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H549 “ 憑信心求,”奉主的名 ASK IN FAITH (1/4)

H549 “ 憑信心求,”奉主的名 ASK IN FAITH (1/4). “憑信心求,”奉主的名, “Ask in faith,” in Jesus’ dear Name, 施恩座前來禱告, Bring your pleas before the throne; 祢若相信,聽主答應, As you trust, the Lord will whisper, 看哪!小子,已成了。 “See, my child, the work is done.”. H549 ( 節 2/4, 頁 1/1) “憑信心求,”神要成就

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H549 “ 憑信心求,”奉主的名 ASK IN FAITH (1/4)

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  1. H549“憑信心求,”奉主的名 ASK IN FAITH(1/4) “憑信心求,”奉主的名, “Ask in faith,” in Jesus’ dear Name, 施恩座前來禱告, Bring your pleas before the throne; 祢若相信,聽主答應, As you trust, the Lord will whisper, 看哪!小子,已成了。 “See, my child, the work is done.”

  2. H549 (節2/4, 頁1/1) “憑信心求,”神要成就 “Ask in faith,” God waits to answer 聖靈組織的禱告, Each petition, Spirit-wrought; 祂必施行奇妙拯救, He will work in wondrous power, 遠超過祢所意料。 Far beyond your highest thought.

  3. H549 (節3/4, 頁1/1) “憑信心求,”才是禱告, “Ask in faith,” ‘tis just the asking, 因信祢就敢站牢, In a faith that dares to stand 滿有平安、盼望、歡笑, Full of joyful expectation, 高張兩手向神要。 With an open, outstretched hand.

  4. H549 (節4/4, 頁1/1) “憑信心求,”神正等祢 “Ask in faith,” for God is waiting 能憑信心來求懇, For thy faith-filled, earnest prayer. 因為信心隨時隨地 Faith delights Him, faith can touch Him, 得神喜悅摸著神。 Every moment, everywhere.

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