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D r y I c e S c i e n c e E x p e r i m e n t

D r y I c e S c i e n c e E x p e r i m e n t. by Caroline Bittorf , 3rd grade. Berwyn School District Digital Science Fair 2012. Background. My neighbor ’ s dad brought some dry ice home from work last summer. He let me, my friend, and my sister play with it.

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D r y I c e S c i e n c e E x p e r i m e n t

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  1. DryIceScienceExperiment • by Caroline Bittorf, 3rd grade Berwyn School District Digital Science Fair 2012

  2. Background • My neighbor’s dad brought some dry ice home from work last summer. He let me, my friend, and my sister play with it. • We made candy by pouring syrup and soda on it. We also put it in a bucket and watched it bubble. • Dry ice is cool!!! I wanted to learn more, so that’s why I picked this project.

  3. Problem What turns dry ice into a gas the fastest: Milk, Orange Juice or Water?

  4. Source 1 I read a book called Cool Dry Ice Devices by James Hopwood. This is what I learned: 1. Sublimation is the process of dry ice turning into a gas. The gas is carbon dioxide. 2. Dry ice does not melt and make a soggy mess.

  5. Source 2 • I visited a website called dryicenetwork.com • Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide. • Dry ice was seen on planets and comets. • Dry ice does not melt. Instead it let’s go of a gas called carbon dioxide. • Carbon dioxide turns into a solid at -109.3 F • Water turns into a solid at 32.0.F

  6. Hypothesis If dry ice is put into liquids such as milk, orange juice, and water, the dry ice would turn into a gas the fastest in water, the second fastest in orange juice, and the slowest in milk.

  7. My Experiment First I put an equal amount of dry ice into each bottle. Next I put a different liquid into three bottles. Now I was ready for the experiment. Very quickly I put balloons on the tops of the bottles. I saw which balloon got the biggest the fastest.

  8. I will...

  9. Trial One

  10. Trial Two

  11. Trial Three

  12. Results

  13. Conclusions After 3 trials I found out milk turns dry ice into gas the fastest. Orange juice is slower than milk but is faster than water. I was surprised! I thought water would make the dry ice sublimate the fastest. I wanted to know the reason why milk was the fastest.

  14. More Facts... I got information at a website called Science for Kids at AllExperts.com. This is what I found out: 1. Dry ice sublimates faster with a liquid than with air because a Liquid is thicker and conducts heat faster. 2. Milk is more dense or thick than orange juice and water. 3. Milk has protein in it so it can make a lot of bubbles! And the bubbles last longer.

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