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Pressure Groups. Essay Plans. Examine the success of pressure groups in influencing the decision making process. (2002). This essay requires balance and a conclusion You must make notes on the following:
Pressure Groups Essay Plans
Examine the success of pressure groups in influencing the decision making process. (2002) This essay requires balance and a conclusion You must make notes on the following: • PGs with insider status are more successful than those who are outsiders – explain the meaning of these terms and give examples e.g. – INSIDER – BMA, NFU, Police Federation, OUTSIDER – Countryside Alliance, Stop the War Coalition. You must develop your explanation and try to give reasons for influence – professional expertise etc.
PGs whose aims match those of the Government are more successful e.g. Snowdrop – successful in 1997 through petition, League Against Cruel Sports 2004; Stop the War Coalition – unsuccessful 2003 – despite mass demonstration You must develop your explanation and try to give reasons for influence – does not go against party policy/manifesto • Outsider groups who gain mass support may have a chance of influence e.g. Fathers4Justice getting item on political agenda, Fuel protests in 2000 getting cut in tax. Those with low levels of participation less likely to be successful You must develop your explanation and try to give reasons for influence – does not go against party policy/manifesto
Conclusion Consider every factor (insider/outsider, matching govt. aims and support) – for each briefly say what brings influence and why and finish with what is most likely to make a pressure group successful i.e. insider group with mass support whose aims match govt. policy.
To what extent are pressure groups a threat to democracy? (2000) This essay requires balance and a conclusion You must make notes on the following: • provide specialist information • informs public about issues • able to scrutinise the work of govt. and can publish criticisms • Allows public to become involved between elections • Increases participation during a period of voter apathy as parties move to the centre ground • insider groups have undue influence behind closed doors • a vocal minority may be more powerful than the silent majority • pressure groups themselves may not be very democratic • richer pressure groups may have more influence • Pressure group protests may not be law abiding
Conclusion You must say to what extent the evidence suggests pressure groups are a threat to democracy. They are a partial threat due to their undue influence, particularly for insider groups, but the fact that they allow for increased participation, particularly of minority groups not well represented in Parliament, means that, overall, they do not threaten democracy, but improve it.