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Section 3: Consumer Experience. This section will prepare you to understand how consumers use FIS Bill Pay. Specifically, you will learn how consumers: access Bill Pay set up and manage payees make payments setup, view, and make payments against e-bills
This section will prepare you to understand how consumers use FIS Bill Pay. Specifically, you will learn how consumers: access Bill Pay set up and manage payees make payments setup, view, and make payments against e-bills create reports view and edit their profile information Section Objectives
Why Use Online Bill Payment? Benefits of online bill payment:
Accessing Bill Pay – Internet Banking From the Internet Banking Welcome Screen, Bill Pay can be accessed by clicking any of the “Bill Payment” buttons or links. (The button may also be called “Payment Manager”.) Bill Pay is also accessed by clicking any “Pay your bills” link under each checking account that a consumer has on their Account Summary page. After clicking the “Pay your bills link”, unregistered consumers are directed to a Registration screen. See the Registration section in this binder for details.
Accessing Bill Pay – Inactive Bill Pay Prompt Consumers that have signed up for Bill Pay, but have not accessed it for 60 days are reminded of the Bill Pay feature via an Inactive Bill Pay Prompt feature. Note: Consumers receive this prompt even if they have automatic/recurring payments set up.
Splash Screen New consumers see this splash screen the first time they enter Bill Pay. It only displays the first time a new consumer accesses Bill Pay. On future logins, consumers are taken to the main landing page as described later. The splash page helps new consumers learn to set up payees and payments. • Benefits of this screen: • Helps your new Bill Pay consumers learn about Bill Pay. Many consumers do not realize that they can use Bill Pay to pay individuals, not just companies. • Helps your consumers understand that by using Bill Pay, they are not giving up control of when payments go out. • Shows the consumer how easy it is to use Bill Pay.
Bill Pay Landing Page • The Bill Pay landing page is the Make Payments screen and is a central location for managing payees and payments. All consumers are taken to this page upon login, except for the first login. This landing page gives the consumer immediate access to all common Bill Pay tasks: • adding a payee • viewing a list of e-bills, notices and action items that require attention • viewing a list of their pending payments • last 5 processed payments • the ability to make a payment to a payee
Bill Pay Navigation The buttons at the top of the screens in FIS Bill Pay allow the consumer to: Make Payments – (Landing Page) Manage all payees and paymentsExpedited Payment – Initiate an expedited payment (only displays if financial institution has contracted for the feature) Manage Categories – Add, edit or remove payee categoriesView Reports – Generate a report to display on-screen or downloadSearch Records – Search for payment records using payee name, funding account or date range Funding Accounts – View/Delete funding accounts linked to Bill PayAdd Funding Account – Add new funding accounts to use for Bill Pay (only displays if financial institution allows) Personal Information – View profile information and view/edit email format
Bill Pay Navigation - Other Tasks The ‘Other Tasks’ section on the Landing Page contains the following links: • Accounts to Use – functions the same as the ‘Funding Accounts’ button at the top • Find a Payment – functions the same as the ‘View Reports’ button at the top • Expedited Payment – functions the same as the ‘Expedited Payment’ button at the top • Alert preferences – allows the consumer to manage automatic alerts emails from FIS • Help – default help information that relates to the current screen in use
Bill Pay Navigation - Footer • The footer at the bottom of the screens in FIS Bill Pay contains the following links: • Help – default help information that relates to the current screen in use • Glossary – displays a list of terms in alphabetical order • FAQs – displays a list of commonly asked questions • Contact Us – the functionality of this link is customizable by the financial institution. • During Implementations, the financial institution will select one of the following options: • Link opens to an email form to be filled out by the consumer and upon being submitted it will be sent to FIS. Note: This option is only available if your financial institution has contracted for FIS 1st Tier support. • Link opens to a static HTML page providing consumers with more information regarding Bill Pay support. This page/URL is provided by your financial institution.
