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憶 ?? 軼 ??. 電子一乙 第四組 組長:許玉婷 組員:楊惠晴 李金坤 何炬勳 劉嘉航. MEMORY. Table of Contents. Introduction ( 介紹本組 主題及內容 今日流程等 ) Summary and reflection of one article Creative show Reflection. Introduction. We are group 4. Today, we are going to talk about memory loss. Article is excerpt from wiki.
憶??軼?? 電子一乙 第四組 組長:許玉婷 組員:楊惠晴 李金坤 何炬勳 劉嘉航 MEMORY
Table of Contents • Introduction (介紹本組主題及內容今日流程等) • Summary and reflection of one article • Creative show • Reflection
Introduction We are group 4. Today, we are going to talk about memory loss. Article is excerpt from wiki. Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease 資料來源http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alzheimer%27s_disease Alzheimer‘s disease--AD is the abbreviation. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia. AD is diagnosed in people over 65 years of age. But it is a tendency that memory loss begins at a younger age now.
In the early stages, the most common symptom is difficulty in remembering recent events. As the disease advances, symptoms can include confusion, irritability and aggression, mood swings, trouble with language, and long-term memory loss. There is no cure for the disease, which worsens as it progresses, and eventually leads to death.
Gradually, bodily functions are lost, ultimately leading to death. It’s a great burden on caregivers; the pressures can be wide-ranging, involving social, psychological, physical, and economic elements of the caregiver's life.
Reflection of Article • In short, as long as we pay more attention, more care and more protection, we can minimize the Alzheimer's impact on families and the society. Look forward to the related government departments to take care of such patients and we can have more benefits, more hope in the near future to work out a better way to completely cure Alzheimer’s disease.
Creative Show 演員介紹 許玉婷 anchor 主播 劉嘉航 doctor 醫生 楊惠晴 passerby 路人 李金坤 photographer 攝影師 何炬勳 gaffer 燈光師
ReflectionOF 楊惠晴 • 我覺得期末報告要演一齣戲,還要用英文說真的很困難,因為我不會念英文,記憶力也不好,台詞也許會因為緊張而忘詞了,所以覺得很吃力,我本身也不太喜歡上台報告,也許是因為我害怕上台吧,我還須努力的地方還很多啊!不過這個報告的確能讓我們學到英文,辛苦也是值得的吧!
REFLECTIONFrom 劉嘉航 • 這次的英文報告,不僅可以增進英文的閱讀能力,也讓我們同學間更加了解、認識。小組的討論本來應該很簡單的,但是因為每個人有空的時間都不同,造成很難有機會全員一起討論,所以大部分的討論都是有參加的人告訴沒有到場的人,這次的會議講了些什麼,而且難免會有無法正確傳達的情況發生,不過我們也都克服了。在大學的英文課裡,已經不會枯燥乏味了,而是許多不同的觀念以及知識的延伸,被單字不再是重點,重點是要自己去閱讀、去學習。雖然才剛上大學一個學期,但我對大學還滿適應的。期望以後的英文課也能像這樣有趣。
REFLECTIONFrom 何炬勳 • 我認為這次報告我學到很多東西,我學會了分工及如何表達自己意見的方式,秉持著討論的精神用客觀的論點以及採納意見的心態,為了整組的榮譽奮戰到底,為了個人的榮耀全力以赴,過程中雖然摩擦常見,但果實卻是美好的,英文透過這次的試煉提升許多,不管是會話能力或者是閱讀能力都有小幅度的上升,大幅度的英文提升是靠小幅度的上升所累積出來的,沒有努力,怎麼知道自己會不會成功,沒有堅持,怎麼會看見成功的那一刻,讀英文態度應如此,這次的期末報告已經不是侷限在單字或片語的吸收而是膽量跟合作及知識的結合,這些訓練對未來的旅途中是不可或缺的,如果大家都能好好的做這份報告,必定能知道自己的缺點何不足的地方,為此加強,豈不是增加英文的最快捷徑嗎?因為我也是在這個報告中找到迷惘的自己。
REFLECTIONFrom 許玉婷 • 很高興能夠如期完成這份期末報告。剛開始著手進行時還在擔心無法如期完成,因為這是我第一次用英文做報告,讓害怕英文的我有點不知所措,不過在組員的配合與協助下,克服了種種困難,完成了這份報告。這次的報告讓我有不一樣的經驗、不一樣的學習過程。
REFLECTIONFrom 李金坤 I think this English term paper let us work together for the crops. We spent a great deal of time discussing our interpretable content and drama. Everybody suggested the opinions to modify the creative show drama, and made our group perfect!