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Unit 2 Test Preview. Unit 2 Test Preview: (Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7) PART ONE (Match the route to the explorer): You will need to know the following Explorers and their routes: (7 marks) (1) Hudson (2) Cabot (3) Cartier (4) Verrazano (5) Da Gama (6) Columbus (7) Magellan .
Unit 2 Test Preview: (Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7) PART ONE (Match the route to the explorer): You will need to know the following Explorers and their routes: (7 marks) (1) Hudson (2) Cabot (3) Cartier (4) Verrazano (5) Da Gama (6) Columbus (7) Magellan
PART TWO (Matching a Name to a Statement): There will be two parts to this (Part A and Part B). (10 marks) Part A: (4 marks) Source Chapter 7 (Part 4) Matching an explorer to a description that fits him. Explorers: Henry Hudson, Francis Drake, Humphrey Gilbert, Martin Frobisher Part B: (6 marks) Source Chapter 4 (Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4) Matching an explorer to a description that fits him. Explorers: St. Brendan, Christopher Columbus, ThorfinnKarlsefni, John Cabot, Eric the Red, Leif Ericsson
PART THREE (True or False): Read each statement carefully, determine if it is true or false, and write your response (T or F) next to each statement. (8 Marks) Source Chapter 5 (Parts 4 & 5) (Explorer Names: Pizarro, Ferdinand Magellan, Hernan Cortes, Giovanni Da Verranzo ( Aztec leader: Montezuma) (Inca leader: Athahualpa) Source Chapter 6 (Part 2)
PART FOUR (Definitions): Define the following terms in clearly written sentences. (20 marks) Scurvy Trade Monopoly Reformation Sagas Indulgences Armada L’Anse Aux Meadows Vinland Treaty of Tordesillas Martin Luther
PART FIVE (Paragraph Answers): Choose only one question to answer in paragraph form from the following three topics: 1. Explain why a few hundred conquistadors were able to conquer the Aztec and Inca empires. (5 marks) (Source Chapter 5 Part 5) Review Notes 2. Explain what the Treaty of Tordesillas is and why it was created. (5 marks) (Source Chapter 5 Part 1) Review Notes 3. Explain Cartier’s contact with Native people on his three voyages to Canada. (5 marks) (Source Chapter 6 Part 1, 2, 3 & 4) TEST TOTAL: /50 marks