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FDA/NIEHS Phototoxicology Research and Testing Laboratory & NTP Center for Phototoxicology. NTP Research Centers. • NTP Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction (CERHR) • Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods (NICEATM)
FDA/NIEHS Phototoxicology Research and Testing Laboratory&NTP Center for Phototoxicology
NTP Research Centers • NTP Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction (CERHR) • Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods (NICEATM) • National Center for Toxicogenomics (NCT) • NTP Center for Phototoxicology
NTP Center for Phototoxicology Purpose is to provide the expertise and facility that will allow the conduct of toxicological studies which require exposure of animals to light-emitting sources.
Spectral Comparison of Sunlight, and Simulated Solar Light
6.5 kWatt xenon-arc lamp with 6x6 inch quartz glass filters (8 positions)
SKH-1 hairless mouse • albino; juvenile but not adult hair • immunocompetent • primary animal for photocarcinogenicity studies
AHA/BHA Photococarcinogenesis Study (started 17 July 2000) Amount of Simulated Solar Light Number of mice/sex presented in boxes
NTP Center for Phototoxicology Facility Capacity • Really depends on the types of studies (# dose groups? female and male? vehicle?) • Housing for ~6000 mice • Depending on study design can expose up to ~4000 mice per afternoon with current 2 simulated solar lights
NTP Center for Phototoxicology CURRENT STUDIES Alpha- & Beta- hydroxy acids (IAG/CFSAN; P. Howard; FY99-02) Skin care creams containing alpha- (glycolic acid) or beta-hydroxy acids (salicylic acid) are used in over-the-counter cosmetics to facilitate corneocyte discohesion and epidermal regeneration. This results in a “smoother” looking skin.
NTP Center for Phototoxicology CURRENT STUDIES Alpha- & Beta- hydroxy acids (IAG/CFSAN; P. Howard; FY99-02) - mechanistic studies to understand the effect of the creams on epidermal cell proliferation and epidermal differentiation -1-year photococarcinogenesis study
NTP Center for Phototoxicology CURRENT STUDIES Aloe vera (IAG/NCI; M. Boudreau; FY01-FY04) Contained in many over-the-counter cosmetics, lotions, shampoos, etc. Is also used as dietary supplement. -in vivo phototoxicity of topical aloe and sunlight -mechanistic studies on epidermal cell proliferation - 1-year photococarcinogenesis study
NTP Center for Phototoxicology CURRENT STUDIES Retinyl palmitate (IAG/CFSAN; S. Culp; FY01-04) RP is added to man over-the-counter cosmetics and the role of RP or metabolites (retinol) in photocarcinogenesis is not known - mechanistic studies - photococarcinogenesis study
NTP Center for Phototoxicology CURRENT STUDIES TP-ras(+/+),p16/INK4a(+/-) Mouse melanoma model (NCTR; W. Tolleson; FY01-04) There is currently no acceptable animal model to study the role of sunlight in melanoma development. This is one of two promising mouse models.
NTP Center for Phototoxicology CURRENT STUDIES CRADA on historical database with SKH-1 (NCTR; P. Howard; FY01-02) PUVA exposure and application of gene chip technology for biomarkers (IAG/NIEHS; P. Howard; FY01)
NTP Center for Phototoxicology FUTURE PLANS Padimate O (sunscreen) (IAG/NTP; P. Howard; FY02-06) Oxypeucedanin and furocoumarins in lemon and lime oil (IAG/CFSAN; FY03-07) Dyes D&C 27 and 28 (IAG/CFSAN; FY04-08) PUVA2, kinetics of biomarker changes (IAG/NCTR, NIEHS; P. Howard; FY02-04) Environmental stress effects and circadian rythyms in SKH-1 (NCTR; P. Howard; FY02-03)
NTP Center for Phototoxicology Meeting the basic science research and testing needs NTP, NIEHS, and FDA