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Marine Ecology and Biodiversity Véronique Rousseau ULB-ESA. BeNCoRe Conference S tate of the Art and future of Belgian Coastal Research 26 April 2007 Leuven. Outline
Marine Ecology and Biodiversity Véronique Rousseau ULB-ESA BeNCoRe Conference State of the Art and future of Belgian Coastal Research 26 April 2007Leuven
Outline • State of the Art of current research activities in Belgium on “Marine Ecology and Biodiversity” (organisms, research thema, human impact on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, projects and related methodologies) • From the scientific knowledge to sustainable management of coastal zones: the need for integration • Role of BeNCoRe towards ENCORA thema “Restoration and Preservation of Coastal Biodiversity”
Zooplankton Protozooplankton Bacterioplankton The diversity of organisms in marine coastal waters Seabirds Phytoplankton Pelagic fishes Urchins Mussels & Oysters Polychaetes Shrimps Benthic diatoms Benthic bacteria and protozoa Benthic fishes
(Molecular) diversity at species and population levels Phylogeny, evolution and dynamics • Community structure Pseudo-nitzschia Phaeocystis Cyanobacteria Phytoplankton Potamoschistus minutus Pelagic bacteria Seminavis Lanice conchilega Benthic microbial community Solea solea Biodiversity
Structure and functioning of the ecosystem Functional diversity, feeding ecology Link between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning Mesozooplankton Diatoms ANFl Bacteria HNFl OM Microzooplankton
Oil Eutrophication Overfishing Heavy metals Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn Coastal engineering Effects of Human Activities Phytoplankton Plastic Wind turbine Phytobenthos
Field observations and laboratory experiments Methodology • Molecular tools (DNA/RNA, DGGE, FISH, …) • Microscopy of various resolution • Radio-tracer methodology • Enzymatic activities • …. Multidisciplinarity: biology, taxonomy, physiology, ecology
Modelling • Generic structure of the coastal • ecosystem (ULB-ESA) • Impact of species loss • on ecosystem functioning • (U.G.- Marine Biology) Remote sensing Spatial dynamics of intertidal benthic biofilms (Chl a, Molenplaat, Schelde estuary) Data base TISBE (taxonomy) http://www.vliz.be/vmdcdata/tisbe ERMS (European Register of Marine Species) http://www.marbef.org/data/erms.php = reference list of marine species, backbone in MarBEF’s data WoRMS (World Register of Marine Species) http://www.marinespecies.org BMDC (taxonomy)
A diversity of projects and research teams WestBanks: understanding the link between benthic, pelagic, and air-borne ecosystems in shallow coastal seas (Belspo SSD – links with NoE Marbef and Marine Genomics Europe ) UG (Marine Biology) – KUL (Aquatic Ecology)- INBO – VLIZ - MUMM – NIOO-CEME Micromet:understand the complex interactions between heavy metal contaminants (i.e., Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) and the microbial communities living in marine sediments of the Belgian Continental Plate (Belspo SSD) ULB (Marine Biology) – UG (Protistology & Aquatic Ecology) – VUB (ANCH) - CNRS Amore: understand the dual control of changing human activity and climate on eutrophication in the Belgian coastal zone and the feedback effect on goods (mussel farming) and services (CO2 absorption) (Belspo SSD – links with FP6-Ip Thresholds) ULB (ESA) – ILVO – UMH (Aquatic numerical ecology) – MUMM Microphytobenthos : understand the relationships between microphytobenthos diversity, composition, productivity and how these are regulated by environmental conditions. (FWO, Flemish government). Flemish (UG) – The Netherlands And others (INRAM, Pseudo-Nitzschia pungens species structure, ….)
1. Effect of reef-building Lanice conhilega on Sole • Increase biodiversity • Positive effect on commercial fish species (Sole) Predictive models: impact of species loss on ecosystem functioning 2. Study of molecular diversity: resilience of species at the population level P. minutus L. conchilega Solea solea Molecular information essential for designation and management of MPA’s 3. Breeding succes of terns: dependent on prey-availability Develop indicators for the state of the pelagic ecosytem WestBanks: understanding the link between benthic, pelagic and air-borne ecosystems in shallow coastal seas Link Biodiversity – Ecosytem functioning & Food web composition
Decision Support Decision Support System(s) for System(s) for sustainable development sustainable development Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning The scientific knowledge as a contribution towards the sustainable use of coastal zone and marine biodiversity management Scientific knowledge Data availability Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning • Assessing environmental impact, identifying thresholds of disturbance (loss of species, food-web disruption, undesirable species …) • Define ecological quality criteria for measuring ecosystem changes and the effectiveness of management and policy applications (oil, plastic, nutrients, …) • Development of ecological quality objectives • Socio-economical and biological valuation
STEP 1: VALUATION Macrobenthos INTEGRATED BIOLOGICAL VALUATION MAP Epibenthos and demersal fish STEP 2: INTEGRATION Seabirds Biological value Valuation maps for each ecosystem component based on 5 main criteria: rarity, aggregation, fitness consequences, proportional importance and naturalness Integration of the ecosystem component valuation maps into an integrated biological valuation map for the area Managing Marine Biodiversity: establishing a protocol for biological valuation From Degraer & Vincx
Belgian research on marine biodiversity: an European dimension • Marine Biology (UG) : Biological valuation protocol developed within the framework of ENCORA Theme “Restoration and Preservation of Coastal Biodiversity” and MarBEF Theme III and currently tested in other areas throughout Europe. • Launch of a Coastal WIKI • VLIZ : Integration of biodiversity data of MarBEF via 2 datasystems: • ERMS: the European Register of Marine Species (edited by a consortium of taxonomic experts) • EurOBIS webinterface = European node of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System: 3.5 million distribution data of 15,000 species from 47 data providers.
To conclude: Belgian scientific community involved in the field of Marine Ecology and Biodiversity presents a high expertise and offers the potential to actively contribute to the sustainable management of marine coastal ecosystems Some progress are needed: to federate the research themas and develop synergies between teams and projects for developing an holistic approach of the coastal ecosystem to increase the interaction between Belgian marine scientists and policy and management systems This is a key role that the BeNCoRe network could play by increasing communication between research teams, sharing specific expertise (biological valuation) and techniques.
BIOMAR Acknowledgments Magda Vincx, Steven Degraer (UG) Jan vanaverbeke (UG) Wim Vyverman & Koen Sabbe (UG) Filip Volckaert (KUL) Christiane Lancelot, David Gillan, Sylvie Becquevort (ULB) Wouter Courtens, Eric Stienen (INBO) Ward Appeltans (VLIZ) Annick Willmotte (UlG) Simon Claus (BeNCoRe)