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How Capping Aviation’s Carbon Pollution Can Help Give Wings to Broader Climate Goals. Annie Petsonk, International Counsel, September 2014. ~ 30,000 new large aircraft by 2032. Aviation: 2% of global CO 2 emissions today, but forecasted to quadruple in coming years.
How Capping Aviation’s Carbon Pollution Can Help Give Wings to Broader Climate Goals Annie Petsonk, International Counsel, September 2014
Aviation: 2% of global CO2 emissions today, but forecasted to quadruple in coming years
OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS: International Civil Aviation Organization “Four pillars” on emissions: - technology - operations - alt. fuels - market-based measure (MBM) …with a 2016 deadline for a single global MBM
Source: IATA Industry’s view
MBM: The Players ICSA Industry ICAO ICAO • -193 countries • -Montreal HQ • -36-state Council • -17-state EAG • CAEP • Steering Group • - GMTF • - MRV • - Units • - AFTF -IATA: 85% int’l air travel -Geneva/Montreal HQ -Nat’l/regional groups -Manufacturers (Boeing, Airbus, GE, UTC, etc.) -Airports, air navigation -Business jets Overall: a powerful, well-financed lobby that sees it must address GHG emissions -EDF a co-founder -T&E -AEF(UK) -GermanWatch -CarbonMarketWatch -NRDC -WWF -ICCT USEPA Endangerment Finding, CO2 standard (litigation brought by EJ, CBD Others (IETA, VCS, UNFCCC, etc.)
Industry’s analysis Source: IATA
The Challenges • Develop policy options that: • Address Common but Differential growth in regional air traffic post-2020, • By ensuring that participating jurisdictions can offer high-quality emissions units, encourage broad engagement, • minimize overall compliance costs. • While UNFCCC moves toward Paris 2015, maintain momentum in ICAO toward 2016
Carbon Markets & Aviation ?? …to build a winning coalition in ICAO
If airlines move early, CNG2020 would add $1.5-$2.5 to CDG-JFK ticket in 2030, but if they wait, the cost goes up Integrated Market (CASE 2) Parallel Market (CASE 1) 2030 NOTE:Central traffic growth scenario; international emission reductions target: 50% emissions cut by 2050; no auction; upper and lower estimates for case 1 and 2 depend on in-sector abatement. Lower (green) bars; airlines may start purchasing emissions units today, before other sectors. Upper (blue) bars: airlines wait until after 2020 to purchase emissions units and face maximum competition. Source: EDF analysis.
شكراً!Gracias! Obligado! Thank you! For more information, please contact: Annie Petsonk, apetsonk@edf.org +1-202-365-3237 Photo: www.momscleanairforce.org