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Proteoma –definição:. “O complemento PROTE ico total de um gen OMA . ” M. Wilkins et al. Electrophoresis 1995, 16, 1090-1094 Grupo de proteínas expresso por uma célula em um momento. Proteoma é dinâmico: muda constantemente em resposta a estímulos.
Proteoma –definição: • “O complemento PROTEico total de um genOMA.” • M. Wilkins et al. Electrophoresis 1995, 16, 1090-1094 • Grupo de proteínas expresso por uma célula em um momento. • Proteoma é dinâmico: muda constantemente em resposta a estímulos. • Proteomia é o estudo das propriedades proteicas em grande escala, de forma a obter uma visão mais global e integral dos processos de uma célula. • Proteoma: permite identificação de novos genes ainda não identificados em bancos gênicos de EST ou após o sequênciamento completo do genoma.
2DE com focalização isoelétrica 2DE: 1adim:native elet +SDS-PAGE Purificação de complexos cromat. afinidade Fracionamento em misturas de solventes (acet, isop, clorof. E metanol Crom. Líquida multidimensional
2D Gel Electrophoresis Coloração Captura de imagem Digestão da proteína Planejamento da excisão Análise da imagem Identificação da proteína Identificação da proteína Preparação Maldi Preparação para o MS Análise pelo Maldi Análise pelo MS Rota de uma análise proteômica
Captura e analise da imagem Identificacao da proteina quantificacao da mudanca na expressao
1) Filme carlos-cenargem-mov: Espectrometria de massa 2) Filme Maldi-ESI
Identificação da proteina isolada no gel 2D MALDI-TOF MS matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation time of flight mass spectrometry
C. elegans Age related protein differences old old young young Processes in Proteome Analysis • Proteome Expression or Profiling • identifying which proteins change levels of expression in response to certain stimuli or the environment of the cell • Sensitivity • Dynamic range • Detector linearity • quantitation is key • Proteome Mapping • assigning the location of a protein (-spot), as defined by pI and MW, and identification by mass spectrometry • Sensitivity of spot detection • Resolutions and Sensitivity of MS • sample preparation is key
How to Increase Sensitivity in Proteomics? • Increasing amounts of low-abundance proteins relative to other proteins by fractionation • narrow range pH gradients • high load • solubility during separation • cell compartments • mitochondria • peroxisomes • nuclei • biochemical pre-fractionation • solubility • affinity • Increasing sensitivity by using fluorophores
Profiling the Mitochondrial Proteome • Silver-stainedReference 2D gel • unfractionatedproteins • average of 1.500 spots per 2D gel • poor recovery from in-gel digestion • limited throughput of profiling effort • 195 (marked) spots excised and processed • not all could be identified • low recovery of peptides • low abundance • lack of credible hits in databases • CBB-stained Reference 2D gels • 8-16 times less sensitive than silver • average of 300 - 500 spots per gel • good recovery from in-gel digestion • MS compatibility Acidic proteins left high molecular weight top CBB = CoomassieTM Brilliant Blue
Identification of over 100 proteins • in several days • high confidence • based on high mass accuracy (typically 50 ppm or less • at least 4 peptides matched • at least 10% sequence coverage Profiling the Mitochondrial Proteome
Pre-fractionation by minispin columns • Metal chelate IMAC column • calcium-charged metal chelate • enrichment of Calcium binding proteins • Concanavalin A (Con A) column • Con A lectin binds high mannose oligosaccharides • Phenyl Sepharose column • hydrophobic protein binding • much less specific enrichment as above
Calcium binding protein enrichment • CBB-stained 2D gel • 819 proteins detected • presumably detected proteins • calcium binding proteins • regulated by calcium • identified spots are marked • proof by MS identification • all proteins are previously shown to bind calcium or to be calcium-regulated Acidic proteins left high molecular weight top
Con A binding protein enrichment • CBB-stained 2D gel • min. 78 proteins detected • presumably detected proteins • glycosylated proteins • large amount of protein unresolved • vertical & horizontal streaking • possible reasons • heterogeneity in charge & mass of putative glycosylated proteins • clear resolved and identified spots are marked • little information available on on glycosylation of mitochondrial proteins • e. g. Glutamate DH identified Acidic proteins left high molecular weight top
Hydrophobic protein enrichment • CBB-stained 2D gel • 736 proteins detected • presumably detected proteins • hydrophobic & membrane proteins • less specific • well-resolved 2D gel • fragment of matrix proteins • no identification by database query • despite excellent spectra and mass accuracy • new proteins? Acidic proteins left high molecular weight top
