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EXUBERANT. Full of unrestrained enthusiasm or joy Think EX cited or EC static. FLAGRANT. Extremely or deliberately shocking or noticeable A bunch of flag s are noticeable. GRATUITIOUS. Given freely; unearned; unwarranted
EXUBERANT • Full of unrestrained enthusiasm or joy • Think EXcited or ECstatic
FLAGRANT • Extremely or deliberately shocking or noticeable • A bunch of flags are noticeable
GRATUITIOUS • Given freely; unearned; unwarranted • Gratuity (aka a tip) is given freely to those who serve you at a restaurant
IGNOMINY • Great personal dishonor or humiliation • If you’ve humiliated yourself, all you really want to do is be ignored.
INNOCUOUS • Having no adverse effect; harmless • Ineffective. Synonyms and both begin with the prefix “in”.
Abstruse • Difficult to understand sounds like: “Abstract”
Adroit • Dexterous; deft sounds like: “Dexter’s Laboratory”
Alacrity • Cheerful willingness; eagerness Sounds like: “ Alarm Clock Cries out loudly/eagerly early in the morning”
Amalgam • A combination of diverse elements; a mixture Sounds like: A Mall is a great AMALGAM of food, stores and movies
Archaic • Characteristic of an earlier period; old fashioned Sounds like: “Archaic cake”
Rectitude • Moral uprightness; righteousness Sounds like: “Rectangle had a great attitude”
Redundant • Needlessly wordy or repetitive in expression Sounds like: “Red Ant said things that were redundant”
Remiss • Lax in attending to duty; negligent Sounds like: “The miss was remiss about her work and spent her time talking”
Reticent • Inclined to keep one’s thoughts; feelings, and personal affairs to oneself Sounds like: “don’t share your two cents but be reticent”
Rudimentary • Of or elating to basic facts or principles; elementary; being in the earliest stages of development Sounds like: “The rude kid was in elementary school”
Therapeutic having or exhibiting healing powers remember: “therapeutic” sounds similar to “therapy” which is a treatment to heal something
Variegated Having streaks, mark, or patches of a different color or colors; varicolored this gate is variegated
Verdant Green with vegetation; covered with green growth “Verde” is the spanish word for “green”, like this sombrero which covers the man’s head
Vicarious Felt or undergone as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of another Football fans choose to live “vincecariously” through Vince Young’s football career.
Vindictive Disposed to seek revenge; revengeful; spiteful Vending machines are vindictive because they will often topple and take revenge on someone who tries to get free snacks.
Exonerate To free from blame Remember: ex HONOR ate! When someone is freed from blame, their honor is restored
Expurgate To remove erroneous, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material before publication remember: ex PURGE gate. To purge is to remove someone undesirable from the government- a person who is objectionable
Extrapolate To infer or estimate by extending or projecting known information Remember: When you want somebody to tell you something you need to know, you will be extra polite to them.
Extol To praise highly I do not extol whoever thought paying in change on the toll road would be a good idea.
Fabricate To make in order to deceive A costume, made of fabric, can help to fabricate a false identity on Halloween. For example, this picture is of a dog, NOT a pig!!
CIRCUMSCRIBE • To draw a circle around, to restrict
DEBILITATE • To sap the strength or energy of; enervate • Sounds like - ability • Prefix de – to remove or reverse A removal or reversal of ability = debilitate
DEBUNK • To expose or ridicule the falseness, sham, or exaggerated claims of • A bunk bed is slightly ridiculous
DERIDE • To speak of or treat with contemptuous mirth • Sounds like- degrade
DISPARAGE • To speak of in a slighting way or negatively; to belittle • Sounds like - discourage
OPULENT • Exhibiting a display of great wealth • Opals are valuble stones
ORNATE • Elaborately decorated • Urns are often elaborate and fancy ORN/URN
PARITY • Equality in amount, status, or value • Pairs are often the same
PERSPICACIOUS • Having or showing penetrating mental discernment; clear sighted • Your perspective is clear, easy to see
PHILANTHROPIC • Humanitarian, benevolent • There are lots of humanitarians in Philadelphia
DISSEMINATE • To scatter wildly, as in sowing a seed • Disperse also means to scatter
DISTENSION • To swell out or expand form or as if from internal powers • Tension means everything is tight/tense, so DIStension would be the opposite
EMBELLISH • To make beautiful by ornamenting, to decorate • When you embroider something you embellish it
ERADICATE • To get rid of as if by tearing it up by the roots, abolish • Radical people want to get rid of things
EXACERBATE • To increase the severity, violence, or bitterness of, to aggravate • Excalaber was a sword, swords are used violently/ if you use a sword the fight is more violent
Ingenuous • Lacking in cunning, guile, or worldliness. Frank straightforward, open. • Easy way to remember • similar to genuine • Fire engines are operated by firefighters who are usually very genuine people.-ingenuous
Insolent Insulting in manner or speech Easy way to remember Borat is very insulting to many people
Lugubrious Mournful, dismal, or gloomy especially to an exaggerated or ludicrous degree Easy way to remember if you are allergic to either chocolate or peanuts, then Goobers will make you lugubrious
Maverick One who is independent and resists adherence to a group Easy way to remember the Dallas Mavericks basketball team is so good that they resist adherence to the rest of the NBA
Mendacious Lying or untruthful Easy way to remember Antonym- men are always truthful and never lie. Also mendax is the Latin word for liar
Open to MORE than one interpretation Example: FUN! Ambiguous
Arcane Known or understood by only a few A-HA!
Assimilate Incorporated and absorbed into the mind; made similar; caused to resemble tip! AsSIMILAte **Think- similar and similate**
aural Of, relating to, or perceived by the ear tip! AUral = AUdio
Autonomy Independence; self-determination; self-government or the right of self- government tip! Auto=self