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Usage of Electronic Information in Lithuanian Libraries: A Comparative Study

Usage of Electronic Information in Lithuanian Libraries: A Comparative Study. Emilija Banionytė Vilnius Pedagogical University Library Lithuanian Research Library Consortium, President Au šra Vaškevičienė Martynas Ma žvydas National Library of Lithuania

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Usage of Electronic Information in Lithuanian Libraries: A Comparative Study

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  1. Usage of Electronic Information in Lithuanian Libraries: A Comparative Study Emilija Banionytė Vilnius Pedagogical University Library Lithuanian Research Library Consortium, President Aušra Vaškevičienė Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania Lithuanian Research Library Consortium, Head of Administration

  2. Outline • Background and goal • Questionnaire • Start of delivering Internet services for the users and the first on-line database subscribed • Subscription to on-line databases today • User training • Problems • Who is paying? • Summary and the future Liepaja, Latvia. May 02–03, 2005

  3. Background and goal • First study of the usage of electronic documents in Lithuania: III Nordic-Baltic meeting • Establishment of Lithuanian Research Library Consortium in 2001 • Main objectives • The members Liepaja, Latvia. May 02–03, 2005

  4. Questionnaire • Only 10 questions • Data were collected in February – March 2005 • Sent to: 31 LMBA library and 60 public libraries • Received: 29 answers (93,55%) from LMBA libraries and 20 (33,33%) from public libraries Liepaja, Latvia. May 02–03, 2005

  5. Start of delivering Internet services for the users and the first on-line database Liepaja, Latvia. May 02–03, 2005

  6. Start of delivering Internet services for the users and the first on-line database Liepaja, Latvia. May 02–03, 2005

  7. Subscription to on-line databases • Public libraries: • Mainly subscribing to Lithuanian databases LITLEX, ELTA • Foreign databases: EBSCO Publishing, Integrum-Techno, Oxford Reference Online • LMBA libraries: • Only 3 members do not subscribe to a single database • 5 libraries are offering over 10 databases • In average – 5,7 databases Liepaja, Latvia. May 02–03, 2005

  8. Subscription to on-line databases: LMBA libraries • Via LMBA consortium – 27 research libraries • Via Kaunas University of Technology – 6 • Via National Library – 5 • Via Ministry of Education and Science – 2 • Via Consortium of Legal Resource Centers and Legal Information Specialists – 3 • Via other consortiums - 4 Liepaja, Latvia. May 02–03, 2005

  9. Subscription to on-line databases: public libraries • Via LMBA consortium – 8 public libraries • Via National Library – 65 P.S. 5 county public libraries belongs to LMBA Liepaja, Latvia. May 02–03, 2005

  10. Subscription to on-line databases • 54% research libraries and 50% public libraries are subscribing to databases directly from publisher • Even 94% of them (97% research and 94% public) would prefer to do this via consortium Liepaja, Latvia. May 02–03, 2005

  11. User training • Training “How to search in databases: Train the trainer”: 5 biggest cities • 89,7% of research and 65% of public libraries provide regular training for the users Liepaja, Latvia. May 02–03, 2005

  12. Problems BUDGET LANGUAGE QUALIFICATION Liepaja, Latvia. May 02–03, 2005

  13. Problems BUDGET LANGUAGE Liepaja, Latvia. May 02–03, 2005

  14. Who is paying? • Open Society Fund-Lithuania – first promoter • Ministries • British Council-Lithuania Liepaja, Latvia. May 02–03, 2005

  15. Summary and the future • Research libraries are much more active users of electronic information • Amount of databases subscribed by libraries is growing each year; user needs are growing faster • A gateway for e-resources (Metalib,SFX) Liepaja, Latvia. May 02–03, 2005

  16. Thank you for your attention  lmba@lnb.lt emilija.banionyte@vpu.lt auvask@lrs.lt 370~5~2750340 – Emilija Banionytė 370~5~2398653 – Aušra Vaškevičienė Liepaja, Latvia. May 02–03, 2005

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