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Road to Revolution

Road to Revolution. Navigation Acts 1651. Law passed by Britain that said the colonist could only trade with the British. Only British ships could be used for transport. All European imports had to go through England.

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Road to Revolution

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  1. Road to Revolution

  2. Navigation Acts 1651 • Law passed by Britain that said the colonist could only trade with the British. • Only British ships could be used for transport. • All European imports had to go through England. • Taxes on exported goods the colonists sent to other countries besides England. Effect: Smuggling

  3. French and Indian War 1754-1763 • Britain (+ colonists) fought the French and Indians to gain control of the Ohio Valley territory. • Effect: Britain wins, but is in debt and Parliament raises taxes.

  4. Proclamation Line 1763 • The colonist could not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains after the French and Indian War. British can’t afford to protect colonists from Indians raids after war. Effect: Anger towards British government .

  5. Sugar Acts 1764 • England raised taxes on molasses and other luxury items. Effect: Colonist increased smuggling.

  6. Writs of Assistance • Law let British soldiers go through homes and search for goods and take them. (Due to increased smuggling.) • Effect: Colonists upset that homes, businesses, and ships are no longer private.

  7. Quartering Act 1765 • Colonist had to house and supply soldiers who were enforcing Proclamation Line 1763. • This made colonists pay for their protection. Effect: Colonist resentment toward Britain deepens. New York colonist refuse to house soldiers.

  8. Stamp Act 1765 • The first direct tax placed on colonists. Colonists had no representation in parliament. Effect: Stamp Act Congress, Boycotts, protests

  9. Stamp Act Congress 1765 • Nine colonies sent representatives to New York to write a petition against the stamp act. Effect: Starts many protests causing the Townshend Act.

  10. Sons of Liberty • Secret society that organized protests against British taxes. Effect: British viewed the Sons of Liberty as traitors and for colonist this group raised the idea of independence.

  11. Townshend Acts 1767 • Suspended New York assembly. Colonist had to pay duties(taxes) on glass, paper, paint, lead and tea. Writs of Assistance: British soldiers could search anywhere at anytime for anything. Effect: Boycott on British goods and the Boston Massacre.

  12. Boston Massacre 1770 • 5 colonists killed by British soldiers. • Effect- word spreads that Britain has unjustly killed colonists. Outrage!

  13. Tea Act of 1773 • Colonist could only buy British tea. Effect: The Boston Tea Party

  14. Boston Tea Party 1773 • The Sons of Liberty in Boston organized a protest against the Tea Act. They dressed as Native Americans and dumped tea into the Boston Harbor. Effect: Caused the Intolerable Acts.

  15. Edenton Tea Party • Women protested the Tea Act in Edenton North Carolina. Effect: Abigail Adams asked for the right for women to vote to be included in the Declaration of Independence.

  16. Intolerable Acts 1774 • British closed the Boston port until the tea was paid for, restricted assembly in Massachusetts, forced the colonist to house troops in all colonies, British officials face trials in Britain instead of colonies. Effects: Call for a Continental Congress to protect their rights as English citizens.

  17. Regulators 1771 • An association to protest citizens against the abuse of the British government. Effect: Battle of Alamance which ended the regulator movement in NC.

  18. Committees of Correspondence • Organization started by Samuel Adams to pass information from one colony to another. Effect: This group helped call the first Continental Congress (to complain about Intolerable Acts) and keep communication flowing during the American Revolution.

  19. Lexington and Concord- 1775 • British go to seize gunpowder and arms, colonists are warned by minutemen and fight back = 1st battles of war! • Effect- 2nd Continental Congress meets and will draft Declaration of Independence

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