Payees - Add Payee As with all common tasks, consumers add payees from the Make Payments landing page. A new consumer who has never added a payee will see no payees or payments listed, with additional help text showing them exactly what to do. This help text appears only to consumers who have no payees set up. A consumer who has already added payees will see a list of their payees with an option to add additional payees at the top of the screen.
Payees – Types of Payee From a consumer perspective, setting up a payee is a seamless screen flow. Screens are presented depending on whether or not the payee being added has a relationship with FIS (i.e. the payee is in FIS' payee database) and/or if the consumer entered the payee information in the correct format. Therefore there are three possible scenarios that consumers could experience when attempting to add their payees to the system: Scenario 1: Electronic Payee: The business name that the consumer starts to type is found in the payee database and the account number and zip code entered by the consumer on the next screen match as well. Note: If e-bills are offered by this payee, the consumer will be able to set up e-bills on a following screen. Scenario 2: Check Payee – Business in Database : The business name that the consumer starts to type is found in the payee database, but the account number and/or zip code entered by the consumer on the next screen do not match what is in the database. The consumer is taken to a second screen, where they must enter the payee’s address, city, and state. Payee is set up to be paid by check. Note: The payee may be converted to an electronic payee later. Scenario 3: Check Payee – Business/Person not in Database: The business name that the consumer starts to type is not found in the database. The consumer is taken to a setup screen, where they will enter all of the payee’s information. The payee is set up to be paid by check. Note: If the payee is a business, it may be converted to an electronic payee later. Real-Time Address Validation All payee addresses entered when adding a new payee are validated with the United States Postal Service (USPS) in real-time. If an address that has been entered is considered by the USPS to have errors but is still deliverable, or is non-deliverable, an error message appears on screen instructing the consumer to review and correct the address. If an address that is considered non-deliverable by the USPS is not corrected, the system will not allow the payee to be added.
Scenario 1: Electronic Payee Setup Step 1:As the consumer enters the payee’s name in the “Pay someone new:” field, a list is automatically generated of companies that contain that sequence of characters. Select the company, then click Add. Step 2: The consumer will be prompted to enter their account number and payee zip code and click Continue. Note: If the zip code is not required for the payee match, then the zip code field will not appear. Step 3: If the information matches exactly what is in the database (and the payee does not offer e-bills), the consumer will be taken to the Confirmation Screen.Note: The payee’s address is noted as “On file” and not displayed on screen.
Scenario 2: Check Payee Set-upDatabase Match Step 1:As the consumer enters the payee’s name in the “Pay someone new:” field, a list is automatically generated of companies that contain that sequence of characters. Select the company, then click Add. (See previous page for screenshot.) Step 2: The consumer will be prompted to enter their account number and payee zip code and click Continue. Note: If the zip code is not required for the payee match, then the zip code field will not appear. Step 3:If the information does not match exactly what is in the database, the consumer will be prompted to enter additional information and click Continue. Note: If available from the payee, FIS will provide the consumer with the payee’s proper account number format (not shown here). Step 4: The consumer sees the confirmation screen. The payee is added manually and will be paid by check. Note: (A manually-added payee (business) may be converted at a later date to an electronic payee.)
Scenario 3: Check Payee Set-upNo Database Match Step 1:When the consumer enters the payee’s name in the “Pay someone new:” field and the system does not automatically generate a list of payees, the consumer types in the full name of the payee and then clicks Add. Step 2: The consumer is prompted to enter all the payee information and click Continue. Step 3: The consumer sees the confirmation screen. The payee is added manually and will be paid by check. Note: If the payee is a business, it may be converted to an electronic payee later.
Multiple Payee Setup To make the process of adding payees even easier, the Setup Assistant can be used to quickly set up multiple payees from a single page. The Setup Assistant lists common payees organized into categories (for example, credit card, mortgage, and so on) and displays them based on the ZIP Code (based on the consumer’s zip code). Consumers can quickly scan and make selections. Step 1:The consumer selects Setup Assistant (to add multiple payees) from the “Pay someone new” field.
