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The Design and Implementation of an Operational Data Telemetry Extraction and Analysis Toolkit. NOAATECH 2006 Workshop and Expo National Environmental Satellite Data Information Service (NESDIS) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) U.S. Department of Commerce
The Design and Implementation of an Operational Data Telemetry Extraction and Analysis Toolkit NOAATECH 2006 Workshop and Expo National Environmental Satellite Data Information Service (NESDIS) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) U.S. Department of Commerce Shahram Tehranian, Subir Vasanth, Anand Swaroop (stehranian@ac-tech.com, svasanth@ac-tech.com, aswaroop@ac-tech.com) AC Technologies, Inc. Advanced Computation and Information Services 4640 Forbes Blvd, Suite 320 Lanham, MD 20706
Agenda • System Overview of the Modernized History Browser • MHBR Software Design and Architecture • Visual Modeling with UML • UML Diagrams and Design Patterns • Data Extraction and Analysis Toolkit • Technologies, API’s and Tools used • Current Status • Future Work AC Technologies, Inc.
Modernized History Browser Overview AC Technologies, Inc.
Modernized History Browser Overview • Provides an interface for displaying a summary of the contents of the MSPS archives • Provides a toolkit to extract and analyze data stored in the archives • The following historical archives are continuously maintained by the MSPS Server: • Imager Regression Coefficients history files • Imager 10-day Gain history files • Imager Short Term Gain history files • Imager Blackbody Calibration history files (raw IR data and statistics) • Imager Spacelook Calibration history files (raw IR data and statistics) • Imager Header/Trailer/Telemetry history files (raw and compressed data) • Imager Raw Sector history files (raw visible, IR, IMC, servo error data) • Imager Star Sense history files (raw visible, IR, and servo error data) • Sounder Regression Coefficients history files • Sounder 10-Day Gain history files • Sounder Short Term Gain history files • Sounder Raw Data history files • Provides an interface to send requests to record Imager Raw Sector data AC Technologies, Inc.
MSPS Server Modernized History Browser Sends requests for map data Map data is interpreted and displayed using data description of map files (specified in XML format) Replies with map data Gets the records and data fields that the user wants to extract Archives Telemetry data Uses data descriptions of the data files (specified in XML format), to extract data from the archives stored on the MSPS server Data Extraction and Analysis Toolkit AC Technologies, Inc.
Old History Browser Deficiencies • Less flexible to accommodate data changes for GOES NOP series of satellites. Data formats and structures are almost entirely hard-coded. • Difficult to maintain due to the use of now unsupported SUN legacy packages - XView and DevGuide. • Not-well documented User’s Manual and Software Maintenance Manual. • Not User-friendly. • Consists of legacy code with no standards for software development. AC Technologies, Inc.
Old History Browser AC Technologies, Inc.
Old History Browser AC Technologies, Inc.
Modernized History Browser (MHBR) Advantages • Supports data changes for GOES NOP series of satellites • Provides built-in toolkit for Data Extraction and Analysis • Uses XML to define the data stored in the map and data files in the Archive Manager • Uses a layered architecture separating the Communication, Data Engine and Presentations layers • Developed using Unified Modeling Language • Interfaces with PV-Wave for data analysis • Integrated with an online help tool • Allows users to connect and disconnect to various MSPS servers without closing the application AC Technologies, Inc.
MSPS Archive Data Format Description • MSPS Archive Map and Data Formats are described in XML: • 1 XML Schema file for all archives, which defines the structure, content and semantics of the XML documents • 1 XML data description file for each Archive, which defines the data format for data stored in the map and data files. • Example: • XML Schema for XML documents • Imager Blackbody Calibration XML Data Description AC Technologies, Inc.
XML provides Flexibility Describing the data formats in XML allows changes to be made to the data structures without breaking the application that depends on that data. For example if a new detector needs to be added for BlackBody Calibration Data, only a new tag for “Detector” with DetID=“bbraw8” needs to be added to the XML description for that data file format. AC Technologies, Inc.
Visual Modeling with UML • Visual modeling is the process of taking the information and displaying it graphically using a standard set of graphical notations. • Primary purpose of visual modeling is COMMUNICATION between Users, Developers, Analysts, Testers, Managers and others involved in the project. • Visual modeling allows the system to be modeled independent of the implementation language. AC Technologies, Inc.
