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The Region 8 Label Book

The Region 8 Label Book. An introduction to its contents. Introduction. Introduction. Introduction: How to use this book Index – to products and subjects. Reference materials. Reference Materials: Summary of registered uses. Reference Materials: Summary of application timing.

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The Region 8 Label Book

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Region 8 Label Book An introduction to its contents

  2. Introduction

  3. Introduction • Introduction: How to use this book • Index – to products and subjects

  4. Reference materials

  5. Reference Materials:Summary of registered uses

  6. Reference Materials:Summary of application timing Terrestrial uses Aquatic uses

  7. Reference Materials:Internet help

  8. Reference Materials:Weights and measures tables

  9. Reference Materials:Calibration formulae

  10. Reference Materials:MSDS: A guide to its content

  11. Residue Tolerances

  12. Residue Tolerances

  13. Worker Protection Standard

  14. Worker Protection Standard:EPA: Basic Principles

  15. Worker Protection Standard:WPS requirement summary

  16. Worker Protection Standard:The Standard

  17. NEPA letters Letters modifying or explaining VMFEIS requirements

  18. NEPA letters:Index

  19. NEPA letters:Revised (VMFEIS) application rate limits

  20. NEPA letters: Glyphosate: Supplemental risk assessment Reinstatement of aerial application of herbicides (AM then CPP) Revision of triclopyr rates (O/O) Clarification – mitigation for sensitive species Revision of triclopyr and hexazinone rates (AM & CPP) Direction – Use of soil-active herbicides & diesel oil

  21. Glossary Of terms and acronyms of importance

  22. Glossary

  23. Labels & MSDSs A compilation of labels and MSDSs for herbicides and adjuvants potentially used in the Southern Region – these will be discussed individually

  24. Review of the contents of the summary sheets

  25. Common and brand names Mode of action Selectivity Soil activity and mobility Persistence and breakdown Toxicity to humans and wildlife Application timing Weaknesses or limitations Label book summary sheets:Several categories of environmental behavior are included in the summaries which precede each chemical presented in the Region-8 Label Book Information includes:

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