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Cross-border network for knowledge transfer and innovative development in wastewater treatment WATERFRIEND HUSRB/1203/221/196 2nd Training course – Industry wastewater treatment. . . 2nd Training course Waterfriend . . . TREATMENT OF

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  1. Cross-border network for knowledge transfer and innovative development in wastewater treatmentWATERFRIENDHUSRB/1203/221/1962nd Training course – Industry wastewater treatment

  2. . 2nd Training course Waterfriend . TREATMENT OF DISTILLERYWASTEWATER BY MICROFILTRATION Vesna Vasic

  3. . 2nd Training course Waterfriend . Stillage (distillery wastewater) is the main waste product generated in distilleries. It is characterized by a high content of organics and total solids, low pH and a very large volume, increasing together with the ethanol production. To produce 1L of ethanol, approximately 10 to 15 liters of distillery stillage are generated. It has very high BOD, COD and BOD/COD ratio

  4. . 2nd Training course Waterfriend . • Starch stillage: • suspended solids • nitrogen, phosporus • proteins, aminoacids • vitamins • Molasses stillage: • coloured compounds • (melanoidins, caramels) • potassium,phosporus • sulphates • Cellulosic stillage: • hard metals • (Pb, Cd, Hg) • phenolic compounds, furfurals

  5. . 2nd Training course Waterfriend . Comparative characteristics of differente stillages

  6. . 2nd Training course Waterfriend . Stillage disposal in the environment can cause adverse consequences, such as: • eutrophication • endangerment aquatic organisms • contamination and acidification of soil • inhibition of seed germination • deterioration of groundwater quality

  7. . 2nd Training course Waterfriend . • Different treatment approaches, based on biological and various physico-chemical methods, have been introduced for the treatment of stillage: • centrifugation and evaporation high energy consuption • coagulation and flocculation the use of chemicals, • adsorption sludge • anaerobic and aerobic digestion high energy consuption and • high labour costs Also, it is difficult and sometimes impossible to achieve effluent discharge limits with this kind of treatment.

  8. . 2nd Training course Waterfriend . Membrane separation techniques are widely used for distillery wastewater treatment, offering a possibility to improve the value of stillage and to meet environmental standards. The most commonly used membrane processes for wastewater purification are: microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis.

  9. . 2nd Training course Waterfriend . Microfiltration Microfiltration refers to filtration processes that use porous membranes to separate suspended particles with diameters between 0.1 and 10 μm. Thus, microfiltration membranes fall between ultrafiltration membranes and conventional filters. Dead-end and cross-flow microfiltration

  10. . 2nd Training course Waterfriend . Experimental Scheme of laboratory apparatus for cross-flow microfiltration

  11. . 2nd Training course Waterfriend . Results of analyses of stillage, permeate and retentate

  12. . 2nd Training course Waterfriend . Conclusion Under performed experiments and results obtained for investigation of microfiltration efficiency for distillery wastewater treatment, it can be concluded that the satisfactory organic matter reduction degree was achieved compared to initial values in stillage. Using microfiltration membranes, organic pollution was not removed completely from wastewater. However, remarkable results can be achieved by combination of the microfiltration with other membrane processes (ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis), which is crucial both from the economic standpoint and the standpoint of environmental protection.

  13. . 2nd Training course Waterfriend . Thank you for your attention Presentation/lecture has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of the presentation/lectureis the sole responsibility of University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/or the Managing Authority.

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