Benefits of Using UML • UML is a standard across the software industry. • UML provides a common language for business analysts and developers. • UML is visual. • UML is object oriented. • UML describes business processes both structurally and dynamically. • UML helps you derive better system requirements. AC Technologies, Inc.
Use Case Diagram • Use case diagrams show interactions between use cases and actors. • Use cases represent system functionality. • Actors represent the people or systems that provide or receive information from the system. AC Technologies, Inc.
Use Case Realizations, Sequence Diagram • A use case realization ties together the use cases and the classes needed to implement each use case. • Sequence diagrams are one way to realize a use case. • Sequence diagrams are used to show a time-based flow of functionality through a use case. • Each arrow represents a message passed between actor and object or object and object to perform the needed functionality. AC Technologies, Inc.
Class Diagram • Class diagrams illustrate the specification for software classes and interfaces. • Class diagrams show the interactions between classes in the system. • The lines connecting classes show the communication relationships between the classes. AC Technologies, Inc.
Design Patterns • A Pattern describes a proven solution to a recurring design problem • Advantages: • They have been proven: • Patterns reflect the experience, knowledge and insights of developers who have successfully used these patterns in their own work. • They are reusable: • Patterns provide a ready-made solution that can be adapted to different problems as necessary. AC Technologies, Inc.
Observer Pattern • Defines a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are updated automatically. • Observers are loosely coupled in that the Subjects knows nothing about them, other than they implement the Observer interface. • Java GUI framework – Swing, makes heavy use of the Observer pattern. • Facilitates loosely coupled design between objects that interact. AC Technologies, Inc.
Command Pattern • Action objects encapsulate a request by defining the binding between the Action and Receiver. • A Receivers know how to perform the work needed to carry out the request. • An Invoker makes a request for a service on the Action objects. AC Technologies, Inc.
Simple Factory Pattern • Simple way to decouple client from a concrete class. • Promotes loose coupling by reducing the dependency of your application on concrete classes. • Promotes coding to abstractions, not concrete classes. AC Technologies, Inc.
MHBR User Interface AC Technologies, Inc.
MHBR User Interface AC Technologies, Inc.
MHBR User Interface (Cont.) AC Technologies, Inc.
MHBR User Interface (Cont.) AC Technologies, Inc.
MHBR User Interface (Cont.) AC Technologies, Inc.
MHBR User Interface (Cont.) AC Technologies, Inc.
MHBR User Interface (Cont.) AC Technologies, Inc.
Data Extraction and Analysis Toolkit • Used to extract archived data from the MSPS server • Provides a data visualization workspace to plot graphs and visualize 3D data • Provides a quick and easy tool for scientists to examine telemetry data archived by the MSPS server • Pure Java implementation for data extraction and visualization • Uses JFreeChart to draw line and area charts, scatter plots, bar and pie charts. • Uses VisAD for plotting 3D images AC Technologies, Inc.
Data Analysis Workspace AC Technologies, Inc.
Data Visualization Workspace AC Technologies, Inc.
Data Visualization Workspace AC Technologies, Inc.
Data Visualization Workspace AC Technologies, Inc.
Technologies, API’s and Tools used to build MHBR and Data Extraction and Analysis Toolkit AC Technologies, Inc.
Current Status • Modernized History Browser was formally tested at SOCC and accepted in September 2005. • Currently we are waiting for the software freeze for the GOES-N launch to be lifted, in order to deploy the application on all SOCC workstations used for telemetry data analysis. • The Data Analysis and Extraction toolkit is currently being implemented as a prototype model. AC Technologies, Inc.
Conclusions & Future Work • Provides support for data changes for GOES NOP series of satellites • Provides built-in toolkit for Data Extraction and Analysis • Uses XML to define the data stored in the map and data files in the Archive Manager • Uses a layered architecture separating the Communication, Data Engine and Presentations layers • Developed using Unified Modeling Language • Future work involves the Design and Implementation of a Long-Term Archive and its integration with the Modernized History Browser (MHBR) AC Technologies, Inc.
Questions? Contact Information: Subir Vasanth svasanth@ac-tech.com AC Technologies, Inc.