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Mr. Janek Kuchmistrz LS 812 Business, Science and Religion November 23, 2011. The Deceptive Dream- Utopia. Utopias have existed in many guises: Religious Political/social Scientific This seminar examines their historical development, and whether utopian dreams persist today.
Mr. Janek Kuchmistrz LS 812 Business, Science and Religion November 23, 2011 The Deceptive Dream- Utopia
Utopias have existed in many guises: Religious Political/social Scientific This seminar examines their historical development, and whether utopian dreams persist today. The Deceptive Dream- Utopia
In the beginning... Definition of UTOPIA • an imaginary and indefinitely remote place • often capitalized : a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions • an impractical scheme for social improvement Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary • Why did we dream of Utopias? • How and when did this idea first ignite the human imagination? • Have these dreams died?
Historical Background • Religion invents concepts of Garden of Eden, and heavenly paradise • What did this “Heaven” look like? “... there will be there all that the souls could desire, all that the eyes could delight in …” (Quran 43:71) “Eat and drink at ease for that which you have sent forth (good deeds) in days past!” (Quran 69:24) “They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold, and they will wear green garments of fine silk and heavy brocade. They will recline therein on raised thrones. How good [is] the recompense! How beautiful a couch [is there] to recline on!” (Quran 18:31)
Christian Ideas of Utopia • Concept of New Jerusalem from Book of Revelations 21: • “And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” (Revelation 21:2 ) • Christian communism described in the Acts of the Apostles 2:44–45, which speaks of the early Christians holding “all things common.” • Artist: Duncan Long
Where does it begin?Plato's “The Republic” • Written @380BCE as a Socratic dialogue • Created an ideal society ruled by “philosopher-kings” • There were 3 classes reflecting the 3 divisions of the soul or 3 parts of the psyche. Those 3 parts are the rational, the passionate, and the appetitive. • 3 distinct roles correspond to this: the Guardians who are rational, the Auxiliaries who are passionate, and the artisans, farmers, and businessmen (Producers) who are appetitive • Artist: Raphael- Plato & Aristotle
One remains for life in the role in which one was born. Plato's ideal society has been characterized “as “totalitarian”, with all the overtones which that word carries in the aftermath of German fascism in Russian communism.” W.G. Runciman pg 37 “The ruled, in his ideal society, are totally dependent for their well-being on the decisions of rulers no more answerable to them than a tyrant would be.” W.G. Runciman pg 39 What is Plato's ideal society? • Plato's premise: In a harmonious and orderly society, the citizens will perform the tasks for which they are best suited. • However, if a Producer tries to become an Auxiliary, or an Auxiliary a Guardian, this is something which Plato has his Socrates denounce as "exceptional wickedness”. W.G. Runciman pg 25 • There is little freedom, as we would define it, in Plato's just society.
Next: “Utopia” Invented • Sir Thomas More wrote “Utopia” in 1516 • He was a Catholic Humanist, saw Humanism as a way to combine faith and reason. • Considered a work of satire: subtle criticism of Europe's political corruption and religious hypocrisy. • His Utopian ideas went well beyond Catholic orthodoxy! • Artist: Hans Holbein, the Younger
Visiting More's “Utopia” • Marriage not allowed until 18 for females, 22 for males • Groom and bride are exhibited naked to each other before marriage- inspect the goods! • Utopians practice complete religious toleration. • Divorce is allowed. All of this would shock 16th century Catholic society. • Artist: Sir Thomas More, himself!
“Prince” elected by officials (Stywards and Bencheaters). Remains for life unless becomes a tyrant. More's “Utopia” implies that Utopians behave better than some contemporary Christians More's work clearly inspired the philosophical development of themes such as socialism and communism. Visiting “Utopia” • Utopians all wear the same clothing- grey wool • No private property exists • State controls are extensive: can't travel without documents giving permission • Gold and silver are despised, jewels for babies • Utopians avoid war, consider it idiotic- prefer to outwit their enemies
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Issac Newton-1676 Role of “Enlightenment and Romanticism” • Enlightenment was an infatuation with rationalism: “the mind's eye (Reason) could potentially “see” the Truth (via) central precepts, such as objectivism, reflection, critical rationality and subjectivism..” Kavanagh 2004 pg 448 • Artist: Godfrey Kneller, 1689
New voyages... • Many stories with this motif appeared after “Utopia” • Francis Bacon's “New Atlantis” 1627 • Thomas Hobbes “Leviathan” 1651 • Swift's “Gulliver's Travels” 1726 • Voltaire's “Candide” (1758) is intriguing, in that Utopia is abandoned. • Cacambo and Voltaire's innocent Candide stumble upon “El Dorado”, and earthly paradise hidden by high mountains in South America. But they are not long content... • “If we stay here, we will only be like the others. Yet if we return to our world with just twelve sheep laden with El Dorado pebbles...”
Romanticism could be “seen as an extension and deepening of the Enlightenment rather than an alternative philosophy.” “Romantics presented mental pictures of what the world might be like, instead of the rationalist picture of what the world was like.” Kavanagh 2004 pg. 450 Where do the “Romantics” take us? • The “Romantics” critiqued rationalism, rejecting this vision of life for a more fantastic one. • They stressed the imaginative, the irrational and creative aspects of the human mind. • But, the mind is still maintained as primordial.
Nationalism & Socialism: Children of Romanticism? • “Romantics followed...rationalists... (with) optimistic, progressive, and one might say, innocent visions of the future.”Kavanagh 2004 • Jones 1974 states that Romanticism provided an important philosophical basis for both socialism and nationalism, which were the two principal forces radically shaping human society in the late 19th century and continuing through the 20th century. • Romantic literature was influential in resurrecting folk traditions, music and inspired national feeling. Igor Stravinsky's “The Rite of Spring” exemplifies this phenomenon. • Romanticism also created ideas of idyllic life- which created flourishing utopian literature and movements.
