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ASME/ANS Joint Committee on Nuclear Risk Management (JCNRM) Presented to Nuclear Energy Standards Coordination Collaborative (NESCC) November 2014, Washington DC C.R. (Rick) Grantom P.E. Co-Vice Chair BNCS, JCNRM Co-Chair crgrantom@stpegs.com. Presentation Outline. Introduction
ASME/ANSJoint Committee on Nuclear Risk Management(JCNRM)Presented toNuclear Energy Standards Coordination Collaborative (NESCC) November 2014, Washington DCC.R. (Rick) Grantom P.E.Co-Vice Chair BNCS, JCNRM Co-Chaircrgrantom@stpegs.com
Presentation Outline • Introduction • ASME/ANS Risk Management Role & Governance • ASME Board on Nuclear Codes & Standards • ANS Standards Board • Nuclear Risk Management Coordinating Committee • JCNRM Overview • Main Committee • Subcommittees • Working Groups • Project Teams • JCNRM Strategic Plan • JCNRM Products • Risk Informed Applications • Communication & Contact Paths • Opportunities to Participate
Current ASME / ANS / NRMCC Organization ANS Standards Board ASME BNCS NRMCC NRC, DOE, NEI, EPRI Owners Groups, IEEE, ASME, ANS ASME/ANS JCNRM
ASME Organization Chart for Nuclear Codes and Standards Development Board of Governors Council on Members Affairs Council on Education Council on Public Affairs Council on Codes and Standards Council on Engineering Board of Pressure Technology Codes & Standards Board of Safety Codes and Standards Board of Nuclear Codes & Standards Committees Board of Performance Test Codes NQA O&M QME Over 3,000 volunteers participate in this process BPV CNF CONAGT JCNRM Section XI Section III
The ANS Standards Committee Risk-Informed & Performance-Based Principles Policy Committee Standards Board (Top-level committee) Large Light Water Reactor Consensus Committee Research and Advanced Reactors Consensus Committee Non- Reactor Nuclear Facilities Consensus Committee Safety & Radiological Analyses Consensus Committee Joint Committee on Nuclear Risk Management Consensus Committee Nuclear Criticality Safety Consensus Committee Environmental and Siting Consensus Committee Fuel, Waste, and Decommissioning Consensus Committee Subcommittees Working Groups
MEMBERS ASME, ANS, IEEE, Owners Groups, EPRI, NEI, DOE, and NRC Committee can also include interested standards developing organizations, such as ASTM, NFPA, and AISC PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES Coordinate codes and standards activities related to risk management for current and new nuclear power plants, nuclear facilities, and the transportation and storage of nuclear material Ensure that codes and standards associated with risk management, and their underlying principles, are consistent and compatible CURRENT ACTIONS Facilitates coordinating activities between ASME, ANS, and IEEE on risk- informed initiatives Acts on inputs from industry and regulating organizations relative to the use of risk methods in codes and standards Nuclear Risk Management Coordinating Committee
JCNRM CHARTER To develop, revise and maintain standards and guides on probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) and related risk management techniques supporting risk-informed and performance-based applications for nuclear facilities.
JCNRM SCOPE The development of standards and guidance that establish risk criteria and methods for PRA, risk assessment, and risk management for nuclear facilities. Review of standards as requested by other American Nuclear Society (ANS) and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) standards committees, and other standards development organizations on related topics to identify inconsistency, lack of integration of risk concepts and duplication, as appropriate.
JCNRM Overview National consensus committee ~70 volunteers working in all JCNRM organizational areas All nuclear sectors interest areas represented Member rosters can be found on JCNRM web page
Level 1/LERF PRA (Internal Events & external hazards): RA-Sb-2013 Advanced Non-LWR PRA Standard (Published 2013), RA-S-1.4 (Trial Use) In process New Edition, RA-S-1.1-2016 Level 2 PRA (Containment Response & Radiological Release), RA-S-1.2 (Trial Use) Level 3 PRA (Consequences), RA-S-1.3 (Trial Use) Low Power and Shutdown PRA (LPSD) Advanced LWR PRA Current JCNRM Products 17
JCNRM Organizational Chart Joint Committee on Nuclear Rick Management [JCNRM] (Consensus Group) JCNRM Executive Committee Subcommittee Standards Development (SC-SD) Subcommittee Standards Maintenance (SC-SM) Subcommittee on Risk Applications (SCoRA) JCNRM Working Groups JCNRM Project Teams 18
Subcommittee Standards Development • Chair/Vice Chair • Barry Sloane (ERIN Engineering), Chair • Dennis Henneke (GE Hitachi), Vice Chair • Working Groups (“Writing Groups”) • Advanced LWR PRA Standard (Jim Chapman, lead) • Low Power/Shutdown PRA Standard (Don Wakefield, lead) • Level 2 PRA Standard (Ed Burns, lead); currently being balloted for trial use • Level 3 PRA Standard (Keith Woodard, lead) • Non-LWR PRA Standard (Karl Fleming, lead); currently in Trial Use phase • Project Teams • Spent Fuel Pool PRA Needs Assessment; work is completed • Primary focus 2014 – 2016 • Issuance of LP/SD PRA Standard for Trial Use • Issuance of Advanced LWR PRA Standard for Trial Use • Issuance of L2 PRA Standard Trial Use • Issuance of L3 PRA Standard for Trial Use • Evolution of Trial Use Process, interaction with Trial Use Standard users • Eventual Issuance of Trial Use standards as ANSI Standards