Multiple Payee Setup Step 2: Select a payee name from the list. If the business name does not appear or a person needs to be added, the name can be entered in the Friends, Family, Other People or Businesses entry box. Step 3: Enter the payee information (according to one of three scenarios previously covered, not shown here). Step 4: Click Continue. The payee name appears highlighted in the “My Payees” box on the right. Step 5: Repeat steps 2-4 until all payees are added, then click either Set up e-bills or Exit and start paying bills.
Bill Presentment – Set Up A payee is enabled for bill presentment (e-bills) if 1) the payee is able to offer bills electronically and 2) has an established relationship with FIS. Upon setting up a payee that is enabled for e-bills, the confirmation screen will ask if they want to set up the e-bill. The consumer can provide the information now, provide it later, or opt not to receive an e-bill from this payee. Tip: Your financial institution should encourage the use of e-bills to improve your consumer retention rate.
Bill Presentment: Setup The Set Up E-bill window is designed to support enrollment for multiple e-bills, encouraging adoption of this feature. Step 1: To set up an e-bill, select the name from the Payee drop-down list. All e-bill eligible payees appear in this list. Step 2: Enter the biller-specified information to set up the e-bill. All of the entries are verified in real-time and a message appears if the information is invalid. Step 3: Click Set Up E-bill. Step 4: The e-bill is enrolled and appears in the Pending E-bills list on the right. To enroll more payees, select additional names.
Bill Presentment: Types There are two types of e-bills. The payee determines which type is available. • 1. Scraped Bill: • The consumer enters login credentials to their account at the payee’s website. • FIS retrieves the bill from that website and makes it available to the consumer within Bill Pay. • If the consumer does not have an account established or has forgotten their login information, they may set up or change these details by clicking the link provided on e-bill setup screen and then return to complete the e-bill setup. • 2. e-Bill: • The consumer gives FIS information about their last bill for this payee. • The fields that display vary depending on the payee’s requirements. • The payee sends the bill electronically to FIS and FIS and makes it available to the consumer within Bill Pay.
Payees – Payee List The payee list is on the Make Payments screen. By default, all payees display sorted by payee name. A link at the top enables the consumer to filter payees by active payees only, unpaid items, or a custom view. The consumer can sort the payee list by name, last paid date, or due date.
Payees – Payee Super Menu Clicking on the Payee name brings up the Payee Super Menu. Options on the Payee Super Menu may differ by payee, depending on whether or not your financial institution has contracted for Expedited Payments, availability of e-bills, etc.
The first section of the Payee Detail screen displays payee information and allows the consumer to change: Name on account Payee nickname Payment category Payee address Payee Details – Payee Information Note: If FIS has a relationship with the payee, the address is not editable by the consumer as it is maintained by FIS.
Payee Details – Payee Information (cont’d) Deactivate - all pending payments are cancelled and the consumer no longer receives ebills. The biller is listed on the Make Payments screen in an inactive status, the biller can be reactivated at any time. Delete - removes the payee permanently from the Make Payments screen. The confirmation screen offers the alternative to deactivate the payee instead. If the consumer tries to delete a payee with associated scheduled or in process payments, an error message appears in red. Note: Bill images and payment history are not purged when a payee is Deleted or Deactivated.
Payee Details – E-bill Information If the consumer is receiving e-bills for the payee, the second section of the Payee Details screen displays the message “You are receiving e-bills.” If the consumer has not signed up for e-bills for the payee, the e-bill section has a “Sign up now” button. Note: The e-bill sign up only appears if the biller is eligible to receive e-bills.
Payee Details – E-bill Information (cont’d) • The e-bill information section also allows the consumer to: • change their login credentials (for scraped bills ONLY) • cancel/stop receiving e-bills
Payee Details - E-mail Notifications The consumer can choose which emails they would like to receive regarding their payments to a particular payee. • Note: The following email notifications are for payees with ebills only: • Bill Received • No bill received within X days of billing date. • No payment scheduled X days before payment due.
