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What We Wish We Could Tell You: Directors Uncensored Presented by: Paula Luff – DePaul University

What We Wish We Could Tell You: Directors Uncensored Presented by: Paula Luff – DePaul University Lori Vedder – University of Michigan-Flint. Overview. Who can benefit from this session Basics Rules of the game Unwritten rules Politics Top 10 lists

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What We Wish We Could Tell You: Directors Uncensored Presented by: Paula Luff – DePaul University

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  1. What We Wish We Could Tell You: Directors Uncensored Presented by: Paula Luff – DePaul University Lori Vedder – University of Michigan-Flint

  2. Overview • Who can benefit from this session • Basics • Rules of the game • Unwritten rules • Politics • Top 10 lists • Other tidbits and suggestions • How bad do you want it?

  3. Who is this session for? • New Professionals • Veteran professionals looking to move beyond clerical roles, or who are ‘stuck’ • Professionals who want to assume a leadership position, or move up in their organization • Anyone interested in hearing Paula and Lori talk!

  4. The Basics • Follow the written rules • Dress code, office policies, etc. • Build a knowledge base • Learn as much as possible, be resourceful • Stretch beyond your ‘role’ • Be a reliable, dedicated employee • Illustrates that you can be a reliable, dedicated supervisor or boss

  5. Do you know… • Your own strengths and weaknesses? • What you want, how far you want to go? • What is important to your boss? • How your job fits into the overall goal/workings of the office? • What is important to your organization? • How your office fits into the larger organization? • What you don’t know?

  6. Rules of the Game • Written (it’s a given) • Office and institutional policy and procedures • Any guidelines provided in staff meetings or elsewhere (such as minimum dress code, vacation policies, etc.) • Unwritten • More important than you think • Examples…

  7. Unwritten 'Rules’ • We shouldn’t have to say it, but… • Show up on time and do your job • Dress code • What is your boss wearing? • What are their pet peeves? • Communication tips • Answer e-mail and return calls promptly • Monitor your tone • Don’t get too comfortable!

  8. Unwritten ‘Rules’ cont. • Meeting etiquette • Arrive on time • Be prepared – bring paper and pen • Be attentive (no checking blackberry or smart phone) • Send agenda items ahead of time • PARTICIPATE • Don’t bring food, drinks, etc. to a meeting where no one else is eating, drinking • Know when to go ‘off-line’

  9. Politics • Every office has a political aspect • It’s not all bad • Know who has the power • Understand how and why things get done in your office and organization • Realize that moving up, means more politics

  10. Top 10 Career Killers 10. Complaining and whining (on or off-line) – saying or implying – “That’s not my job.” 9. Expecting and/or requesting ‘exceptions’ 8. Ignoring suggestions, not being open to honest feedback 7. Discussing compensation, performance reviews w/coworkers 6. Being a maverick

  11. Career Killers – cont. 5. Failure to follow through 4. Inability to grasp larger picture 3. Resisting change and new directions 2. Ignoring the chain of command - going over our heads 1. Allowing us to be blindsided

  12. Top 10 Career Builders • Developing a plan for your career path • Being reliable, showing up in all ways • Taking responsibility • Continuous learning 6. Being a team player

  13. Career Builders – cont. • Understanding office priorities and acting accordingly • Innovative thinking • Showing initiative and energy- delivering more than expected • Sharing information 1. Knowing when to stay silent

  14. Other Tidbits • Attitude matters as much, if not more than, aptitude • As responsibility increases • connection to individual tasks decreases • so delegation becomes more important • Everyone has someone to manage • Don’t think so? Try managing ‘up’ • Yes, we have thought of that! (Usually.)

  15. Remember • Directors and supervisors talk to each other! • Be careful about seemingly idle chatter at conferences • If you are looking for a job, we probably know about it – better to enlist our help • Chances are we’ll seek an ‘informal’ reference – whether or not you list your prior boss on your reference sheet or not.

  16. Help Yourself • You are always building your reputation (or not) through: • Your daily dress, communication and work habits • Your conduct at meetings, trainings, conferences and workshops • Professional organization participation • E-mails you send (internally and on listserves) • Face book postings

  17. How bad do you want it? Enough to: • Pay your dues? • Further your education (formal and/or informal)? • Sacrifice weekends, evening, free time? • Change offices? Organizations? Regions (move out of state)?

  18. Questions & Discussion

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