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Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence. The French Case. Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence. General Introduction I Adapting the French system to a changing world II Strengthening this system in a globalized world
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence The French Case
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • General Introduction • I Adapting the French system to a changing world • II Strengtheningthis system in a globalized world • III Somesignificantexamples • IV What an emerging country like Azerbaijanmightneed to focus on
Best European Practices using Labour Market Intelligence • General Introduction • After WWII, France wentthrough a phase of • - reconstruction of itseconomy (the « 30 Gloriousyears ») • - rapidgrowth in population (« Baby Boom ») • 1968, whose 50th anniversaryiscelebratedthisyear, is a symbol of the turn in France toward a post-industrializedeconomy
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • I Adapting the French system to a changing world • - During the mid-sixties, France starts to sufferfrom an economiccrisis and a surge of unemployment • - Has to accomodate a greatnumber of new students (« Baby-boomers »), therefore building in haste new universitiesaround Paris and in the bigcities
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • In 1968, the studentsrevoltagainst the system in France (and other countries) joinedafter by the workers. The ensuinggeneralstrikewill lead in June 1968 to the « Grenelle agreements » with the trade unions and the political parties: net increase of all salaries, creation of new structures takingintoaccount the new needs of the French society (welfare, new jobs, better qualification).
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • 1) New academicorganization • - suppression of ancientFaculties in universities (datingfromNapoleon and the ThirdRepublic) with the 1968 Law about HE • - creation of Teaching and ResearchUnitswithelecteddirectors • - no selection to have access to university • - autonomy and participation (studentselected in Councils)
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • 2) New diplomas for new qualifications • With the first oil crises in the early seventies and a growingunemployment rate, new jobs are needed to address new economic issues. • First 4 University Institutes of Technology (IUT)created in 1965 knowing a hugesuccess up to now: -new qualifications at Baccalaureat + 2 years, muchneeded by the economy (DUT)
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • 3) New structures studying the Labour Market • - CEREQ ( Studies and Research Center about Qualifications), public agencyfounded in 1971 and locatednow in Marseille: • Itsaimis to developknowledgebetween training, labour and employment, setting up evaluation and/or observation toolscombiningdifferentmethodologies: transition fromschool to employment, lifelonglearning, changes in jobs and skills.
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • Itsactivitiesconsist in the analysis of skillsacquiredthrough initial and continuing training, access to jobs, professional and social mobility, new qualifications linked to new technologies and labour organization. • 12 associatedcentersinstalled in researchlabs in universities or depending on the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • Itsdomesticactivities are within a network of regionalobservatories about training and employment. • At an international level, itworkswith BIBB in Germany, IFSOL in Italy, IBE in Poland, Erasmus+ Agency, and CIEP, as well as otheruniversityresearchcentersacross Europe.
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • CEET (Employment and Labour Studies Center) is a research center about labour and employment. Itsdomains of study are about inequalities, professionalcareers, technological change and the evolution of work. • Its publications are focused on public statisticsdelivered by the Ministry of Labour and also international benchmarking.
Best European Practices using Labour Market Intelligence • Ministry of Labour: DARES ( Direction in charge of Research, Studies and Statistics) editsstatistics about jobs and unemployment, qualifications, salaries, working conditions, professionalrelationships and collective bargaining; It also deals with the training of workers and in particular the employment, labour and professional training policies.
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • It is a member of the EmploymentCommittee in Brussels (EPSCO) and of the OECD working group as well as the Eurostat works about professional training and prospective figures in relation with CEDEFOP. • European institutes and agencies: • CEDEFOP, based in Thessaloniki (Greece) studiesprofessional training and vocationaleducation, • ETF (European Training Foundation), located in Turin (Italy) studieseducation, training and labour marketsystems.
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • II Strengthening the system in a globalized world • Pupils in secondaryeducation as well as students in HE are, according to laws about Education passed in Parliament in 1989 , 2007 and 2017, considered as the center of the system. It doesmeanthat all policiesbeingadopted have to takeintoaccount, first the interest of the graduates in order to provide the best information possible and the best training to lead them to jobs corresponding to theirskills.
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • Inside the Ministry of National Education: 14 Professional AdvisoryCommittees (CPC) are bodies under the authority of the Ministerdividedintovariousprofessionalsectors. Differentstakeholderssit in the CPCs: employersfederations, trade unions, public institutions, qualifiedpersons (experts). Theyprovideadvice about the creation, update or suppression of professionaldiplomas (differentlevels of qualification: qualifiedworker, technician, highertechnician).
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • How do CPCswork? • Theyholdregular meetings of theirworking groups. • All members are appointed by their respective bodies or institutions. • First, theyconsider the opportunity of a new training course and diplomausing all the studies and statistics as well as the needsexpressed by the social partners • Second, theystudy the content in terms of academicknowledge, expertise and know-how
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • Third, theydefine the conditions of evaluation of skills and competences (certification). • All diplomas must beupdatedregularly, after 3 to 5 yearsdepending on the technological changes. • All diplomas are recognized by the State.
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • Under the authority of the Ministry of Higher Education: • Creation in 2000 of the Professional BachelorDegree (Licence Professionnelle). Bigsuccessafter a long opposition of the French EmployersFederation (MEDEF) becausetheyhad to increase the qualification level and therefore salaries. • This Prof. Bachelorcan’tbeapprovedwithoutany assurance of job opportunitygiven by local employers (withdetailed figures).
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • It canbeclosed in case of failure or decrease in job opportunities. • A monitoring committeeis in charge of the regularevaluation of all trainings to ensure the reliability of the system. • The sameprocedures have been set up in favor of the academicBachelor and Master degrees, when France joined the BolognaProcess in 2002.
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • Important roleplayed by CNCP (National Committee for Professional Certification), after the lawpassed in november 2009 about lifelonglearning and continuingeducation. • It also manages the National Repertory of Professional Certifications listing all trainings provided on the French soil. They have to bevalidated, whatevertheirorigin, public or private center. • All certifyingagenciessince 2015 have to follow a skills block (competencesobtained by a student/traineeduringtheir training in order to securetheir course and progression).
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • Last but not least, all employees can benefitfrom a new tool: validation of acquiredexperience. All yourcareerwithitsdifferent parts can betakenintoaccount (dossier and then a jury) to validate part or entirety of a training to obtain a degree. • For students, theirinvolvement in extra curricularactivities (social skills or citizenship, member of a universitycouncil or a trade union) can givethem extra ECTS for the samepurpose.
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • Conclusion • The French case isnowadayschangingquickly and socially to benefit to a greaternumber of citizens. • New laws are underway to solve social issues related to low-achievingpupils, students and workers to fightagainstlowskills and thusunemployment.
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • III Somesignificantexamples: • Professional BachelorDegree • National Monitoring Committees
Best European Practices using the Labour Market Intelligence • Whatcouldbesuggested for reinfocement to the BC : • Strong relations withemployers and trade unions providing a bettervisiblity of job offers and new needs • Reinforcement of statistics collection (under the authority of all concernedministries: Labour, Finance, Education,…) • More partnership withEuropean institutions (already the case). To becontinued…