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Tools of the 21st Century: Shaping the Future

Explore how tools have driven human evolution, commerce, and societal progress through different eras, leading us to the powerful tools of today and tomorrow that will redefine how we live and work.

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Tools of the 21st Century: Shaping the Future

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  1. Technofutures Tools of the 21st century (from James Canton)

  2. Tools as Artifacts of Change • Forcenturies, toolshavebeenthedecisivemarkersforstages of humanevolution, as well as commerce. Earlyhumans’ use of Stone Agetoolsdetermineddeathorsurvival. As civilizationprogressed, wemovedout of theHunter-GathererStageusingtoolstoharnessnatureandinventagriculture. Thetools of theAgrarianstagetransformedcivilizationagain, leading us from a nomadiclifestyleintosettlements. TheIndustrialEra, bestcharacterizedbythesteam engine, revealed a moresophisticated set of toolsthatacceleratedsocialprogressand, particularly, commerce. The Post-IndustrialorInformationEra is symbolizedbythecomputer, themostpowerfultoolhumanshave yet created.

  3. Tools as Artifacts of Change • Nextgenerationtechnologieswilltransformbusiness, marketsandsociety. ThePowerToolsdescribedherearethebeginning of a fantasticrevolution. Thisrevolutionwillredefinehowweliveandwork, loveandplay, createanddestroy. Theoncomingchangecatalyzedbyemergingtechnologywillrealignculture, reshapeeconomies, turnscienceupsidedown, releasecountlessinnovations, andtransformeveryhumanendeavor. Oldideologieswilldieandnewideaswillreign. • Theconvergence of leading-edgetechnologywill be thesinglemostpowerfuldriver of changeforthenext 100 years.

  4. Tools as Artifacts of Change • Theprogression of newtechnologyspawningnewproducts is movingfasterandfaster. Inthelast 50 years, there has beenmoretechnologyinnovationthan in theprevious 5000 years. • Theprintingpresscausedthemonks, theexclusivebookmakerstothewealthyelite, tolosetheirmonopoly. The TV eclipsedtheradio. Trainslostgroundtotrucks. • Wirelesstelephoneswillsoonmake hard-wirephonesobsolete. The TV, telephoneand Internet willmergeintosomethingnew. Interactivemediawilldominateentertainment. • Supplyanddemandwill be shapedbystrategictechnologythatchangestheeconomics of theday. Weareentering a time wherenewtechnologiessuch as the Internet willrealignmarketsandtheeconomy at an unprecedentedpace. The network as thenewbusiness model willforcetraditionalbusinesstoadaptordie.

  5. Tools as Enablers of theFuture TheFourPowerTools: • Computers • Networks • Biotechnology • Nanotechnology ThesePowerToolsarepredictivedrivers of changeandtheessentialdesignstrategies of thenext 100 years. Ifweunderstandthem, we can begintoenvisionwhatthenextlogicalstepsmay be.

  6. Computers • Thecomputer is thebaselinepowertool of the 21st century, an extensionofthehumanbrain. It is theultimatetoolforprobingthe yet unseenworkings of theuniverse. • Thesupercomputers of today can renderextremelycomplexbehavioralandstructuralmodels of virtuallyanythingthat can be imagined, fromthemechanics of theuniversetothemolecularconstructs of life itself. • Inessence, thecomputer is a dynamicviewingtoolmakingvisiblethenextlevel of abstractionanddiscovery, fromdrugstorobotsto art tospaceexploration. Thecomputer is theparent of theotherpowertools.

  7. Networks • “Network” is a metaphorforuniversalconnectivity, a fundamentalforcethatwillcontinuetoshapeeducation, theenterpriseandculture. • The Internet is a global marketplacewithoutborders. The “Net” alsoreferstothe network convergence of allcommunicationsdevices on the planet – satellite, telephone, TV, andwirelessdevices. Theconvergence of computersandnetworks is providing a level of innovationwehaveneverexperienced in history. • Fast, smartandpowerfulnetworksprovidinghigh-speedaccessforcombiningvoice, data, video, andgraphics is what’scoming. FromcablemodemsandDigitalSubscriberLines (DSL) to a variety of fiber opticandwirelessservices, nextgenerationcommunicationnetworkswillchangebusinessandlifestyles. Data trafficwillincreasetoover 10 timesvoicetraffic.

  8. Biotechnology • Biotechnology is abouttherevolutionarydesign of life on the planet at the DNA level. Correctingdiseases, treatingmentaldysfunctionandphysicaldefects, andcreatingnewdrugsandfoodsarespecificoutcomes of applyingbiotechtools. Thebigpictureshows us redesigning life itself. • A combination of 3 factorsallows us toreachthethreshold of thebiotech domain: molecularmanipulation as a “mechanical” assemblyprocess; advancedsupercomputing, whichallowsforthemodeling of complexmolecularandphysiologicalsystems; andthe “discovery” of newlyformedbiologicalmaterials, such as proteins. • Biochipsarethecombination of microcircuitsandmicroscalefluidicandmechanicalassemblies. Theyrely on technologiesverysimilartothoseusedtocreatecomputerchips, but integratebiologicalmaterials.

  9. Nanotechnology • Thetools of biosciencearetheprogenitors of theultimatepowertool – nanotech. Nanotechnology is themanipulation of matter at theatomiclevelforthecreation of a widerange of artifacts. • Nanotechnology is themostsuperiordesigntechnology ever conceptualized. Fromfoodtoenergy, constructionmaterialsto DNA, nanotechwill be thetechnologyweusetoconstructmatter. Itwillsurpassthepotential of alltheotherpowertoolsdescribedso far. • Nanotech is an extraordinaryfabricationprocess, a meansbywhich an object – organicornon-organic, livingorinert – can be replicated. Theultimateoutcome of nanotechwould be thefabrication of materialsandmolecularconstructsneverbeforeconsideredpossible.

  10. Nanotechnology • Thehumanspeciesmay be propelledbynanotech far beyondthelimitations of thenaturalrules of theobservableworld. Wewill be abletofabricate at willanymaterial, substance, objectorlivingbeing, includingourselves. • Therules of commerce, businessmodels, eventhedefinition of life will be irreversiblyaltered. • Nanotechwilluseall of theprinciplesandinnovationsproducedbytheotherpowertools. It is theultimatealchemy. Fromthe robot on thehead of a pinthat can performheartsurgery, tothefoodcompilersthatwillgeneratedinner, to DNA assemblersthatwillbuildpowerfulspaceshipsinexpensively, nanotechwillchangeeverything. • Wearemovingfastinto a futurethat, by 2020, will be reshapedbynanotech.

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