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Learn how to present categorical data using pie charts, bar charts, stacked bar charts, cluster bar charts, histograms, scatter diagrams, and time series charts in SPSS. Follow step-by-step instructions to create various visualizations.
Enter the categories from Example 2.3 in one column of the worksheet and their frequencies in another. Some of the category names will be too long for the default field width. Pie chart
To name the variables and widen the first column click the Variable View tab at the bottom left of the screen.
Type in a Name for each variable and change the width of the first column to 17 and the second column to 10 in both the Width and Columnscolumns. • Change the Measure of the Frequency variable from Nominal to Scale.
Click the Data View tab and amend the entries in the first column.
Click OK to decline the Define Variable Properties and proceed to the Chart Builder.
Under Choose from: under Gallery in the lower part of the next window choose Pie/Polar. Click and drag the small pie chart into the upper part of the window.
The column names are listed to the left of the window under Variables. Click and drag Frequency to the Angle Variable? area to the left of the chart and Outlet to the Slice by? area under the pie chart.
Follow the steps in slides 2-7 to enter and configure the data from Example 2.3 and access Chart Builder. Under Choose from: choose Bar. Click and drag the simple bar pie chart into the upper right window. Simple bar chart
The column names of the categories and frequencies are listed under Variables. Click and drag Frequency into the Y-Axis? area left of the chart and Outlet into the X-Axis? area under the chart.
Enter the data from Example 2.4putting the retailer categories in one column, the transactions in a second and whether or not a card was used in a third. Stacked bar chart
Click the Variable View tab. • Name each variable and make the width of the first column 12, the second 10 and the third to 6 under both the Width and Columns. • Change the Measure of the Transactions variable to Scale.
Click the Data View tab. Select Chart Builder from the Graphs menu. Under Choose from: choose Bar. Click and drag the stacked bar chart into the upper right window.
From the Variables list click and drag Transactions into the Y-Axis? area left of the chart, Retailer into the X-Axis? area under the chart, and Card into the Stack: set color area top right of the chart .
Use the same sequence of data entry, variable configuration as for a Stacked Bar Chart. Click and drag the cluster bar chart into the upper right window. Cluster bar chart
From the Variables list click and drag Transactions into the Y-Axis? area left of the chart, Retailer into the X-Axis? area under the chart, and Card into the Cluster: set color area top right of the chart .
Enter the data from Example 2.11 into a worksheet column and name it Messages. Histograms
Under Choose from in the Chart Builder window select Histogram. Click and drag the simple histogram in the top left of the chart types into the upper part of the window.
Click and drag Messages into the X-Axis? area under the diagram. Click OK.
Enter the data from Example 2.245 into two worksheet columns and name them Temperature and Fuel. Scatter diagrams
Under Choose from: in the next Chart Builder window choose Scatter/Dot. Click and drag the simple scatter diagram in top left of the chart types into the upper part of the window.
Click and drag Fuel into the Y-Axis? space to the left of the diagram, and Temperature into the X-Axis? area under the diagram. Click OK.
Put the Employees data from Example 2.25 in a column of the worksheet. Time series charts
In the command window choose Years under Cases Are and type 2001 under First Case Is.
Under Choose from in the Chart Builder window choose Line. Click and drag the chart type on the left into the upper part of the window.
Click and drag Employees into the Y-Axis? Space to the left of the diagram, and YEAR into the X-Axis? area under the diagram. Click OK.