Socialism: Divergent paths to paradise • Socialism advocates collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Produced TWO principal utopian visions: Scientific • Urban and industrial • Progress is exalted • Regimented life in service of the nation AgrarianVS • Back to the land- communal • Less technology • Simpler life- no real government
News From Nowhere (1890) • Written by Englishman William Morris, founder of British “Socialist League” • Story about a “William Guest” waking up in 21st century England- classic utopian socialism • Society has become pastoral, bucolic- London has depopulated • Everyone works- at whatever they take pleasure in doing
What does William dream? • A friendly, peaceful world of “neighbours” • No money, no crime, no prisons, no marriage, no war • Common ownership- no private property • Government does not exist- no parliaments • Complete “equality”
Morris's views on Formal Education "As a rule, they don’t do much reading, except for a few story-books, till they are about fifteen years old; we don’t encourage early bookishness: though you will find some children who will take to books very early; which perhaps is not good for them; but it’s no use thwarting them;"
“Looking Backward: 2000-1887” • Written by American lawyer Edward Bellamy, it was the 3rd bestseller of the time. • First person account of Julian West, re-awaking in Boston after a 113yr trance • World transformed by a simple act- nationalisation of all means of production, distribution and property.
What was Bellamy's ideal world? • Private ownership of property abolished • Every citizen belongs to an industrial “army” • All work is equally remunerated by credit- no$ • Nation is organized as one giant business- “it became the one capitalist” • Individualism replaced by communalism • “The broad shoulders of the nation”- a complete welfare state
Where did this Utopia lead? • Bellamy's vision of the ideal society resonated with Marxist ideas • Legislative Government was no longer really necessary, with the “Congress” only in session every 5 yrs. • Individual rights are subservient to public good
The Communist Manifesto 1848Das Kapital 1867 • Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were the key proponents of a new economic order- Communism • Based upon state control of all property, production and work • Marxists believe in the inevitable victory of workers in the class struggle- leading to...
“There goes the theory” • Totalitarianism • Stalinism • Maoism • Communism, as actually practiced, was central planning of all economic activity, restricted mobility of citizens, no free press, nor free association • Secret Police, state coercion existed on a massive scale • Religious belief was prohibited- a long list can be added!!
Stalinism: “Rigid authoritarianism, widespread use of terror, and often emphasis on Russian nationalism” • Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (1879-1953) • Undisputed Leader of Soviet Union after Trotsky fled, 1929-53 • Famous for his “Five Year Plans”, “Collectivism”, and “Great Purges” of suspected enemies • Established communism post WWII in many nations
Negative Reality of central planning meant poor or non-existent consumer goods Pace of improvement in standard of living slower than capitalist West Virtually all human rights lost Could Communism be a Utopia? Positive • Created states that did succeed in greatly improving education, medical care, life expectancy • Limited success in bettering economic conditions
“Soviet communism didn't just collapse. It vanished as if it had been a bad dream” • Berlin Wall fell on Thursday Nov. 9 1989. • Why? Many reasons. A sociological and economic collapse- couldn't provide necessities for citizens. Even Cuba now moving to private enterprise • “Socialism is certain to prove...the road NOT to freedom, but to dictatorship...Socialism achieved...by democratic means seems definitely to belong to the world of utopias” Hayek “The Road to Serfdom” 1944
Religious Utopia- Why? “ Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions.” Karl Marx, Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right 1843 Photo: Pope John Paul II..slayer of Communism??
Religious Utopias- New Jerusalem on Earth • Many religious groups arose in tumultuous late 18th and early 19th century that created utopian communities: • Shakers • Harmony Society • Oneida Community • Amana Colonies • Even at Sointula in BC
The Shakers- A Celibate Utopia • Founder was English, Anne Lee, in 1770 • Had a vision of Adam and Eve in carnal intercourse in a Manchester jail • Convinced that “lust was the true source of sin” • She and 7 others immigrated to America in 1774. • Photo: Can't be Ann Lee, died in 1784!!
“Utilize ecstatic religious activities both to sublimate troublesome sexual impulses and to transform the character of believers” “Shaker celibacy made possible system which gave women a degree of equality leadership that even the most militant socialist advocates of women's rights were unable or unwilling to achieve in practice” Foster “Religion and Sexuality” 1981 United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearance • Celibacy was a key aspect, crucial control mechanism • Carefully planned group life was attractive to many • At peak (1837-50) over 6000 members in 60 communities • Provided inspiration to wide variety of social reformers from Robert Owen to Friedrich Engels and others.
Why were they called Shakers? • The Shakers can be seen to be one of the 1st “back to the land movements” • Statistics show that stereotype of supposed Shaker rural origins opposed fact that many individuals were born in New York City proper or in Brooklyn • They were economically successful- a refuge from industrialization Artist: Currier and Ives, 1835
How to get to Utopia? Which Way to Heaven? Reverend Billy Graham tells of a time early in his ministry when he arrived in a small town to preach a sermon. Wanting to mail a letter, he asked a young boy where the post office was. When the boy had told him, Dr. Graham thanked him and said, "If you'll come to the Baptist Church this evening, you can hear me telling everyone how to get to heaven." The boy replied, "I don't think I'll be there... You don't even know your way to the post office." www.broadcaster.org.uk/section2/jokes/christianjokes.html
What happened to all these Utopias? • Is it possible we've learned something in the last 200 years? • Distrust any vendors of utopian dreams! • So much suffering caused by chasing utopian dreams- World Wars, Stalinism, Khmer Rouge, Cultural Revolution- the list is long... • Perhaps cultural evolution has occurred in our species? • Utopias have metamorphosed into Dystopias