Alert Preferences • In addition to the aforementioned email notifications that consumers can choose to receive, consumers also receive other automatic alerts via email from FIS. Example alerts include: • Payee Added • Payee Updated • Bill Activation Success • Bill Received (Deleted consumer) • E-bill Retrieval Failed Login incorrect • E-bill Retrieval Failed Account Number incorrect • Expedited Payment Complete By default, all alerts are set to “on”. However, the consumer can opt to stop receiving (or to start receiving again) certain alerts via the “Alert Preferences” link under the Other Tasks section of the landing page.
Alert Preferences (cont’d) • Notes: • Only the alerts that apply to the products that your financial institution has purchased/enabled will display to consumers (i.e. Expedited Payments). • Some alerts cannot be turned ‘off’ as FIS requires that the consumer be notified for certain Bill Pay actions. • The “from” email address for these email notifications and alerts is provided by your financial institution. • Depending on your host, if a consumer changes their email address, the financial institution must update this information in Management Console Bill Payment User Profile Maintenance in order for FIS to have the latest email on file (see the Bill Pay Activation section of this training).
Manage Categories • Categories enable consumers to organize their payees into groups and run reports based on a category. • Manage Categories allows a consumer to: • Add a new category and assign payees to it • Rename categories • Delete categories
Payee – Practical Assessment • In each of these scenarios, a consumer wants to know: • “Why is our local electric company not in the database? How will my payment will be sent to them – by check or electronic?” • “Why is Bill Pay asking for my consumer ID and Password to my cell phone account?” • “Can I pay my babysitter using Bill Pay?” • “How do I change my account number in Bill Pay for my phone bill?” • “How can I set up different email notifications?” • “I’m cancelling my credit card. Should I deactivate that Payee or delete them?” What do you advise?
Make Payments For a new consumer without any payments set up, the system prompts them to set up a payment for their new payee immediately after they have set up that payee.
Make Payments - Manual Payments Manual payments can be scheduled at any time from the Make Payments screen. NOTE: New e-bills are also denoted with the icon next to the payee name in the payee list. Step 1:Choose a funding account from the ‘Pay from’ link at the top of the payee list. Step 2: Enter an Amount and a Due By date for each desired payee. The date defaults to the earliest delivery date, or the due date of the eBill. Type in or use the the dynamic calendar to select a different date. Step 3: If there is a new e-bill for a particular payee, click the ‘View’ link. Step 4: Click the Pay button. Note: The ‘File’ link allows the consumer to change the status of the bill from ‘unpaid’ to ‘filed’ without having to make a payment in Bill Pay.
Make Payments - Manual Payments (cont’d) The confirmation message appears on the Make Payments screen, with a confirmation number. The scheduled/pending payment appears in the Pending Payments section. From here, the payment can be edited or cancelled. Add Memo: If the payment will be sent via check, the consumer can supply a memo to be included in the payment.
Make Payments - Automatic Payment Options In addition to being able to manually schedule payments, consumers have the option to schedule automatic payments. The Automatic Payments section of the Payee Detail screen displays the current payment option for the payee and allows the consumer to edit/change the current payment option.
Make Payments - Automatic Payment Options (cont’d) The default payment option is to “Pay manually” . However, consumers have up to two additional payment options for scheduling payments to payees: • Pay automatically at regular intervals: The payment is automatically scheduled to be paid based on a frequency that the consumer sets up. The next scheduled payment in the cycle appears in the “Pending Payments” section. Note: This payment option is available for all payees.Tip: This payment option is a good choice for mortgages or other bills in which the amount due and due date are the same for each payment and the payment is needing to be paid on a recurring basis. • Pay automatically in response to an e-bill: Upon the consumer receiving an e-bill from a payee, the payment is automatically scheduled to be paid based on rules the consumer sets up. The payment is automatically scheduled and appears in the ”Pending Payments” section if it meets the requirements of the rules that were established for the payment. If the bill does not meet the requirements of the rules that were established for the payment, then it will appear in the “e-Bills ready to be paid” section. Note: This payment option is available for payees with e-bills only. Tip: This payment option is a good choice for utility bills or other bills that are different amounts every month, but tend not to be “more than” a certain amount, or for credit cards where the consumer has a minimum or full balance to be paid.
