lecture Overview • Single-Stage Decision Problems • Utilities and optimal secisions • Single-Stage decision networks • Variable elimination (VE) for computing the optimal decision • Sequential Decision Problems • General decision networks • Policies • Finding optimal policies with VE
Sequential Decision Problems • An intelligent agent doesn't make a multi-step decision and carry it out blindly • It would take new observations it makes into account • A more typical scenario: • The agent observes, acts, observes, acts, … • Subsequent actions can depend on what is observed • What is observed often depends on previous actions • Often the sole reason for carrying out an action is to provide information for future actions • For example: diagnostic tests, spying • General Decision networks: • Just like single-stage decision networks, with one exception:the parents of decision nodes can include random variables
Sequential decisions : Simplest possible • Only one decision! (but different from one-off decisions) • Early in the morning. Shall I take my umbrella today? (I’ll have to go for a long walk at noon) • Relevant Random Variables?
Sequential Decision Problems: Example • In our Fire Alarm domain • If there is a report you can decide to call the fire department • Before doing that, you can decide to check if you can see smoke, but this takes time and will delay calling • A decision (e.g. Call) can depends ona random variable (e.g. SeeSmoke ) • Each decision Di has an information set of variables pa(Di), whose value will be known at the time decision Di is made • pa(CheckSmoke) = {Report} • pa(Call) = {Report, CheckSmoke, See Smoke} Decision node: Agent decides Chance node: Chance decides
Sequential Decision Problems • What should an agent do? • The agent observes, acts, observes, acts, … • Subsequent actions can depend on what is observed • What is observed often depends on previous actions • The agent needs a conditional plan of what it will do given every possible set of circumstances • We will formalize this conditional plan as a policy
Policies for Sequential Decision Problems Definition (Policy)A policy is a sequence of δ1 ,…..,δn decision functions δi : dom(pa(Di )) → dom(Di) This policy means that when the agent has observed odom(pa(Di )) , it will do δi(o) There are 22=4 possible decision functions δcsfor Check Smoke: - Decision function needs to specify a value for each instantiation of parents CheckSmoke
Policies for Sequential Decision Problems Definition (Policy)A policy is a sequence of δ1 ,…..,δn decision functions δi : dom(pa(Di )) → dom(Di) This policy means that when the agent has observed odom(pa(Di )) , it will do δi(o) There are 22=4 possible decision functions δcsfor Check Smoke: - Decision function needs to specify a value for each instantiation of parents CheckSmoke
Policies for Sequential Decision Problems Definition (Policy)A policy is a sequence of δ1 ,…..,δn decision functions δi : dom(pa(Di )) → dom(Di) when the agent has observed odom(pDi) , it will do δi(o) There are possible decision functions δcsfor Call:
Policies for Sequential Decision Problems Definition (Policy)A policy is a sequence of δ1 ,…..,δn decision functions δi : dom(pa(Di )) → dom(Di) when the agent has observed odom(pDi) , it will do δi(o) There are 28=256 possible decision functions δcsfor Call: