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The LCM Repository & Institutional Strategy

The LCM Repository & Institutional Strategy. Professor Mark Stiles Head of Learning Development & Innovation Staffordshire University. Staffordshire 1996 - 2002. Transformational” Strategy with: first, “seeding change” projects by bid then, “seeding change” projects by departmental plan.

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The LCM Repository & Institutional Strategy

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  1. The LCM Repository& Institutional Strategy Professor Mark Stiles Head of Learning Development & Innovation Staffordshire University

  2. Staffordshire 1996 - 2002 • Transformational” Strategy with: • first, “seeding change” projects by bid • then, “seeding change” projects by departmental plan

  3. By 2002… • Significant Cultural Change • Many modules using e-learning for “real” • Successful distance e-learning awards • Good “width” of penetration across institution • Strategies “quite” well joined-up • Recognition and QAA success • Staff getting rewards

  4. But… • Not learning at an organisational level • Breadth but not depth (“not all parts reached”) • Wheel reinvention • Not learning from others mistakes • eLearning not embedded • Innovations not insufficiently sustained

  5. So from 2002 – 2006… • A focus on Policy, Procedure, Role and Responsibility: • The integrative approach to course development • Holistic quality assurance and course development planning • Addressing “vertical” and “horizontal” organisational coherence • SURF partnership working

  6. eLearning Policy Designed to address/achieve: flexible and independent learning; informal and individual learning equity of opportunity and alignment of student support a learning environment encompassing all of the learning experience supporting the independent and lifelong learner and CPD access to eResources from point of need; repurposing and reuse robust quality assurance/enhancement, but with scope for innovation and employment of professional skills encouragement of research, scholarship and development in eLearning appropriate staff development, to ensure understanding of others’ roles practice, policy and strategy are responsive to lessons learned and new opportunities; removing barriers that impede or restrict effective eLearning resources and support are appropriate to requirements and understood

  7. So, in 2005/6… eLearning embedded in Strategies e.g. Information, LT & A eLearning Policy “should” act as change enabler Operational Policies, Processes and procedures being aligned eg Quality Assurance, WBL

  8. But a closer look showed… Rate of increase of use high but mainly eSupported or “mundane” Mainstream possibly now less innovative than before Still problems with processes not aligned Policy focus seen by some as “Stalinist” Enthusiasts “subverting” policy

  9. In 2002… • Top 10 reasons for VLE selection: • Ease of use in genera l 31 • Ease of use staff 30 • Cost 21 • Flexibility/Versatility 16 • Integration with MIS 15 • Widely used 14 • Functionality/Features 13 • Pedagogic/Educational 13 • Imposed/A mystery 10 • Own system 10

  10. In 2003: • JISC/UCISA MLE “Landscape Study” of UK HE and FE: • little evidence of enhancement of learning and teaching • pedagogic issues have not in general been addressed: • “It could be said that HE has never addressed pedagogy; its priority has always been, and broadly continues to be, research and the subject discipline. Until now, pedagogy has traditionally barely figured in planning or professional development. In FE, where learning and teaching have been the prime concerns, staffing and resource deficiencies have prevented, and continue to impede, a sustained focus on pedagogy.” • MLEs not embedded in the institutions strategic and operational frameworks. • MLE activities rarely an integral part of the philosophy, policies and practice of the institution

  11. And by 2005? • From 2005 JISC/UCISA MLE “Landscape Study” of UK HE and FE: • …the results also show two thirds of modules of study being “web supplemented” - which would seem to indicate that the ‘stuff your notes into your VLE’ model is prevalent and increasing

  12. And since? • From the 2008 UCISA TEL Survey • The tools that have increased significantly in usage are those for podcasting, e-portfolios, e-assessment, blogs and wikis. • Web supplemented practice … remains the leading activity…

  13. The future? • Tutors and learners will build their own toolsets from: • what is provided by the institution • what they have on their own (personal) computer • what is available on the Web • Learners will: • “opt out” of systems institutions and tutors might prefer them to use for formal learning activities • initiate “sharing” and “community” activities outside of formal learning using tools they have chosen • engage with wider and more diverse communities

  14. The challenge… • Practitioners will need to: • cope with a diverse range of approaches taken by learners • guard against making stereotypical assumptions • consider how their chosen learning strategies may be interpreted by learners • Institutions will have to consider what and how they need to controland/or influence and what might be “let go” or exploited.

  15. What we decided to do in 2005/6… • “Loosening the bonds”: • Evolving Staff Development Strategy • Explicit embedding of TSL in PgCPHE • Integration of development with accreditable bespoke opportunities • Models of good practice • Develop and share good practice, promote uptake and quality • Successful local and national community • Representations and case studies • How to guides and Ask the experts • Embedded in Modules and Integrative Approach • (Theory to practice and practice to theory) • (Thanks to Jenny Yorke and Helen Walmsley)

  16. What we decided to do in 2005/6… • “Loosening the bonds”: • Diversifying delivery • Repository based • Extraction of QAed resources • Promote reuse and repurposing • Include “novel” resources • Delivery to VLEs, Portals, Portfolios and Web 2.0 tools • Tested by JISC Projects (SURF WBL-Way)

  17. An “opportunity” arose! • University Executive Business Plan 2007-2012 includes: • • To take a new approach to course and product development: • Increase engagement with employers on work-based learning and other workforce development initiatives • Establish a robust new product development process that is market-facing and customer-focused • To grow and sustain alliances, networks and partnerships • Further develop SURF college network and other appropriate FE partnerships • To enhance customer experience • Increase the number of students who stay and successfully complete their courses • Integrate systematic customer feedback mechanisms into a robust framework for the measurement and improvement of customer satisfaction • To exploit technological advances • Develop a technical infrastructure (networks, mobile technology) that supports integrated business systems, administration, formal, informal and flexible learning • Implement new and existing learning and teaching media to support effective e-learning and delivery

  18. I was empowered… • University Technology Supported Learning (TSL) Plan includes: • Implement effective management of learning resources and course related information – XCRi built into Hive • Expand TSL for Flexible Learning, WBL and BCE and the strengthening of SURF and other partnerships – Hive linked to WBL Portals and facilities for partner colleges • Put in place a system of learner-focused Quality Enhancement for TSL and diversify the delivery of TSL – Validation outputs in Hive linked to CoP, all VLE content moved to Hive • • Disseminate good practice and build effective staff development in TSL – Hive linked to POOT, ELearning Models and other CoPs • • Improve the administration of TSL • • Implement a technical infrastructure to allow TSL applications to be introduced/removed in a flexible and responsive way

  19. From the TSL Plan: • need to respect the need for appropriately distinct andindividual approaches by Faculties and course teams • policy should be sufficient to guide practice but apply the minimum level of control necessary and avoid needless bureaucracy • It is all about sustaining innovation…

  20. Thanks

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