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S Q L Chapter Two

S Q L Chapter Two. Overview. Basic Structure Verifying Statements Specifying Columns Specifying Rows  . Introduction SQL   is a modular language that uses statements and clauses.  . Basic structure of PROC SQL :. PROC SQL ; statement (select)

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S Q L Chapter Two

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  1. SQLChapter Two

  2. Overview • Basic Structure • Verifying Statements • Specifying Columns • Specifying Rows 

  3. IntroductionSQL  is a modular language that uses statements and clauses. 

  4. Basic structure of PROC SQL: PROC SQL; statement (select) clauses (from, where, group by, having, order by); QUIT;    Note:  place semicolon at the end of the last clause only.

  5. Statements select- specifies the columns to be selected Select statement has the following features: -selects data that meets certain conditions -groups data -specifies an order for the data -formats data -calculates new variables

  6. Clauses from - specifies the tables to be queried where- subsets the data based on a condition - optional group by - classifies the data into groups - optional having- subsets groups of data based on a group condition order by- sorts row by the values of specific columns Note:  the order of the clauses are significant.

  7. Overview • Basic Structure • Verifying Statements • Specifying Columns • Specifying Rows 

  8. Verifying Statements Two functions that can be used to verify if your statement syntax are: validate- used to check the select statement syntax noexec - checks for invalid syntax in all types of SQL statements

  9. proc sql;validateselect timemile, restpulse, maxpulsefrom project.fitnesswhere timemile gt 7; NOTE: PROC SQL statement has valid syntax. proc sql;validateselect timemile, restpulse, maxpulse,from project.fitnesswhere timemile gt 7; Syntax error, expecting one of the following: a quoted string, !, !!, &... Validate

  10. NoExect proc sql noexec;select  timemile, restpulse, maxpulsefrom  project.fitnesswhere  timemile gt 7; NOTE: Statement not executed due to NOEXEC option.

  11. Features of validate: -tests syntax of query without executing the query -checks the validity of column name -prints error messages for invalid queries -is only used for select statements Features of noexec: -Checks for invalid syntax in all types of SQL statements Contrasting

  12. Overview • Basic Structure • Verifying Statements • Specifying Columns • Specifying Rows 

  13. Specifying Columns Objectives -Displaying columns directly from a table -Displaying columns calculated from other columns -Calculating columns using a CASE expression

  14. PROC SQL; SELECT* FROM VITALS; QUIT; PATIENT     PULSE      TEMP       BPS       BPD                                                       101        72      98.5       130        88                              101        75      98.6       133        92                              101        74      98.5       136        90                              102        81        99       141        93                              102        77      98.7       144        97                              102        78      98.7       142        93                              103        77      98.3       137        79                              103        77      98.5       133        74                              103        78      98.6       140        80                              103        75      99.2       147        89                              104        72      98.8       128        83                              104        69      99.1       131        86 Displaying data from a tableTo print all of a table  columns in the order that they were stored, use an asterisk in the SELECT statement:

  15. PROC SQL;CREATE TABLE TESTMED ASSELECT PATIENT,CASE ((PATIENT/2 = INT(PATIENT/2)) +(PATIENT = .))WHEN 1 THEN 'Med A' WHEN 0 THEN 'Med B' ELSE 'Error'  END AS DOSEGRPLENGTH=5FROM VITALSORDER BY PATIENT;QUIT; PATIENT    DOSEGRP    101       Med B    101       Med B      101       Med B   102       Med A    102       Med A   102       Med A    103       Med B    103       Med B    103       Med B    103       Med B    104       Med A    104       Med A    104       Med A Printing Specify ColumnsIf you do not want to print out all columns in a table in the order that they were stored, you can specify the columns to be printed in the order that you want them in the SELECT statement or CASEEXPRESSION in the select statement .

  16. Calculate the proportion of Units form each country     CODE: OUTPUT: Calculating ColumnsWe can calculate a new column by using data in an existing column and then naming the new column using the as function.

  17. Calculated columns using SAS Dates Recallfrom previous chapters in our SAS book that dates are stored in a different format when run through SAS.  We will then use these dates to calculate new columns.

  18. Example:Calculate the range of dates in a Dailyprices dataset. CODE: OUTPUT:

  19. CODE: OUTPUT: Creating new columnsThe use of CASE expression can be used to create a new column

  20. proc sql;create tablestates asselect state_code, state_name from d2data.state;quit;  State_ Obs Code State_Name  99              UT       Utah               100             VT       Vermont            101              VA      Virginia            102             WA      Washington  103             WV      West Virginia        104             WI       Wisconsin   105             WY      Wyoming  106             N/A Creating a tableTo create and populate a table with the rows from an SQL query, use create table.

  21. Overview • Basic Structure • Verifying Statements • Specifying Columns • Specifying Rows 

  22. Specifying Rows in a table Objectives -Selecting a subset of rows -Removing duplicate rows -Subsetting using where clauses, escape clauses, and calculated values

  23. proc sql;title 'large orders';   select Product_ID, total_retail_price from d2data.order_item where total_retail_price > 1000; quit; Large orders                        Total Retail Price   Product ID       For This Product  240200100076      $1,796.00  240400200097      $1,250.40 240100400043      $1,064.00  240200200013      $1,266.00  240300100032      $1,200.20240300300070      $1,514.40  230100700009      $1,687.50    230100700008      $1,542.60  240300300090      $1,561.80  230100700009      $1,136.20   230100200025      $1,103.60  240200100173      $1,937.20 Selecting a subset of rows

  24. Where clauseUse a where to specify a condition that data must fulfill before being selected.CODE: OUTPUT: Where clauses uses common comparisons (lt, gt, eq, etc) and logical operators (OR, Not, And, In, Is Null, ...).

  25. Removing duplications Use distinct keyword to eliminate duplications. CODE (without DISTINCT):                CODE (withDISTINCT): OUTPUT:

  26. Escape ClauseThe escape clause allows you to designate a single character that will indicate how proc sql will interpret LIKE wildcards when SAS is searching within a character string.   CODE: Example: Selectobservations from a string variable containing an underscore ('_'). OUTPUT:

  27. Subsetting calculated values Since the where clause is evaluated before the select, it's possible for an error to show up since the columns used in the where clause must exist in the table or be derived from an existing column.  There are two fixes for this, the first would be repeating the calculation in the where clause.  The alternative method would be using CALCULATED keyword to refer to an already calculated column in the select.

  28. proc sql;title 'Lack of profit';   select Product_ID,          ((total_retail_price/quantity) - costprice_per_Unit) as profit      from d2data.order_item    where calculatedprofit < 3;quit;title; Lack of profit            Product ID    profit      230100500045       0.7 230100500068       0.9 240100100433      1.85 240700200004         2 240200100021       1.5 240100100031       2.4 240700200007       2.9 240100100232       1.9 230100500004      1.85 230100500004      1.85 240700100017     -1.41 Subsetting calculated values

  29. Summary Basic Structure  • PROC SQL; statement (select) clauses (from, where, group by, having, order by); QUIT; Verifying Statements • validate - used to check the select statement syntax • noexec- checks for invalid syntax in all types of SQL statements Specifying Columns • Displaying columns directly from a table •  Displaying columns calculated from other columns •  Calculating columns using a CASE expression SpecifyingRows  • Selecting a subset of rows • Removing duplicate rows • Subsetting using where clauses, escape clauses, and calculated values

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