Subcommittee Maintenance Chair Paul Amico/Vice Chairs Andrea Maioli, Gareth Parry Working Groups: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Parts 5-10 Project Teams: 8 PTs addressing groups of cross cutting issues. Primary focus 2014 – 2016 is new edition of RA-S. Expect to inherit new standards and WGs beginning in 2016
Subcommittee on Risk Applications Chair Ken Kiper/Vice Chair Stanley Levinson Project Teams - New PT on interface with BNCS Board Committee Nuclear Quality Assurance (NQA) to facilitate and improve 50.69 implementation Primary Focus 2014-2016 - Establish POCs with key stakeholder organizations & national consensus committees with risk initiatives
MISSION Factor risk, as well as performance, into all ASME Nuclear Codes and Standards, as appropriate, to further ensure, on a worldwide basis, that they protect public health and safety and meet the needs of users ACTION PLAN Identify and track short-term (1-2 years) and long-term (3+ years) risk-informed initiatives within the Committee on Board Operations and across all BNCS Committees PRA STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT Identify needs to enhance or develop PRA Standards to support applications defined in the action plan UPDATES Plan is updated and approved at each BNCS meeting (~4 months) and is then placed on the ASME website for public access ASME BNCS Risk Management Strategic Plan
The American Nuclear Society Standards Board (SB) has established the Risk Informed and Performance Based Principles Policy Committee (RP3C) as a committee that reports directly to the SB. The RP3Cis responsible for the identification and oversight of the development and implementation of the ANS Risk Informed and Performance Based Standards Plan that establishes the approaches, priorities, responsibilities and schedules for implementation of risk informed and performance based principles in American Nuclear Society (ANS) standards. The RP3C is also responsible for reviewing standards being developed by other standards developing organizations as assigned by the ANS SB on related topics to ensure consistency. ANS Standards Board Risk Management Strategic Plan
Regulatory Infrastructure • RG 1.200 endorses PRA Standards • Other supporting RGs for applications are • RG 1.174, Risk Informed Licensing Changes • RG 1.175, Risk Informed Inservice Inspection • RG 1.177, Risk Informed Technical Specifications • RG 1.201, Risk Informed Categorization & Treatment of SSCs • RG 1.205, 50.48(c) Fire Protection, NFPA 805 • RG 1.206, 10CFR52, New Plants
NRC has adopted a risk-informed approach to use of PRA in regulatory decision-making (Risk Informed Regulation) The philosophy is discussed, in the contextof changes to licensing basis, in RG 1.174 PRA analyses are one, but not the only, input to the decision NUREG-2150 describes a proposed risk management regulatory framework Use of PRA Results in Regulatory Applications 31
Risk Informed Regulatory Areas • Maintenance Rule (10CFR50.65), • Mitigating Systems Performance Index (MSPI), • Reactor Oversight Program/Significance Determination Process
Industry PRA Applications Risk-Informed Applications used by US NPPs On-Line Maintenance, Configuration Risk Management, Risk Informed Inservice Inspection (prior to PRA Standard) 10CFR50.69, Risk Significance Categorization Risk-Informed Technical Specifications Risk-Managed Tech Specs (Flexible Allowed Outage Times) (RITS 4B) Surveillance Frequency Control Program (RITS 5B) NFPA-805 (Risk Informed Fire Protection) Risk-Informed GSI-191 33
Utility PRAs use the guidance in the Standard for establishing in part or in whole: Role of Peer Reviews Risk-Informed Application Process PRA Standard Utility Interfaces 34
Communication Venues • Owners Group Meetings • EPRI meetings • Two JCNRM Meeting weeks per year (February, September) • Monday/Tuesday (WGs, Exec Committee) • Tuesday/Wednesday (Subcommittees) • Thursday (Main Committee) • NRMCC Meetings (two per year) • ASME & ANS • Many telecons at all levels
ContactInformation • UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES • ASME JCNRM committee website • http://cstools.asme.org/csconnect/CommitteePages.cfm?Committee=100186782 • Officers • Co-Chairs: C.R. (Rick) Grantom, Bob Budnitz • Vice Chairs: Dennis Henneke, Pamela Nelson • SDO Secretaries • Oliver Martinez (ASME), martinezo@asme.org • Pat Schroeder (ANS), pschroeder@ans.org 37
Opportunities to Participate Subcommittees Working Groups (permanent JCNRM technical groups) Project Teams (temporary teams chartered to address or resolve a specific short term activity)
INSIGHTS Codes & Standards are the consensus mechanism to develop guidance and requirements for industry use and subsequent regulatory endorsement Many areas need attention and further development Opportunities to help ensure that technical requirements ultimately to be imposed on Users are accurate, efficient, and effective What is contained in C&S typically become requirements (participation is important) Good opportunity for younger professionals to have a voice in their future