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Выступление на семинаре по теме « Средства мультимедиа как иллюстрированный материал пр изучении тем страноведческой направленности». Conquer — завоёвывать, покорять bulwark — укреплять валом ; служить оплотом
Выступление на семинаре по теме « Средства мультимедиа как иллюстрированный материал пр изучении тем страноведческой направленности»
Conquer — завоёвывать, покорять bulwark — укреплять валом ; служить оплотом guilty — виновный innocent — невиновный человек to execute — казнить chamber — комната,палата jewel — украшение fortification — укрепления a fair share — справедливая доля observatory — обсерватория erect — основывать, сооружать focal point — фокус, фокусная точка insignia — орден, значок, эмблема, символ beefeater — стражник Тауэра Vocabulary
bulwark strong buildings,walls,towers, in order to defend a place insignia not guilty or a crime observatory to kill someone as a punishment for a crime a mark on an object that shows treasurewho made it, who it belongs to execute a wall that is built for defence innocent a study centre with a telescope which study the stars and planets fortification a collection of jewels or gold and silver objects Match the words with their definitions
strong buildings, walls,towers, fortification in order to defend a place not guilty or a crime innocent to kill someone as a punishment execute for a crime a mark on an object that shows insignia who made it, who it belongs to a wall that is built for defence bulwark a study centre with a telescope observatory which study the stars and planets a collection of jewels or gold and treasure silver objects
1.The Tower of London is _______________ for jewels, gold and silver objects. 2.They built numerous ________________ for defence. 3.He insisted that he was____________. 4.All these _____________ announced that London was at hand. 5.He wanted all his ___________ at once, and so he killed the goose, thinking that inside her he would find solid gold. 6.They opened a big ____________ in order to study the stars and planets. Complete these sentences using the new words
1.The Tower of London is treasure chamber for jewels, gold and silver objects. 2.They built numerous bulwarks for defence. 3.He insisted that he was innocent. 4.All these insignia announced that London was at hand. 5.He wanted all his treasure at once, and so he killed the goose, t thinking that inside her he would find solid gold. 6.They opened a big observatory in order to study the stars and planets.
1.Where can you see the crown ? 2.What incident happend at the Tower ? 3.Who started to build the Tower ? 4.What is the First Star of Africa ? 5.What is the traditional name of the Tower guardians ? 6.Whom do the guardians take care of ? Answer the questions
1.The Tower of London is the treasure chamber for the Crown jewels. 2.Only guilty men were executed behind these walls. 3.The Tower served as a residence,a zoo and an observatory. 4.William the Conqueror couldn't conquer the Tower 5.The White Tower is the focal point of the Tower. 6.Beefeaters don't take care of ravens. True or False:
True or False: 1.The Tower of London is the treasure chamber for the Crown jewels. True 2.Only guilty men were executed behind these walls. False 3.The Tower served as a residence,a zoo and an observatory. True 4.William the Conqueror couldn't conquer the Tower False 5.The White Tower is the focal point of the Tower. True 6.Beefeaters don't take care of ravens. False
1.Where can you see the crown ? 2.What incident happened at the Tower ? 3.Who started to build the Tower ? 4.What is the First Star of Africa ? 5.What is the traditional name of the Tower guardians ? 6.Whom do the guardians take care of ? Answer the questions