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Gain access to a vast array of scholarly resources through EBSCO ASP for research and academic pursuits. Learn how to navigate the databases efficiently and retrieve valuable information across various disciplines.
SEARCH EBSCO ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER (ASP) and BUSINESS SOURCE ELITE + REGIONAL BUSINESS NEWS DATABASES: Academic Search Premier Business Source Elite Regional Business News CONTENT: Simultaneous Search Limit Results (Full Text, Peer Reviewed , and by Date)
Important issues: • If you are not able to access ESBCO from United States University Library site, perhaps you are under a network where the institution you are working for is also subscribed to EBSCO. For example: Sharp, Kaiser, Scripps Hospitals, etc. • If EBSCO search screen is in a different language, please select English under “Language” located on the upper right.
Why use EBSCO ASP Academic Search Premier? Well, if you learn about the number of FULL TEXT academic journals it has for your program, 1754 and all reachable, you will agree with me that it is a useful resource • Sales & marketing 40 • Philosophy 138 • Banking, Finance 57 • finance & Investment 34 • Management 95 • Business Law 213 • Production & Operation Management 12 • Business 156 • General Business 20 • Business History 20 • Trade 25 • Human Resources 36 • International Relations 211 • Management Information Systems 60
Why academic journals? • Because they are where the scientific and technical community promote their results, share their findings and open themselves up to criticism • Because they are peer-reviewed, and the information has been validated by the academic community • If you were to be published, where else would you do it?
We have designed something different. Let me explain to you why it makes a difference. • US University has developed a series of Information Literacy Tutorials to enhance your knowledge and critical thinking about the different situations you will be exposed to during your program with us • Think about your immediate future, and learn now. We have tailored each tutorial to meet your specific information needs. • Let’s search simultaneously the following EBSCO data bases: Academic Search Premier , Business Source and Regional Business News.
First, let’s learn the steps to access USU databases: please go to our site http://www.usuniversity.edu and select Library (1). Click on Full Text Database Nursing or any College (2). Select Academic Search Premier EBSCO(3) and register (4). 1 3 4 2 • Ask the USU librarian for • ID & Password. From your USU • email to clopez@usuniversity.edu
Second, After selecting “Choose databases” Check the following boxes: Academic Search Premier, Business Source Elite, Regional Business News and PsycArticles. You can search EBSCO databases simultaneously , all in one search. Please click Choose databases • Select the databases according to your subject: • Nursing and Health Science: please select CINAHL, PSYCARTICLES, ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER and MEDLINE. • History, art, literature & science: select ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER, it is multidisciplinary and one of the best database in EBSCO. • Education: select ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER, ERIC (education database) and PSYCARTICLES • Business: select ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER, BUSINESS SOURCE ELITE, PSYCARTICLES & REGIONAL BUSINESS NEWS • Select All for: Business and healthcare, Education and healthcare administration,
In order to know the vocabulary used to identify the document, we need to search the Subject Terms. Click on Subject Terms. Since our great minds need recognition and respect for their life’s work and dedication, we will start with the term Plagiarism. For instructions, please go to Tutorial “Research Topics & Terms”
By a democratic decision, the words to be searched are:“plagiarism” and “essays.” Let’s also search the term “Essays”. Please, select “New Search” and type the terms: Plagiarism AND English language composition and research
Results from searching the terms: Plagiarism AND English language composition and exercises AND business For instructions, please go to Tutorial “Research Topics & Terms”
Compare results by searching: Plagiarism AND essays AND business. Also select results by “Date Newest” and “Full Text”.
You may ask yourself, why start the search by clicking SUBJECT TERMS? • The subject Terms as well as the Index, both guide you in using the database vocabulary, with which the documents are labeled. • The authors provide some of the terms, as keywords; the rest are done by information specialists with a thesaurus. • My vocabulary is not the same as the vocabulary used in the databases. • For more information, please see the following Tutorials: • EBSCO use of Indexes from USU TUTORIALS and • Business Source Elitefrom EBSCO • http://support.ebsco.com/help/index.php?help_id=DB:44
Once you register into your EBSCO HOST (click on Tutorial: Register in MyEBSCOHOST & Create Alerts), you can select the articles you want to add to your folder. Click on the title to see more information.
For more information see the following EBSCO tutorials: • Company Profiles • http://support.ebsco.com/help/index.php?help_id=95 • Videos • http://support.ebsco.com/help/index.php?help_id=100 • NAICS by Description • http://support.ebsco.com/help/index.php?help_id=273 • NAICS in SIC Code Order • http://support.ebsco.com/help/index.php?help_id=274 • Thank you for taking the time to learn • Catalina Lopez • clopez@usuniversity.edu