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Chapter 3 Population Ecology. § 3.4 Intraspecific relationship. 江西师范大学 生命科学学院 邵明勤 副教授. § 3 .4 Intraspecific relationship. 1 Intraspecific competition 2 婚配制度( Related to the quality and distribution of resources) 3 Spatial Behaviors 4 Social Behavior 5 Communication Behavior
Chapter 3 Population Ecology §3.4 Intraspecific relationship 江西师范大学生命科学学院 邵明勤 副教授
§3.4 Intraspecific relationship 1 Intraspecific competition 2 婚配制度(Related to the quality and distribution of resources) 3 Spatial Behaviors 4 Social Behavior 5 Communication Behavior 6 Altruism behavior
本节目标 • 掌握种内竞争的概念及其分类; • 掌握最后产量衡值法则和-3/2自疏法则; • 了解婚配制度的类型; • 掌握种群的内分布型及其检验方法; • 了解空间资源利用方式; • 了解社会行为、通讯行为和利他行为。 本节重点 1. 掌握种内竞争的概念及其分类; 2. 掌握最后产量衡值法则和-3/2自疏法则; 3. 掌握种群的内分布型及其检验方法; 本节难点 1.掌握最后产量衡值法则和-3/2自疏法则;
1. Intraspecific competition Definition: Competition between individuals of the same species. • Compete for resources such as food, habitat, water, light and so on • 竞争产生的条件:use the common resources、resources are limited • Types of intraspecific competition: • Scramble competition(争夺式竞争):some individuals will be dead duo to no enough food往往出现失败者,失败者往往得不到足够的食物而死亡 • 分摊式竞争:no winners
Territorial reef fish, such as this three-spot damselfish, compete intensely for space 1 Intraspecific competition Competition in a forest can be intense as competition on a coral reef. However, much of the competition in a forest takes place underground, where the roots of plants compete for water and nutrients
1 Intraspecific competition (1)Density effect Law of constant final yield Within a range of density, the final yield is almost constant regardless of the population density in an area, if only the conditions is identical. C=w*d=ki,W=Cd-1 w: average weight C: yield per area d: density ki: constant
1 Intraspecific competition (2) The -3/2 self-thinning law Self-thinning: reduction in population density as a stand of plant increases in biomass, due to intraspecific competition. Self-thinning rule: a rule resulting from the observation that plotting the average weight of individual plants in a stand against density often produces a line with an average slope of approximately -3/2 W = C d -3/2 lgw=lgc-3/2lgd w: average weight c: yield per area单位面积产量 d:density
1 Intraspecific competition Self-thinning in plant populations Self-thinning in populations of alfalfa
2. 婚配制度(Related to the quality and distribution of resources) (1)婚配制度的类型 ① Monogamy:species that mate with only one other individual during their life or at least during one reproductive cycle尤其是晚成鸟。性比稳定,亲体照顾较多。 ② Polygyny:species in which a single male mates with more than one female during a breeding season如鸡、马、盘羊等。性比不稳定,较强壮的雄性拥有交配权,其基因易被保留,繁殖力强。 ③ Polyandry:如螳螂、大鸨、鮟鱇等,少见。 Of which,2,3 belong to polygamy(多配偶制)。
2 婚配制度 单配偶制(一雌一雄)鸳鸯
2 婚配制度 (2)Parental investment the energy and nutrients invested to producing and taking care of the offspring. Such as egg size, number of offspring, and the extent of taking care of offspring
2 婚配制度 • (3)影响婚配制度类型的环境因素(environmental factors): • Temporal and spatial distribution of resources such as food, nesting habitats. • Notes: The rich and even (uniform) resources favor monogamy, and scattered resources favor polygamy.
3. Spatial Behaviors (1)Internal distribution pattern ① Random distribution: is one in which individuals within a population have an equal chance of living anywhere within an area. 在资源和空间充足、较均匀时常呈此分布。 ②Regular distribution: is one in which individuals are uniformly spaced. Such as artificial forests ③Clumped distribution: individuals have a much higher probability of being found in some areas than others. Most internal distribution patterns in nature are clumped distribution.
Random, Regular and Clumped distributions 3 Spatial Behaviors
3 Spatial Behaviors (2)Distribution patterns test Divide distribution area into several grids, count number of individuals in each grid, calculate mean value (m) and variance(方差)。 • S2/m =0 ,regular (S2=0) • S2/m =1 ,random(S2=1) • S2/m >1 ,clumped (S2>1)。 Are local population of the creosote bush distributed regularly?
Hypothetical change in shrub distributions with increasing shrub size 3 Spatial Behaviors
3 Spatial Behaviors Explanation of clumped distribution: Plant:1. Reproductive feature:无性繁殖,种子在附近发芽。2.micro-climate:适于某一小区域生活;3. Natural barrier:如种子分布障碍;4. Animal and human activities(啃食和破坏等)。 Animal:1. Micro-habitat(集中于资源丰富区);2.Climatic rhythm(越冬集群、迁移等);3.配偶和生殖的结果(成窝、繁殖集群等);4. Social relationship(social structure、dominant species and so on)
3 Spatial Behaviors 案例分析:南昌市天香园鹭鸟的集群繁殖的意义
3 Spatial Behaviors (3) Utilization of space resources ① 分散利用领域 以单体(solitary)或家族(family)为单位利用领域。 Home range:整个活动领域。常用鼠笼捕捉啮齿类来确定它们的家区。 Territory:the core area where no individuals of the same species are permitted to invade.领域行为(territorial behavior)如鸣叫、哺乳动物的气味标记领域。 分散利用领域的意义(Significance) A. Ensure food requirement B. Ensure places for nesting and shelters C. Regulate population density
3 Spatial Behaviors Territory quality and reproduction
② Utilize territory in groups 集群的类型:暂时性群、季节性群、稳定且经常性群 集群的生态学意义 Change micro-climate Feed together Defense enemies Favor breeding and development Favor migration 3 Spatial Behaviors 鸟类季节性集群原因?
问题???关注身边的动植物!! • 分组列举身边动植物中(包括家养动物和种植植物),那些生物类群偏爱集群生活、哪些类群偏爱单个或成对生活?
6. Altruism behavior自学 5. Communication Behavior自学 Altruism behavior:是指一个个体牺牲自我而使社群整体或其他个体获得利益的行为。 examples: broken-wing display、assistance of breeding. Explanation of Altruism behavior:increase inclusive fitness.
本节小结 • Intraspecific competition:Competition between individuals of the same species. • Types of intraspecific competition:Scramble competition(争夺式竞争);分摊式竞争。 • Density effect Law of constant final yield: • C=w*d=ki,W=Cd-1 • 4. The -3/2 self-thinning law • W = C d -3/2 • 5. 婚配制度的类型:Monogamy;Polygyny;Polyandry. • 6. Distribution patterns test: • S2/m =0 ,regular (S2=0) • S2/m =1 ,random(S2=1) • S2/m >1 ,clumped (S2>1)。 • 7. Altruism behavior:是指一个个体牺牲自我而使社群整体或其他个体获得利益的行为。