Table 2. Selected proteins identified in affinity enriched 2-D gels of Mitochondrial and ER and peroxisomal proteins. Affinity ligand Spot number Figure Protein identity Database Accession number calcium 7 3 GRP 78 Swiss Prot P06761 calcium 17 3 Calcium transporting ATPase, ER Swiss Prot P11606 calcium 34 3 ATP synthase beta subunit NCBInr.32499 1374715 calcium 36 3 Aldehyde DH preprotein NCBInr.32499 118505 calcium 52 3 Electron transfer flavoprotein, alpha Swiss Prot P13803 calcium 54 3 Electron transfer flavoprotein alpha Swiss Prot P13803 calcium 66 3 ATP synthase D Swiss Prot P31399 calcium 67 3 ATP synthase alpha Swiss Prot P15999 calcium 78 3 Cytochrome b5 GenPept.11299 AF007107 Con A 11a 4 Methylmalonate-semialdehyde DH Swiss Prot Q02253 ConA 11b 4 Glutamate DH precursor Swiss Prot P26443 ConA 11c 4 Aldehyde DH precursor Swiss Prot Q13573 ConA 22 4 Acyl-CoA DH precursor Swiss Prot P15651 Con A 25 4 D-beta-hydroxybutyrate precursor Swiss Prot P29147 ConA 26 4 Rhodanese fragment Swiss prot P24329 ConA 30 4 Pyruvate DH kinase precursor Swiss Prot Q15118 Phenyl 14 5 Mitochondrial matrix P1 precursor Swiss Prot P19227 Phenyl 15 5 ERP60 Swiss Prot P11598 Phenyl 16 5 Mitochondrial matrix P1 precursor Swiss Prot P19227 Phenyl 19 5 Aldehyde DH precursor Swiss Prot P47738 Phenyl 36 5 3-ketoacyl-COA thiolase Swiss Prot P13437 Phenyl 39 5 Catalase, PX Swiss Prot P00761 ER = Endoplasmic reticulum PX= peroxisome Protein Enrichment by Specific Fractionation
Total Mitochondria 300 to 500 proteins CBB-stained gels 1598 proteins silver-stained gel 300 to 500 proteins Pre-fractionation 819 proteins/ CBB stained calcium binding protein enrichment min. 78 proteins / CBB stained con A binding protein enrichment resolution 736 proteins / CBB stained hydrophobic protein enrichment fragmentation min. 1633 proteins Protein Enrichment by Specific Fractionation More than 3 to 5 times more proteins detected using pre-fractionation!
Overall sensitivity of used process • Approximately 125 fmol of protein in the gel spot!!! • ability to recover sufficient peptides to allow a search and identification in the databases • protein dependend • routine base experiments 250 to 500 fmol in gel spot • date of experiments 1999 • How to increase this further on? • Where are we today?
Increase Sensitivity by.... • ... Using fluorophore-staining AND appropriate instrumentation, because sensitivity is a result of both! • SYPRO Ruby stain • performance in comparison to silver and CBB • new ProXPRESS proteomic imaging system • exact quantitation of fluorophores • expression profiling • new ProPic high-performance protein picker • imager, analysis software and picker in one • on-board in-gel fluorophore detection • proteome mapping • The PerkinElmer Proteomic product line has been optimised for fluorophore staining!
SYPROTM Ruby Stain Vs Silver Stain: Phosphorylase Serial Dilution: Peptide Matches by MALDI-TOF MS • Conclusion: • Peptide mass profiling is feasible using either stain, when 40 ng is available. • Only SYPROTM Ruby stain allows identification with <10 ng of protein.
Aplicações de Microarranjos de Proteínas * DNA - protein interaction * Protein - protein interactions * Enzyme-substrate analysis * Protein profiling * Antibody characterization * Small molecule screening
Protein Penetration Demonstrated by Confocal Fluorescent Microscope Measurement ~70% penetration of a 160 kD protein starting ending 1.9 µm per section in Z axis
Imobilizar a sonda (anticorpos) Imobilizar e lavar Incubar com a amostra alvo Lavar e detectar
Alvo (target) = sonda Targets: Cy3- and Cy5-labeled patient serum samples
ELISA: Agora em lâminas: múltiplas amostras Representative commercial ELISA for IFN-g shows detection range of approximately 10-1000 pg/mL (2 log dynamic range)
Ensaios sanduíche: detecção simultânea de múltiplas substâncias Texas Red conjugated Streptavidin Biotinylated detection antibody Target (cytokine) Capture antibody
Each probe is printed in quadruplicate (350 pL/spot) at 500 um spacing. 43 Cytokine Antibody Chip
Qualitative Screening A B C Biotin-IgG IL-1b IL-8 IL-6 Control GCSF Human ER-negative breast cancer cells MDA-MB-231 were screened with a 43 cytokine antibody chip A: Cell culture media as negative control (left) showing low non-specific binding B: Conditioned media (center) indicating cells produced IL-8, GCSF and IL –6 C: Cell lysates (right) containing IL-1b, GCSF and IL-8 but lacking IL-6
Exemplos de análise do proteoma em plantas (2001) • the maritime pine needle (at the organ level) [11]; • the maritime pine xylem(at the tissue level) [11]; • peribacteroid membrane of soybean root nodules (at the subcellular level) [12]. • subproteoma lumenal and peripheral thylakoid proteins. Peltier et al • descriptive proteomes include the global comparison of green and etiolated rice shoots [8] • analysis on rice leaf and stem of the effects of jasmonic acid treatment as a model for defence associated responses [15], • characterisation of the nodule membrane upon symbiosis with nitrogen-fixating bacteria • changes in protein synthesis that occur during hypoxic acclimatation using [35S]-methionine • phloem proteins are differentially distributed in source and sink organs. • Limitações • Difícil extração e separação de proteínas hidrofóbicas em géis 2D (LC-MS) • Número limitado de proteínas (após a maturação: 106proteínas diferentes por célula) • Bancos de dados: tornando sinérgicos os esforços de uma comunidade de pesquisadores • The maritime pine proteome database • Arabidopsis plasma membrane proteome database