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Rules for Accentual Patterns

Rules for Accentual Patterns. All English words have some accent, primary or secondary, on the first or the second syllable. E.g. ‘cough, ‘cut, ‘great ‘office, ‘basic, ‘country Ciga’rette, ‘advertise, ar’tistic Poli’tician, appli’cation, recom’mended.

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Rules for Accentual Patterns

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  1. Rules for Accentual Patterns

  2. All English words have some accent, primary or secondary, on the first or the second syllable. E.g. ‘cough, ‘cut, ‘great ‘office, ‘basic, ‘country Ciga’rette, ‘advertise, ar’tistic Poli’tician, appli’cation, recom’mended

  3. 2. Words with weak prefixes are accented on the root, and not the prefix. e.g., a’broad, a’cross, ad’mit, ad’vice, a’head, a’lone, a’loud, a’mount, a’part, at’tend, be’low, be’tween, com’pose, cor’rect, de’velop, ex’pect, oc’cur, pre’fer, re’duce.

  4. 3.The inflectional suffixes -es, -ing, -ed, and the following derivational suffixes do not affect the accent: -age, -dom, -en, -er, -ess, -ful, -fy, -less, - let, -ly, -ment, - ness, -or, -some, -ward.

  5. Words ending with –ion - accent on the last but one syllable e.g : appli'cation imagi'nation conver'sation determi'nation intro'duction qualifi'cation

  6. Connotation, association, concession, relation, satisfaction, preparation, combination, identification, creation, deviation, situation, emotion, determination, digestion, designation, medication, nutrition, attribution, civilization, affection, tension, tradition, composition.

  7. colonization, unification, isolation, domination, communication, opposition, conclusion, distinction, assertion, location, elaboration, industrialization, frustration, plantation, submission, aviation, globalization, westernization, transcription, computerization

  8. Aspiration, expectation, translation, reaction, fiction, interpretation, publication, function, emancipation, proclamation, segregation, discrimination, condition, constitution, declaration, obligation, graduation, desolation,

  9. continuation, foundation, justification, degeneration, destination, devotion, satisfaction, tribulation, persecution, redemption, situation, oppression, nullification, interposition, transformation, exaltation, revelation, celebration

  10. Words ending with –ic, -ical, ically - accent on the last but one syllable (syllable preceding the suffix) e.g. apolo'getic e'lectric e'lectrical scien'tific sympa'thetic

  11. gram’matical, patrio’tic, po’litical, po’litically, sympa’thetically

  12. Words ending with –ial, -ially - accent on the last but one syllable (syllable preceding the suffix) e.g. arti'ficial confi’dentially cere’monial es’sentially confi'dential es'sential me'morial

  13. In’dustrial, of’ficial, presi’dential, matrimonial, denial, partial, terrestrial, celestial, serial, genial, martial, cordial, bestial, centennial, menial, special, imperial,

  14. Words ending with –ian - accent on the last but one syllable (syllable preceding the suffix) e.g. elec’trician poli’tician mu’sician li’brarian

  15. Physician, magician, musician, Russian, Indian, beautician.

  16. Words ending with –ious - accent on the last but one syllable (syllable preceding the suffix) e.g. 'anxious in'dustrious in'jurious lu'xurious

  17. la’borious, re’bellious, vic’torious, malicious, devious, pernicious, ferocious, perfidious, judicious, suspicious, curious, dubious,

  18. Words ending with –ity - accent on the syllable preceeding the suffix, i.e., on the third syllable from the end. - The ante-penultimate syllable e.g. ac'tivity mo'rality ne'cessity origi'nality possi'bility

  19. Elec’tricity, e’quality, gene’rosity, mo’rality, origi’nality, continuity, monstrosity, connectivity, variety, duplicity, atrocity, curiosity, proclivity, sensitivity, adversity,

  20. serendipity, tenacity, celebrity, stupidity, quantity, acidity, veracity, velocity, publicity, university, humanity, piety, conductivity, possibility, probability,

  21. Words of more than two syllables ending with –ate - primary accent is placed two syllables before the suffix, i.e. on the third syllable from the end. e.g. ‘complicate ‘cultivate ‘educate ‘fortunate ‘separate

  22. Facilitate, felicitate, activate, complicate, duplicate, concentrate, potentate, differentiate, estimate, confiscate, articulate, communicate, classmate, dictate,

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