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Understanding Urban Economies: A Comparative Study of Canada, India, and Mexico

Explore urban economic dynamics in Canada, India, and Mexico while comparing developing and industrial countries. Dive into factors influencing urban growth, inequality, and poverty in the Third World. Attend lectures and tutorials for engaging discussions and assignments.

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Understanding Urban Economies: A Comparative Study of Canada, India, and Mexico

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  1. Course # SOSC 1740 9.0 • Urban Economies: Comparing Canada & the Third World • Comparing: • Developing Countries • India • Mexico • Advanced Industrial Countries • Canada

  2. Lecture: Mondays 12.30–2.30: VH D • Attendance • Ten-minute break • Appointments

  3. Must be registered in one of the tutorials: • # Day Time Location • 2 Mon 10:30-12:30 RS 101A • 3 Mon 2:30-4:30 RS 101A

  4. Tutorial requirements: • Attendance • Preparation • Participation • Appointments

  5. Assignments: Term I • I. Mid-term tests weight • 1. In-class test on Markandayaand Alvardo (books) 20% • (on Nov 17 , Mon) in lecture Hall –study Qn. Posted online. • 2. Quiz on lectures & readings (Developing World) & 15 % • on Dec 1 (Mon) in lecture Hall • II. Lecture and Class participation (Attendance required) 10% • Mid-term Total 45%

  6. Term I Markandaya, Kamala. (1954). Nectar in a Sieve. New York: Signet. Benjamin, Medea (tr) (1989). Alvardo’s ‘Don’t Be Afraid Gringo.’ San Francisco: Institute for Food Development Policy. Griffiths, Robert J. (2008-09). Annual Editions: Developing World. Guilford, CT: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill. A Course Kit 2008-09 on Canada (available for purchase in York U Book Store)

  7. The three worlds as they were separated during the Cold War era, each with its respective allies;       First World : USA and its allies.       Second World : USSR and its allies.       Third World : Neutral countries.

  8. January 2008 ██ Newly industrialized countries ██ Other emerging markets ██ Other developing economies http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Industrialized_countries_2007.PNG.png

  9. Which countries have the World’s lowest/highest inequality?

  10. 2006 0 is perfect equality & 1 is perfect inequality http://library.thinkquest.org/05aug/00282/over_measure1.htm

  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Percentage_living_on_less_than_$1_per_day_1981-2001.pnghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Percentage_living_on_less_than_$1_per_day_1981-2001.png

  12. 2008 Countries based on World Bank income groupings for 2006 (calculated by GNI per capita, Atlas method). ██ High income ██ Upper-middle income ██ Lower-middle income ██ Low income

  13. http://www.paris21.org/betterworld/poverty.htm

  14. What are the characteristics of the Third World?

  15. Characteristics of the Third World • Colonial past • 2. Lack economic power: Affluent countries dominate the global market • 3. Large populations • 4. Rapid and uncontrolled growth of cities

  16. Rural to urban mass migration • Poverty both rural and urban, • with the poorest in rural areas • 7. Corruption and financial mismanagement in the public sector, e.g., government authorities

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