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GINI YEAR-ONE CONFERENCE WP 6 -3: Policy analysis - Towards an integrated approach Milan , 4 -5 February 201 1. Successful policy mixes to tackle the impact of rising inequalities on children : an EU-wide comparison - early draft - András Gábos T Á RKI Social Research Institute.
GINI YEAR-ONE CONFERENCE WP 6-3: Policy analysis - Towards an integrated approach Milan, 4-5February 2011 Successful policy mixes to tackle the impact of rising inequalities on children: an EU-wide comparison - early draft - András Gábos TÁRKI Social Research Institute
Aim of the paper • To comparatively evaluate • the outcomes of MSs, • their relative performance, and • the key challenges in eachMS in the field of child poverty and well-being • To draw policy conclusions • By • updating and deepen an existing analysis on ChP & SE in the EU • using an analyitical framework that relies on agreed Social OMC indicators • being aware that agreed indicators are subject to political and methodological changes
1. What has been done so far? • The paper builds on • EU Task-Force on ChP and WB in the EU(2008) • TÁRKI - Applica (2010) • Child mainstreming process within the European Union (started in 2005) • Assessing the performance of EU-27 MSs in the field of child poverty in four dimensions • Child poverty risk outcomes • Joblessness • In-work poverty • Impact of social transfers
Child poverty outcomes At-risk-of-poverty rates (overall population and children) and relative median poverty gap, EU-27, 2008 Source: EUROSTAT, own estimations based on EU-SILC UDB (01.08.2010).
Children living in jobless households Share of children (0-17) and adults (18-59 – not students) living in jobless hhs, EU-27*, 2008 Source: EUROSTAT (EU-LFS)*Data for Sweden are from EU-SILC (WI=0.2).
Poverty risk of children in in-work hhsEU-27*, 2008 In-work households: WI≥0.5 Source: own calculations based on EU-SILC 2008. *No data available for Malta. Data for France are from 2007.
The effectiveness of social transfers, EU-27*, 2008 The effectiveness of social transfers (excl. pensions), EU-27, 2008 Source: EUROSTAT, own calculations based on EU-SILC 2008 (version 01.03.2010).
Child poverty outcomes – country clusters • Indicators included in this task: • at-risk-of-poverty rate • relative median poverty gap • both based on EU-SILC • z-scores based on • the difference between thenational figurefor children and the overall national figure • the difference between the national figure and the EU average for children • z-scores added together, without weighting • Six clusters • to maximise the “steps” between the groups • to minimise the variations within the groups
Relative outcomes of countries related to child poverty risk and main determinants Group A: good performers in all dimensions
Relative outcomes of countries related to child poverty risk and main determinants Group B: joblessness is key challenge
Relative outcomes of countries related to child poverty risk and main determinants Group C: relatively bad performance in all dimensions
Relative outcomes of countries related to child poverty risk and main determinants Group D: in-work poverty is key challenge
2. Questions and further work • Robustness of the analytical framework • To further refine country clusters, by considering • alternative outcome measures • alternative measures of joblessness • work intensity and poverty risk • household composition • To further exploring within-group differences
Income poverty and material deprivation Source: own estimations based on EU-SILC 2008 (version 01.08.2010), following Atkinson and Marlier (2010). Data for France and Malta are not available from the EU-SILC UDB.
Joblessness: EU-LFS vs EU-SILC Source:EUROSTAT, own estimations based on EU-SILC 2008 (version 01.08.2010). Data for France and Malta are not available from the EU-SILC UDB.
Child poverty risk by work intensity, weighted overall EU-27*, 2008 Jobless and job poor One breadwinner Job rich Source: own estimations based on EU-SILC 2008 (version 01.08.2010). *Excl. FR, MT.
Poverty risk of children in in-work hhsEU-27*, 2008 In-work households: WI≥0.5 One bwhouseholds: WI=0.5 Source: own calculations based on EU-SILC 2008. *No data available for Malta. Data for France are from 2007.
Joint activity status of parents and the poverty risk of children, EU-27*, 2008 Source: own estimations based on EU-SILC 2008 (version 01.08.2010). *Excl. FR, MT.
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