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Water Adventure of Istanbul: Discovering Kağıthane Drinking Water Treatment Plants

Istanbul, a city rich in history, faced water challenges due to its distance from drinking water sources and growing population. To address this, rulers built water pipelines and cisterns. With the expansion of Istanbul, investments in water infrastructure became crucial. ISKI played a vital role in improving water supply through dams, treatment plants, and pipelines. Kağıthane Drinking Water Treatment Plants use advanced technology to ensure clean and healthy water. Students visited the plants to learn about the water treatment process and quality control. Despite the upgrade of water pipes in Istanbul, concerns remain about older pipes affecting water quality at schools. By researching ISKI plants, students aim to ensure the availability of safe tap water. Acknowledgement to environmental engineer Nazlı Sezin Korkut and machine technician Yavuz Karaca for their support.

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Water Adventure of Istanbul: Discovering Kağıthane Drinking Water Treatment Plants

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  1. DrinkingWaterTreatmentPlants WaterAdventure of İstanbul

  2. WATER ADVENTURE OF İSTANBULİstanbul acquiringwatercityidentitywithBosphorusand Golden Horn has experiencedseriouswatertroublesfrom time to time since it is far awaydrinkingwatersourcesandthepopulation of city has beenincreasing as thedaygoes on. Rulers of eachcivilizationestablished in İstanbul weredealtwithsolvingthewater problem of thecity. Largewaterpipelineswerebuilt; hugecisternswerebuiltduring Roman Periodtobringwatertothehistoricalpeninsula. InaditiontorepairingwaterwaysduringOttomanPeriod, newwatersourcesweresearchedandwatertrouble of thecitywasterminatedforthatperiod

  3. İstanbul grewincreasingly. Itsbordersextended. Villagestransformedintotowns, townstransformedintoalmostbigcities. Inparallelwith it, since necessaryinvestmentscould not be done, thewatertrouble of thecityincreasedextremelypeoplewaited in waterqueueswithdrums. İSKİ gotintotheacttoterminateillfortune of İstanbul. İSKİ builtdamns, hugewaterpipelines, treatmentplantsequippedwiththecutting-edgetechnology, watertanks, elevationcentersandthousands of kilometerdrinkingwatersupply network tobringnewwatersourcesto İstanbul. One of themostimportantparts of thisadventuremeetingthepeople of İstanbul withdrinkable, abundantandhealthywater is Kağıthane DrinkingWaterTreatmentPlants. Wemade a researchtriptowatertreatmentplantswherewatercomestoourschool.

  4. Microorganisms in thewater in Pre-OzonizationUnitareeliminatedandtasteandodor in waterarecorrected. Water is suppliedto Kağıthane DrinkingWaterTreatmentPlantsestablished on theback of Kağıthane districtbeingone of thehistoricalregions of İstanbul fromTerkos Lake andAlibeyköyDams. Thefirstunitthatrawwatertakenfromthe dam and lake enterstotheplants is theAerationUnit. Water is takentoRawWaterInletConstruction of theplantviasteelwaterpipelines of 2200 mm. Followingpre-chlorinationherewater is passedthroughwaterenergy break wall. AerationUnit RawWaterInletConstruction Pre-OzonizationUnit

  5. Colloidalsubstancesloads of whichareneutralized in fastmixerwiththeeffect of AluminumSulphatearetakentomixingunittobecomeball. Water is mixedslowlyandcolloidalsubstancesare met eachother. Substanceswithcolloidalstructurebeing of negativeload in fastMixingConstructionaremixedwithpositiveloadedAluminumSulphateionsaddedtothewaterhomogeneously. FastMixingUnit SlowmixingUnit Settingunit is thesectionwherecolloidalmaterialsbeingflock in slowmixingunitandbeing in therawwater is seperatedfromwater. Sulphate SettingUnit

  6. Thewatercomingfromsetting is conveyedtofilterunitafterbeingchlorinated in fourseperatechannels. Thepurpose of chlorination is toprovidemanganeseoxidationandtopreventchlorinebyproductsformation. Thereare 20 fastsandfilterseachone of whichconsists of twodivisionsandbeing 108 m2 surfaceareas. There is sandwith 1 m heightand 0,8-1,25 mm diameterperformingfiltrationprocess. Thesystemsuspendingthesand is porousconcreteobtainedfromthegravelandcementmixture. Filtersblockedaresubjectedtobackwashoperationbyapplyingairandwaterfromthelowerpart. Engine FiltrationUnit

  7. Afterclarifiedwater in Kağıthane DrinkingWaterTreatmentPlants is collected in reservoirs, it is suppliedtothesupply network . ThepurifiedwatercomingfromtheFilterUnit is takento 15000 m3and 30000 m3cleanwaterreservoirsafterbeingsubjectto final chlorination Cleanwaterreservoir NETWORK OurSchool And, this is thelast of theadventure of wateruptoourschool. CleanWater Tank

  8. Wegot Kağıthane WaterTreatmentPlants’ waterqualityreports. Thereportsprovethattheresult is healthyanddrinkablewater. Thehealthyanddrinkablewatertravels a longwaytocometoourschoolfrom Kağıthane WaterTreatmentPlants. Sohow can we be stil sure of thedrinkingquality of water, comingfromthetaps in ourschool. Wesearchedandlearnedthatthepipes in İstanbul werechangedintopolyethylene 2002. Thepipes in thelocation of ourschooland inside theschoolwerechangedintopolyethylene in 2006. But ourschool’sconctruction is veryoldandthereforetherearesomeironpipesthatcouldn’t be changed. Wedon’tdrinkwaterfromthetapsandtheschool pay moneyforspringwaterstoredin carboys. Arethesecarboyshealthy ? Wewon’t be ableto test everycarboy, so ouraim is toobtainhealthydrinkable tap water in ourschool.

  9. Inourresearchtripto İSKİ WaterTreatmentPlants, wearethankfultoenvironmentalengineer Nazlı Sezin Korkut andmachinetechnician Yavuz Karaca’ fortheirinteresttoourprojectandthehelpfortheinformation.

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