Step 1: Select the account to debit if the consumer has more than one account.Tip: It is recommended to ‘always use the default’ account to assist with funding account management later. Step 2: Enter a memo if desired. This displays only on paper checks. Step 3: Choose the payment option ‘Pay automatically at regular intervals’ and enter the payment details Step 4: Click the Save Changes button. Make Payments - Automatic Payment Options (cont’d) Limit is 30 years
Step 1: Select the account to debit if the consumer has more than one account. Tip: It is recommended to ‘always use the default’ account to assist with funding account management later. Step2: Enter a memo if desired. This displays only on paper checks. Step 3: Choose the payment option ‘Pay automatically in response to an e-bill’ and enter the payment details or create a rule to customize these options. Rules are used to automate payments due on incoming e-bills. Step 4: Click the Save Changes button. Make Payments - Automatic Payment Options (cont’d) Note: The Pay automatically in response to an e-bill option is available only if the consumer has set up Bill Presentment for this payee.
Pending Payments The Pending Payments section displays the following: payments for which the consumer has opted to “Pay manually” by entering an amount and a date for a particular payee and clicking the Pay button the next scheduled payment in the recurring cycle for payees that were set up with the “Pay automatically at regular intervals” automatic payment option payments that were set up with the “Pay automatically in response to an e-bill” automatic payment option in which the new e-bill arrived and the system scheduled the payment according to the rules established Note: If the rule included the option to “Pay nothing and send e-mail notification”, the payment would appear in the “e-bills ready to be paid”section. The Print Confirmation link allows consumers to print all pending payments. This report displays the status/confirmation, funding account and other payment information.
Pending Payments (cont’d) The Pending Payments section allows the consumer to view, edit, or cancel payments. The Payment Details screen allows the consumer to view the e-bill (if the consumer has set up the payee to receive e-bills). The Notes button allows a consumer to associate a customized message to this particular payment. It is not included in the payment itself.
Pending Payments – Edit a Payment Edit:: Payments can be edited up until processing time (see Section 1). When editing an automatic payment, the consumer can change just that one pending payment, or the entire automatic rule (amount only).
Pending Payments – Cancel a Payment Cancel: Payments can be canceled up until processing time (see Section 1). When a pending payment is cancelled, the consumer is responsible for any necessary notifications or changes with the payee. When cancelling an automatic payment, the consumer can cancel just that one pending payment, or the entire automatic rule.
Payment Reminders – Set Up The Payment Reminders feature notifies consumers that an upcoming payment is due. An icon will appear next to the payee on the Make Payments page and an optional e-mail will be sent 10 days before the due date input by the consumer. If a payee is automatically paid or is set up for e-bills, reminders will not be available for that payee. If the consumer does not make a payment before the 10-day notification period, a new item appears under the Needs Attention link and the Action Needed icon appears next to the payee. When a payment is made to a payee with a reminder, the due date will be incremented and a new reminder is created. Alternatively, a consumer can increment a reminder due date without scheduling a payment by clicking the Skip reminder link. Set Up a Reminder Step 1:Click the Set up reminder link under the payee name on the Make Payments screen. Step 2:Select a frequency, enter the due date and enter an estimated amount. Click the Save button.
Payment Reminders - Change Step 3: The confirmation message and reminder icon display under the payee on the Make Payments page. Change or Turn Off a Reminder Step 1:Click the payee name to expand the options window and click the Change reminder options link. Step 2: Select Change reminder to make changes to the reminder or select Turn off reminder to delete the reminder. Note: A reminder for a payee will be automatically turned off if the consumer sets up an automatic payment, schedules a manual payment, schedules an e-bill payment or clicks the Skip reminder link.