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Resources. Revenue 2013 total 211 million euro. Budget funding 67%. Academy of Finland 12%. Tekes projects 3%. Other MINEDU and FNBE funding 2 %. Foreign funding 3%. Business operations 4%. Other supplementary funding 9%. million euro.
Revenue 2013total211 million euro Budgetfunding67% Academy of Finland 12% Tekes projects3% Other MINEDU and FNBE funding 2% Foreignfunding 3% Business operations 4% Othersupplementaryfunding 9%
million euro BudgetFunding 2004–2013(excludingTeacher Training School)
Supplementaryfunding 2013total71,7 million euro Othersupplementary funding 29% Academy of Finland 35% Business operations 13% Tekes projects 9% Foreign funding 7% Other MINEDU and FNBE funding7%
Supplementaryfunding 2006–2013 million euro
Expenditure 2013total209,5 millioneuro Staffcosts 68% Rents12% Externalservices6% Depreciation 1% Travel 3% Otherexpenses 10%
Staff 2013 total2,497 person-years of work Teachingstaff 674 (27,0 %) • - professors 217 • assistants and senior 10 • assistants • - lecturers and teachers447 Researchers909 (36,4%) Otherstaff914 (36,6%)
Staff 31 December 2013total2,684 Teachingstaff727 27,1 % Researchers 999 37,2% Otherstaff958 35,7%